Medieval Pilgrim Signs and Ampullae
Recent papers in Medieval Pilgrim Signs and Ampullae
Pilgrimage art is visual culture intended to enhance or direct a pilgrim's experience at a particular sacred site. The artwork is quite varied, but it tends to fall into broad categories including reliquaries and shrines, architectural... more
This paper compares Chaucer's subtle satiric attitude toward pilgrimage and relics in the Canterbury Tales with the more overtly polemical tone of Erasmus's yet more polemical account. I suggest that the name of the Tabard Inn, from... more
Mots clés : pèlerinage, Moyen Âge, enseigne de pèlerinage, ampoule de pèlerinage, métal Résumé : La pratique du pèlerinage en Provence et au départ de Provence est documentée par les sources écrites, mais également par des objets achetés... more
Opening lines: "The journeys undertaken by medieval pilgrims leave their trail in the metal souvenirs subsequently found in archaeological excavations or as casual finds. The distribution patterns show us the favoured shrines often far... more
The paper is dedicated to the collection of ampullae preserved in the treasury of the basilica in Monza and endeavors to shed light on the circumstances surrounding their donation. Traditionally, it is held that these little reliquaries... more
The Sick Bow in the Church: Medical Care and Surgery in the Village of Oplinter / Brabant, Belgium (14th-early 16th century). One of the most curious medieval rural parish churches in the former duchy of Brabant is the church of St... more
This paper examines the dtsplay of collections of relics associated with Christian pilgrimage tn the prtvtleged context of a church building. Three collections are explored: the late-stxth-century Holy Land souvenirs buried with the body... more
The 'Holy Women' in the Liturgy and Art of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Twelfth Century Jerusalem. Forthcoming in: The Uses of the Bible in Crusader Sources, ed. E. Lapina and N. Morton (Brill, 2017) Examines the liturgical... more
In between the wide range of souvenirs available to the medieval pilgrim, the ampullae or small lead and/or pewter flasks form a special group. As part of our current research at the Radboud University at Nijmegen, Katja Boertjes is... more
The similarity is striking. A pair of medieval pilgrim ampullae closely resemble stained glass windows from Trinity Chapel in Canterbury Cathedral in their composition, iconography, and even their inscription. 1 This paper will examine... more
Die räumliche Beziehung zwischen dem Fundort eines Objektes und seinem Herstellungs- oder Emissionsort verrät viel über den Wert, den es für seinen Besitzer hatte – gerade bei Gegenständen mit einem ideellen oder religiösen Wert. Man kann... more
Through a discussion of the iconography of Armenian coins and an attempt to explain the mistaken identity of the principal figure on the previously incorrectly called "Coronation drams" of King Levon I of Cilician Armenia, which in fact... more
Pelgrimstekens tonen per definitie karakteristieke en goed herkenbare afbeeldingen van het heiligdom waaraan ze refereren. De insignes, zoals de van eenvoudig gietwerk in een mengsel van load en tin geproduceerde laatmiddeleeuwse... more
Ampullae are devotonal objects and a type of travel art that were flled with sacred contents that had ceremoniously come into contact with a relic associated with Christan pilgrimage and cult sites around the ancient Mediterranean.... more
After the dismantling of Becket’s shrine during the Protestant Reformation, the holiness associated with the saint has been diffused in and through material and aural culture. Drawing on the vernacular devotional use of Becket’s relics... more
The article is an extensive form of the introductory lecture at a session with the title “Local saints – local cult of saints“ of the 32nd Symposium of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Archaeology and Art of the Christian Archaeological... more
The similarity is striking. A pair of medieval pilgrim ampullae closely resemble stained glass windows from Trinity Chapel in Canterbury Cathedral in their composition, iconography, and even their inscription. 1 This paper will examine... more
Heeringen, R.M. van, A.M. Koldeweij &A.A.G. Gaalman 1987: Heiligen uit de modder: in Zeeland gevonden pelgrimstekens. Zutphen 1987 (Clavis kunsthistorische monografiën, 4).
I prepare high-quality illustrations of art objects or historical buildings for museums and academics to use in publications and related work. You can appreciate a small selection of my works at:... more
Pierwszym poświadczonym źródłowo przejawem kultu maryjnego w Gdańsku była budowa, około połowy XII w., kościoła grodowego pod wezwaniem Najświętszej Marii Panny. Z tego okresu, a także kolejnego stulecia brak jednak archeologicznych... more
This paper focuses on how the coin was used in the Middle Ages: the steps that are part of the process of spending and saving money, as well as the feelings of medieval man in Northern Spain. Que la moneda se fabrica, contiene unos... more
Catalogue of the pilgrimage related items coming from the southern border of the ancient Diocese of Chioggia and kept at the Diocesan Museum of Sacred Art of Chioggia (Venice)
Olympos Antik kentinde yapılan kazı çalışmaları sayesinde kentin Erken Bizans dönemine ait çok sayıda yapı belgelenmiştir. 2012 yılında yapılan çalışmalarda kentin kuzeyinde sivil bir konut işleviyle kullanılan bir yapının avlusundaki... more
Mount Sinai: A History of Travellers and Pilgrims examines the history of Hagia Koryphē (in Greek) or Jabal Mūsā (in Arabic), a mountain peak above the Monastery of St Catherine at South Sinai in Egypt, known for centuries as the place... more
Pierwszym poświadczonym źródłowo przejawem kultu maryjnego w Gdańsku była budowa, około połowy XII w., kościoła grodowego pod wezwaniem Najświętszej Marii Panny. Z tego okresu, a także kolejnego stulecia brak jednak archeologicznych... more
The objective of this study is to describe the histological and histochemical structure of the ampulla ductus defrentis during different seasons of the year. The experiment was carried out on the ampulla of the deferent duct of 24... more
This dissertation describes pilgrimages and pilgrims who traveled from the Croatian coast to Loreto and Assisi in the 18th century. The origin of passengers, their number and organization into groups, the time they spent on the... more