Recent papers in Merchandising
Las series de televisión viven una nueva edad de oro, con multitud de espectadores en todo el mundo. Los expertos y el público acusan que la calidad de las series, y de sus guiones, son mejores que todas las películas que se exhiben en... more
Resumo O varejo de moda infantil vem conquistando espaço significativo na indústria têxtil brasileira. Dentre as estratégias de comunicação utilizadas pelo marketing das empresas, o visual merchandising tem grande destaque neste setor.... more
Purpose-Retailers are continuously seeking to improve upon the in-store shopping experience for their customers. The present research aims to examine consumers' responses to one such initiative-the shopper solution-that, despite its... more
Összefoglalás A drunkorexia jelenségével egyre gyakrabban találkozhatunk a médiában. A drunkorexia nem tartozik az evésmagatartás zavarai közé, illetve egyéb pszichiátriai kórképek közé sem sorolható, bár egyes tünetei hasonlóságot... more
La globalización se define como el crecimiento e intercambio entre naciones en
Purpose: As sport gradually becomes a full-scale business, a debate about the applicability and appropriateness of measures of performance has emerged. This research aims to analyse how the special features of sport businesses influence... more
The concept of CRM has evolved over a period of time through a sequence of initiatives, which have been directed towards improving business performance. In today's highly competitive business world CRM can be considered as the... more
SOMMARIO 1. I contratti commerciali di comunicazione e sfruttamento dell'immagine: sponsorizzazio-ne e pubblicità. Inquadramento generale.-1.1. I contratti di pubblicità.-1.2. Sponsorizza-zione e diritto all'immagine.-1.3.... more
In spite of having very good growth potential, retail in India is passing through turbulent times and therefore, differentiation becomes very essential. There are various players in apparel segment in terms of lifestyle format. These... more
O mercado televisivo é um mercado de discursos e linguagens sobre os quais a midiatização, atualizada hoje por programas como reality shows, vem trazendo a tona uma nova forma de publicidade. Com o aparecimento das novas mídias, foi... more
Retail industry in India is booming and there is fierce competition. The country indeed has become the cynosure of FDI in retail sector and policies are heading towards more liberalization to attract foreign investment. There are various... more
The impact of the management theories in journalism is interesting when analyzing the economic factors and their influence on the media sector. In the case study of the centenary Spanish journal ABC, we study the utility of the management... more
More than 100+ questions here for face any kind of Merchandising Job Interview.
It seems that quite often we don’t even get a chance to ask ourselves that question before a purchase makes its way into our shopping trolley. The urge to posses can be an unexpected, sudden and exciting force, very much tied with... more
Apparel industry in India is booming and there is fierce competition among various players in apparel segment in terms of lifestyle format. The study is aimed to find out impact of various dimensions of visual merchandising on impulse... more
This research exposes the technique used by Nestlé S.A. to improve its communication process as a brand to the client through the application of Trade Marketing concepts, executed through gamification. The theoretical framework of this... more
More recently, terms like ‘avatars’ and the phenomenon of fanatical conspicuous consumption, or anti-branding movements opens up thinking towards other religious belief systems, eastern perspectives and politics linked to brands. This... more
telp:+62 83 11 98 39 805 Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Udayana (Unud), Bali, Indonesia ABSTRAK Bisnis ritel pada saat ini berkembang begitu pesat. Omset penjualan yang didapat peritel dapat bersumber dari pembelian tidak... more
Nystrom (1990) described high tech markets as marketing dependent and technologically driven. Unfortunately, there is evidence that this linkage is not often recognized by organizations (Gupta, Ray and Wilemon 1985). High tech markets are... more
History of relations between Novgorod and the Hansa
RMG (Ready Made Garment is very important and helpful for our Bangladesh. Bangladesh has emerged as a key player in RMG (Ready Made Garment) sector since 1978. Textiles and clothing account for about 85% of total export earnings of... more
Il bookshop museale, fin dalle sue origini, è stato il luogo ideale per concretizzare in modo piacevole e di qualità l'esperienza della visita al museo, contribuendo alla definizione del gradimento degli utenti, alla promozione... more
In an era where technology prevails, entrepreneurs as well as marketers see the need to keep up with the fast pace of change or risk being outdated. Gone are the days when a pure-bricks business model will thrive well in current market... more
Flow Chart of Yarn Manufacturing Process
Manajemen persediaan adalah kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan pengawasan penentuan kebutuhan material/barang lainnya sehingga di satu pihak kebutuhan operasi dapat dipenuhi pada waktunya dan di lain pihak... more
A short term of basic accessories is given below: Button: A button is a small disc, typically round, object usually attached to an article of clothing in order to secure an opening, or for ornamentation. Zipper: A zipper or (zip fastener)... more
1. El concepto de Merchandising y el Vitrinismo 2. Coherencia entre vitrinismo y Publicidad. 3. El Posicionamiento, la Publicidad y el Vitrinismo. 4. Introducción al vitrinismo 5. La Vitrina y el arte teatral 1. El concepto de... more
La masificación del anime y el manga en Argentina impulsó -y fue posible gracias ala producción y comercialización a gran escala de objetos relacionados con ellos. Nos proponemos indagar las motivaciones que llevan a los aficionados de... more
TEXTBOOK in Bulgarian for BA students at NBU, covering topics on retail product, brand and merchendising strategy and tactics, as well as successful practicies from various categories are introduced to illustrate the history, approaches... more
This thesis examines the shifting relationship between the state and its subjects with regard to responsibility for and entitlement to care. Using Malaysia as a case study the research engages with international medical travel (IMT) as an... more
cost comparison of some of equipment and suitability for the particular application , analysis of the costing
In the age of the “transmediagesamtkunstwerk” – that is, a “total work of art” in which we no longer have one single work that concentrates a variety of media, but rather a work that finds expression through multiple media – the concept... more
The term ‘Halal’ is becoming more visible: as an ingredient brand, a label and as a seal of approval. However, it is debatable whether current branding approaches encapsulate the full nature and spirit of what Halal is and means. The... more