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Publié à l'origine dans "Modèles linguistiques", n° 66, 2012.
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      Late Middle AgesMoyen-âge/RenaissanceEarly Middle Ages (History)Gascon Occitan
This study of the aristocratic residences of the ancient county of Astarac results from works done between 2003 and 2011. It is part of general survey of the medieval fortresses of Midi-Pyrénées which started in 1994 and aims at... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyMedieval HistoryLandscape Archaeology
Published in "Bulletin de la Société de Borda", no. 477, 2005. It was not possible to distinguish the Gascons and the Basques living between the Pyrenees and the river Garonne in the sources written between the 7th and 11th century. They... more
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      Carolingian StudiesBasque HistoryEarly Middle Ages (History)Merovingian period
"Contact and Exchange in Later Medieval Europe. Essays in Honour of Malcolm Vale", ed. H. Skoda et alii, 2012. It is often assumed that people sharing a common language follow the same political allegiance. In comparing the medieval... more
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      Basque StudiesEarly Medieval HistoryMedieval EnglandMedieval France
De onduidelijke oorsprong van het huis van Albret is lange tijd onderwerp geweest van historisch debat. Vanaf de zestiende eeuw maken opeenvolgende legendarische herschrijvingen hen de afstammelingen van de koningen van Navarra of van de... more
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      Late Medieval English HistoryThe Hundred Years WarLate medieval FranceLate Medieval French History
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      The PlantagenetsHenry III of England (1216-1272)GascogneSimon De Montfort
La carrière de Robert de Thurnham donne l’exemple d’une ascension spectaculaire permise par le service royal au tournant du xiiie siècle. Lorsqu’à son retour de croisade en 1194 Robert de Thurnham est fait sénéchal d’Anjou par Richard... more
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      Medieval EuropeKingship (Medieval History)Medieval EnglandMedieval France
El proyecto concebido por el Profesor Dr. D. Ricardo Cierbide y elaborado conjun tamente con D. Julián Santano, cuya realización efectiva inaugura el presente volumen, ofrece el mayor interés, a decir verdad, un interés fundamental para... more
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      Romance philologyRomance LanguagesGascon OccitanGascon dialect
Contrairement aux idées reçues actuelles, l'identité dominante à Bayonne jusqu'au début du XXe siècle fut l'identité gasconne et non basque. Plusieurs témoignages historiques à ce sujet sont réunis à partir du XIIIe siècle. Le second lien... more
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      Medieval HistoryBasque StudiesBasque HistoryGascon Occitan
Published in the "Nottingham Medieval Studies", LII, 2008. From 1364 until the end of Anglo-Gascon Aquitaine (1453), an assembly of the Three Estates has existed, often divided into two assemblies (the Three Estates of Bordelais and... more
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      Late Medieval English HistoryMedieval EnglandMedieval FranceThe Hundred Years War