Papers by Dejan Gorgievski
Фиданоски Љ. 2019. Археолошки истражувања на неолитската населба Церје - Говрлево во 2008 и 2009 година. Macedoniae acta archaeologica 21: 55-70. .
Bulletin of Archaelogical Museum n. 15, 2023
The research was focused on
the highest part of the settlement, where a larger building with an o... more The research was focused on
the highest part of the settlement, where a larger building with an open part, a canal, entrances,
and several rooms with walls painted with plaster were discovered. It is obvious that they were
used for a long time, with several modifications and additions. In one part of the researched
area, we have discovered a unit which contained a handle from a Thassos amphora with a
seal, from the magistrate Megakleides of Thassos. Based on the find, we can conclude that
during the period of Megakleides (ca. 303-293), there was an intensive trade communication
of the settlement, which speaks of intensive contacts with the Aegean coast. Also, the other
finds from the site - fibulae, earrings, rings, and pottery, testify to a developed settlement with
elements - movable and immovable finds, which were imported directly from the Kingdom of
Macedonia. With this research, we have concluded that the site greatly expands the picture of
the civilizational development of this part of the Balkans, and the site itself directly connects
it with the nearby settlements detected in Knežje – Sveti Nikole and Kale – Krševica. Even
though there are indications that the settlement stagnated during the period of the Celtic attacks,
its end came probably somewhat later, during the clashes of the Macedonian-Dardan armies,
before the Roman conquest.
Macedoniae acta archaeologica 20, 2008
Muzejski glasnik, 2022
The locality called “Gradishte” at Byslim gorge, near the village of Pchinja, is a Late Antique f... more The locality called “Gradishte” at Byslim gorge, near the village of Pchinja, is a Late Antique fortress that has been a subject to archaeological excavations over the last two years. The excavations were directed to the east side of the locality where the east side of the church construction and fortress walls pieces had been uncovered.
The church excavations have shown that it was used for a long time period and was reconstructed several times. Although only the altar space and part of the nave were uncovered, it is obvious that it is a single apse basilica. The findings of fragmented glass lamps discovered in a particular stone construction, as well as the unique interventions to shape the central altar space are particularly interesting.
The excavations on the fortress wall have indicated that where a rectangular tower existed, a round construction called bastion was added touching directly the apse. Due to its position of touching the fortress wall this church belongs to very rare churches with such location found in Greece, Serbia and Bulgaria.
This article summarizes the preliminary results of the 2015 and 2016 field campaigns of the Kosto... more This article summarizes the preliminary results of the 2015 and 2016 field campaigns of the Kostoperska Karpa Regional Archaeology Project. Work was conducted on three sites within the survey area, at Kostoperska Karpa, Klečovce-Crkvište, and near the village of Biljanovce, and involved field walking, ceramic survey, and geophysical prospection. The results presented will form the basis of future work of the project and demonstrate the potential of integrated field and remote sensing survey methods in this region.
St. Eustratios is one of the Holy Five Martyrs of Sebaste. In this article his representations wi... more St. Eustratios is one of the Holy Five Martyrs of Sebaste. In this article his representations without the rest of the companions are examined, in which he has the role of interceding for the salvation of the soul. In the same context, his unique depiction in the monumental painting in the monastery of Treskavec is observed. There, his placement amid the group of warrior saints is explained as a result of the usage of that part of the church for the monk’s funerals, as is explained through the latest archaeological research.
Archaeology of a World of Changes. Late Roman and Early Byzantine Architecture, Sculpture and Landscapes, 2020
The continuity of habitation in Late Roman cities in the medieval period in the south-western
Bal... more The continuity of habitation in Late Roman cities in the medieval period in the south-western
Balkan Peninsula has long been neglected, for several reasons. Surprisingly, although there
were several indicators of medieval settlements built on Late Antique remains, their modest
appearance, compared with the Antique luxury below them, often resulted in ‘archaeological
destruction during the process of excavation during the first half of the twentieth century. In this
chapter, we examine the most important settlements in the area bordered by two important rivers,
the Vardar and the Bregalnica. The latest research clearly indicates that if the towns were not
completely destroyed in the Roman period, most of them were re-used in the medieval period.
Although only scattered traces survive, they are witnesses to the continuity of cities whose fate
mostly depended on internal factors rather than on the migrations.
Arheoloski informator 3, 2019
Arheoloski informator 3, 2019
This article summarizes the preliminary results of the 2015 and 2016 field campaigns of the Kosto... more This article summarizes the preliminary results of the 2015 and 2016 field campaigns of the Kostoperska Karpa Regional Archaeology Project. Work was conducted on three sites within the survey area, at Kostoperska Karpa, Klečovce-Crkvište, and near the village of Biljanovce, and involved field walking, ceramic survey, and geophysi-cal prospection. The results presented will form the basis of future work of the project and demonstrate the potential of integrated field and remote sensing survey methods in this region.
Како што многу често се случува со големите археолошки откритија, приказната за Кокино започнува ... more Како што многу често се случува со големите археолошки откритија, приказната за Кокино започнува случајно, за времетраење на сосема поинакво археолошко ископување, во близина на селото Стрновац. По добиените сознанија дека на врвот Татиќев Камен, "трагачите по богатство" повторно останале без посакуваниот плен, и дека, сé што откриле било само фрагменти од груби керамички садови, археолозите од НУ Музеј Куманово за прв пат, во длабоката есен 2001, стапнаа на локалитетот Кокино. Екипата предводена од Јовица Станковски, секако дека нé претпоставуваше дека со малиот обем на пробните сонди ќе го откријат еден од најзначајните локалитети од македонската праисторија. По аналогија, уште од самиот почеток, локалитетот се ископуваше по методологија на истражување на населбите од бронзенодопскиот период. Следните кампањи (до 2005 г.) резултираа со голем број на фрагментирани садови, куќен лепеж и алатки, односно со сите елементи кои ги содржи една бронзенодопска куќа. Се откри сé, освен основите на самите куќи. Тоа беше сериозна индикација за археолозите да започнат да размислуваат поинаку, и да отстапат со вообичаената, најлогична интерпретација на наодите и ситуациите. Со проширување на ископувањата, но и со мултидисциплинарниот пристап во истражувањето, археологот Станковски претпостави дека карпестиот рид над селото Кокино, во својата изворна фаза, претставувал светилиште, односно света планина или свет врв. Светилиштето доста веројатно било со регионален карактер, можеби и култен центар, со извонредна видливост во радиус од околу 30 км. Ова откритие силно одекна во балканските археолошки кругови, пред се, поради фактот што дотогаш, сосема малку се знаеше за верувањата на луѓето од бронзенодопскиот период. Светите планини беа евидентирани, како на Крит, така и во Бугарија, со тоа што последните доста подоцна се користени за таа цел. Просторот на денешна Република Македонија претставуваше "црна точка" во тој поглед, и освен парцијално публикуваното светилиште од Пелинце, немаше сигурни аналогии за реконструкција на изведуваните обреди на Кокино.
Most of the Late Bronze Age settlements in the northeastern region of the Republic of Macedonia w... more Most of the Late Bronze Age settlements in the northeastern region of the Republic of Macedonia were devastated or destroyed at the end of the Bronze Age (especially the ones near the main communications) by incursions from Central Europe. The newly-formed or rebuilt settlements contain elements suggesting presence of northern cultures. However, the dominant element was still the autochthonous population. The stamped pottery decorated with different motifs was the main characteristic of their material culture in the Early Iron Age. The evolution of that pottery continued in the Iron Age as well, and it clearly outlined the territory of its occurrence. It is a group of pottery that has most similarities in the ornaments with the region between Osogovo and the Upper Struma area, and it can be easily distinguished from the Lower Vardar pottery. On some other aspects of material and non-material culture it can be concluded that a culture group existed during the Iron Age in the northeastern region of the Republic of Macedonia, which was very different from the Paionian culture in the south.
As a part of the rich collection of medieval
jewelry from R. of Macedonia, there are few types
of... more As a part of the rich collection of medieval
jewelry from R. of Macedonia, there are few types
of medieval rings with an interesting, and only partially
explained symbolic representations. With this
article, we shall overview three examples: rings with
decoration in form of a pentagram, rings with the
so-called „blessing“ motive, and the newly discovered
ring with scorpion representation from Vodoca.
We will elaborate already published theories of their
symbolic meaning, and try to give a new view of it,
based mostly on the written sources, as well as on
representative byzantine examples.
Byzantion , 2015
On the background of the beautiful composition of the Descent into Hell in the church of St Georg... more On the background of the beautiful composition of the Descent into Hell in the church of St George at Kurbinovo (1191), an unusual detail can be noticed: the mountain that is flanking Christ seems to have a human face, with long hair and beard, closed eyes and an open mouth. This paper offers a short analysis of some unconventional Byzantine representations of the scene of the Descent into Hell, to arrive at the conclusion that the painter of Kurbinovo most likely painted a unique depiction of Hades, influenced by classical art and created on the basis of both apocryphal and liturgical texts.
The cult of the Five Martyrs from Sebasteia is
well attested among the Christian monuments of
t... more The cult of the Five Martyrs from Sebasteia is
well attested among the Christian monuments of
the Byzantine Empire. The leader of the group was
st. Eustratios, a saint with a career as a doux, and a
respectable orator. In the article, we have examined
his particular iconographic features, as well as his
appearances without the rest of the group. On the
mentioned representations (all of them are ivory
triptychs) he is included in the group of military
saints, with a role given to intercede for human
prayers. We believe that the role of St. Eustratios as
intercessor can also be attested in the painted program
of the northern dome of Treskavec monastery. In the
previous publications that threatened the problem of
the iconography of the Royal Deesis represented in
the dome, his representation was mixed with the one
of the warrior saint St. Eustatios of Placis. However,
it was not by chance that exactly the leader of the Five
Martyrs was represented here without the rest of his
companions. Therefore, we believe that the earliest
representation of the Royal Deesis should be linked
with the eschatological and soteriological message
of the dome`s painted program, and the subsidiary
spaces of the exonartex should be connected with the
monk`s funerary activities
The site Gradište is a typical hill fort with intensity of living from the Bronze
Age. Already in... more The site Gradište is a typical hill fort with intensity of living from the Bronze
Age. Already in the Late Bronze Age, the settlement which belonged to the Brnjica culture
was destroyed and a strong fortification was build. Due to its location, at the border zone
between North, East and South Balkan, the culture developed there was under influence
both by Dardanians, Tribalians, Thracians and South Paeonian tribes.
Papers by Dejan Gorgievski
the highest part of the settlement, where a larger building with an open part, a canal, entrances,
and several rooms with walls painted with plaster were discovered. It is obvious that they were
used for a long time, with several modifications and additions. In one part of the researched
area, we have discovered a unit which contained a handle from a Thassos amphora with a
seal, from the magistrate Megakleides of Thassos. Based on the find, we can conclude that
during the period of Megakleides (ca. 303-293), there was an intensive trade communication
of the settlement, which speaks of intensive contacts with the Aegean coast. Also, the other
finds from the site - fibulae, earrings, rings, and pottery, testify to a developed settlement with
elements - movable and immovable finds, which were imported directly from the Kingdom of
Macedonia. With this research, we have concluded that the site greatly expands the picture of
the civilizational development of this part of the Balkans, and the site itself directly connects
it with the nearby settlements detected in Knežje – Sveti Nikole and Kale – Krševica. Even
though there are indications that the settlement stagnated during the period of the Celtic attacks,
its end came probably somewhat later, during the clashes of the Macedonian-Dardan armies,
before the Roman conquest.
The church excavations have shown that it was used for a long time period and was reconstructed several times. Although only the altar space and part of the nave were uncovered, it is obvious that it is a single apse basilica. The findings of fragmented glass lamps discovered in a particular stone construction, as well as the unique interventions to shape the central altar space are particularly interesting.
The excavations on the fortress wall have indicated that where a rectangular tower existed, a round construction called bastion was added touching directly the apse. Due to its position of touching the fortress wall this church belongs to very rare churches with such location found in Greece, Serbia and Bulgaria.
Balkan Peninsula has long been neglected, for several reasons. Surprisingly, although there
were several indicators of medieval settlements built on Late Antique remains, their modest
appearance, compared with the Antique luxury below them, often resulted in ‘archaeological
destruction during the process of excavation during the first half of the twentieth century. In this
chapter, we examine the most important settlements in the area bordered by two important rivers,
the Vardar and the Bregalnica. The latest research clearly indicates that if the towns were not
completely destroyed in the Roman period, most of them were re-used in the medieval period.
Although only scattered traces survive, they are witnesses to the continuity of cities whose fate
mostly depended on internal factors rather than on the migrations.
jewelry from R. of Macedonia, there are few types
of medieval rings with an interesting, and only partially
explained symbolic representations. With this
article, we shall overview three examples: rings with
decoration in form of a pentagram, rings with the
so-called „blessing“ motive, and the newly discovered
ring with scorpion representation from Vodoca.
We will elaborate already published theories of their
symbolic meaning, and try to give a new view of it,
based mostly on the written sources, as well as on
representative byzantine examples.
well attested among the Christian monuments of
the Byzantine Empire. The leader of the group was
st. Eustratios, a saint with a career as a doux, and a
respectable orator. In the article, we have examined
his particular iconographic features, as well as his
appearances without the rest of the group. On the
mentioned representations (all of them are ivory
triptychs) he is included in the group of military
saints, with a role given to intercede for human
prayers. We believe that the role of St. Eustratios as
intercessor can also be attested in the painted program
of the northern dome of Treskavec monastery. In the
previous publications that threatened the problem of
the iconography of the Royal Deesis represented in
the dome, his representation was mixed with the one
of the warrior saint St. Eustatios of Placis. However,
it was not by chance that exactly the leader of the Five
Martyrs was represented here without the rest of his
companions. Therefore, we believe that the earliest
representation of the Royal Deesis should be linked
with the eschatological and soteriological message
of the dome`s painted program, and the subsidiary
spaces of the exonartex should be connected with the
monk`s funerary activities
Age. Already in the Late Bronze Age, the settlement which belonged to the Brnjica culture
was destroyed and a strong fortification was build. Due to its location, at the border zone
between North, East and South Balkan, the culture developed there was under influence
both by Dardanians, Tribalians, Thracians and South Paeonian tribes.
the highest part of the settlement, where a larger building with an open part, a canal, entrances,
and several rooms with walls painted with plaster were discovered. It is obvious that they were
used for a long time, with several modifications and additions. In one part of the researched
area, we have discovered a unit which contained a handle from a Thassos amphora with a
seal, from the magistrate Megakleides of Thassos. Based on the find, we can conclude that
during the period of Megakleides (ca. 303-293), there was an intensive trade communication
of the settlement, which speaks of intensive contacts with the Aegean coast. Also, the other
finds from the site - fibulae, earrings, rings, and pottery, testify to a developed settlement with
elements - movable and immovable finds, which were imported directly from the Kingdom of
Macedonia. With this research, we have concluded that the site greatly expands the picture of
the civilizational development of this part of the Balkans, and the site itself directly connects
it with the nearby settlements detected in Knežje – Sveti Nikole and Kale – Krševica. Even
though there are indications that the settlement stagnated during the period of the Celtic attacks,
its end came probably somewhat later, during the clashes of the Macedonian-Dardan armies,
before the Roman conquest.
The church excavations have shown that it was used for a long time period and was reconstructed several times. Although only the altar space and part of the nave were uncovered, it is obvious that it is a single apse basilica. The findings of fragmented glass lamps discovered in a particular stone construction, as well as the unique interventions to shape the central altar space are particularly interesting.
The excavations on the fortress wall have indicated that where a rectangular tower existed, a round construction called bastion was added touching directly the apse. Due to its position of touching the fortress wall this church belongs to very rare churches with such location found in Greece, Serbia and Bulgaria.
Balkan Peninsula has long been neglected, for several reasons. Surprisingly, although there
were several indicators of medieval settlements built on Late Antique remains, their modest
appearance, compared with the Antique luxury below them, often resulted in ‘archaeological
destruction during the process of excavation during the first half of the twentieth century. In this
chapter, we examine the most important settlements in the area bordered by two important rivers,
the Vardar and the Bregalnica. The latest research clearly indicates that if the towns were not
completely destroyed in the Roman period, most of them were re-used in the medieval period.
Although only scattered traces survive, they are witnesses to the continuity of cities whose fate
mostly depended on internal factors rather than on the migrations.
jewelry from R. of Macedonia, there are few types
of medieval rings with an interesting, and only partially
explained symbolic representations. With this
article, we shall overview three examples: rings with
decoration in form of a pentagram, rings with the
so-called „blessing“ motive, and the newly discovered
ring with scorpion representation from Vodoca.
We will elaborate already published theories of their
symbolic meaning, and try to give a new view of it,
based mostly on the written sources, as well as on
representative byzantine examples.
well attested among the Christian monuments of
the Byzantine Empire. The leader of the group was
st. Eustratios, a saint with a career as a doux, and a
respectable orator. In the article, we have examined
his particular iconographic features, as well as his
appearances without the rest of the group. On the
mentioned representations (all of them are ivory
triptychs) he is included in the group of military
saints, with a role given to intercede for human
prayers. We believe that the role of St. Eustratios as
intercessor can also be attested in the painted program
of the northern dome of Treskavec monastery. In the
previous publications that threatened the problem of
the iconography of the Royal Deesis represented in
the dome, his representation was mixed with the one
of the warrior saint St. Eustatios of Placis. However,
it was not by chance that exactly the leader of the Five
Martyrs was represented here without the rest of his
companions. Therefore, we believe that the earliest
representation of the Royal Deesis should be linked
with the eschatological and soteriological message
of the dome`s painted program, and the subsidiary
spaces of the exonartex should be connected with the
monk`s funerary activities
Age. Already in the Late Bronze Age, the settlement which belonged to the Brnjica culture
was destroyed and a strong fortification was build. Due to its location, at the border zone
between North, East and South Balkan, the culture developed there was under influence
both by Dardanians, Tribalians, Thracians and South Paeonian tribes.
The site “Crkvište” or The Great Church, near Klečovce, Kumanovo – Republic of Macedonia is relatively unknown archaeological site. Mentioned one hundred years ago by Balkan travel writers who managed to notice “lots of worked stones with Latin inscriptions” it remained unexcavated until 2001, when the first trenches were set on the site. The results of the excavated area were remarkable – within few years, the roman necropolis, the settlement enclosures and a sacral building were located and partially explored. According to the results from the field surveys conducted at the pointed area, the settlement measured approximately 14 Ha. According to the found inscription, we presume that the settlement can be identified as Statio Vizianus.
Vizianus was an important road station, located in the province Moesia Superior. It lied on one of the important routes in antiquity in this region: Scupi – Pautalia – Serdica. The routes that passed here, over time had become a first - class economic and cultural factor significant not only for the trade traffic, but they were also the directions through which various influences from the Roman culture came to this part of the empire. Vizianus was certainly no exception. On the basis of the findings of the field survey we know that the station existed in Early Roman times, but it was especially developed in Late Antiquity when it was very close to the tripoint of the roman provinces Moesia Superior, Thracia and Macedonia.
Within the last three years, the excavations were concentrated on the previously recorded “sacral building”. It is a basilica type, one apsidal church, built in the 5th century. It`s 35m in length, combined with its complex plan (with adjoined side annexes and an atrium) speaks of an important building situated on an important road. The walls of the atrium are reused from an older building that was identified as a roman bath. So far, we have managed to excavate the caldarium with the preserved hypocaustum and the praefurnium. The remains of the others parts of the bath are still unexcavated and they will be a point of interest in the next seasons. The site offers a unique experience in monitoring the transformation of the late roman culture into the early Christian culture. Moreover, the traces of living from the Middle Byzantine Period are marking the settlement as an important crossroad, with a longue dureé expending even in the Ottoman period.
archaeological excavations in the Republic of Macedonia that were presented
at the XXI Meeting of the Macedonian Archaeological Scientific Association,
held in Strumica in 2010.