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Computer games are an increasingly popular application for Artificial Intelligence (AI) research, and conversely AI is an increasingly popular selling point for commercial games. Although games are typically associated with entertainment,... more
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      Artificial IntelligentMedical Traininggame AIInteractive Monitoring System
Drosophila melanogaster is a small fruit fly that feeds on and lives around spoiled fruit. It is one of the most valuable organisms in genetics research and developmental biology. Drosophila's are popularly used in studying traits because... more
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      Software EngineeringHealth CareHealth EducationUltrasound
The development of immersive learning technologies in the form of virtual reality and advanced computer applications has meant that realistic creations of simulated environments are now possible. Such simulations have been used to great... more
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      Instructional DesignLearning TechnologyAuthentic LearningVirtual Reality
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      PhilosophyApplied EthicsTacit KnowledgeHealth Professionals
Context and objectives: Undergraduate medical training program accreditation is practiced in many countries, but information from developing countries is sparse. We compared medical training program accreditation systems in nine... more
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      Education for CitizenshipDeveloping CountriesAccreditationSouth Africa
The simulation of medical procedures through virtual reality systems can offer realistic training environments for new professionals. This paper presents the development of a simulator for medical training, based in a previous study case.... more
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      Virtual RealityCase StudyApplication developmentMedical Training
rule systems can affect reasoning about everyday-life eventsnhas been rejected by 20th century psychologists on the basis of rather scant evidence. We examined the effects of graduate training in law, medicine, psychology, and chemistry... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceCritical ThinkingProblem solving (Cognitive Psychology)
Although many psychologists support prescription privileges, the historical training paradigm in psychology includes limited scientific education directly relevant to prescribing medications. Issues related to prescriptive authority for... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyCognitive ScienceRegulation
Increasing access through innovative admission criteria From the very beginning, an affirmative action plan was implemented in the medical training program aimed at increasing the number of black African students, especially from the... more
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      Health CareCommunity Based EducationProblem Based LearningRural Health
As educators seek confirmation of successful trainee achievement, medical education must move toward a more evidence-based approach to teaching and evaluation. Although medical training often provides physicians with a general background... more
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      Medical EducationFaculty DevelopmentGeneral Internal MedicineEducation Research
Reporting by radiographers is currently an extended role. The College of Radiographers however considers that in the future reporting will be a requirement for all radiographers.
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      Image InterpretationClinical SciencesMedical TrainingRadiography
In healthcare, developing high procedural skill levels through training is a key factor for obtaining good clinical results on surgical procedures. Providing feedback to each student tailored to how the student has performed the procedure... more
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      Process MiningHealthcareFeedbackSurgical Procedures
This review paper discusses the role of haptics within virtual medical training applications, particularly, where it can be used to aid a practitioner to learn and practice a task. The review summarizes aspects to be considered in the... more
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      HapticsMedical SimulationVirtual RealityHaptic Interface Design
The current economic crisis in Africa has posed a serious challenge to policies of comprehensive and equitable health care. This paper examines the extent to which the Zimbabwe government has achieved the policy of "Equity in Health" it... more
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      SociologyAnthropologyPovertyPrimary Health Care
The practice of medicine has always been characterized by uncertainty. Yet, attempts to study tolerance for uncertainty in medicine have been few, and limited to its influence on specialty preferences and test-ordering behavior. In... more
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      SociologyAnthropologyMedical EducationMedicine
In 1994 and 1995, the Medical Council of Canada used an innovative approach to set the pass mark on its large scale, multi-center national OSCE which is designed to assess basic clinical and communication skills in physicians in Canada... more
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      HealthCommunication SkillMedical TrainingCurriculum and Pedagogy
This longitudinal study was designed to test three hypotheses that medical students who can cope better with adversity would: (1) have a more positive personality profile, (2) report less physical illnesses, (3) perform better... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceMedical EducationStress Management
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      Cognitive ScienceComputer GraphicsSurgeryVirtual Reality
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a b s t r a c t a r t i c l e i n f o Keywords: Brain drain Health workforce Millennium Development Goals Reproductive and sexual health
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      ObstetricsChild WelfareDeveloping CountriesPublic Health
Background: In recent years outpatient palliative care, even for patients in an advanced state of their disease, has gained importance. Therefore, also paramedics are more often confronted with palliative emergencies, advance directives,... more
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      Emergency MedicinePalliative CareEmergency Medical ServicesEnd of life
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      PathologyVeterinary MedicineEducationHealth Professional Education
BACKGROUND: In 2000 a diverse group of clinicians/ educators at an inner-city safety-net hospital identified relational skills to reduce disparities at the point of care.
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      Health CareCultural CompetencyCultural CompetenceGeneral Internal Medicine
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      NursingMultivariate StatisticsWorking TimeHuman Resources for Health
PURPOSE: Studies show that measures of physician and medical students' empathy decline with clinical training. Presently, there are limited data relating selfreported measures to observed behavior. This study explores a self-reported... more
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      BehaviorGeneral Internal MedicineComparative StudyMedicine
In this paper, a patient model is used in the core of a medical training simulator. A concrete case is developed and validated by an expert. The process followed in description, designing and evaluation of this case is described in... more
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      Realidade VirtualDesign processexpert SystemKnowledge base
Background: Digital health technologies hold promise to enhance patient-related outcomes, to support health care staff by reducing their workload, and to improve the coordination of care. As key users of digital health technologies,... more
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      Medical EducationDigital TechnologieseHealthMedical Training
The work in the Touch Lab (formal name: Laboratory for Human and Machine Haptics) is guided by a broad vision of haptics which includes all aspects of information acquisition and object manipulation through touch by humans, machines, of a... more
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      Software EngineeringHuman Computer InteractionHaptic PerceptionVirtual Reality
There is increasing realization that some tasks can be performed significantly better by humans than robots but, due to associated hazards, distance, etc., only a robot can be employed. Telemedicine is one area where remotely controlled... more
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      RoboticsVirtual RealityActuatorsHaptic Interface Design
-Ensino médico.
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      Health PromotionMental HealthMedical EducationMedical Students
Making decisions about the care of individual patients is fundamental to health care. For each patient, many decisions have to be made. In the emergency room, for example, a doctor should decide which patient to see first, decide whether... more
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      Decision MakingHealth CareMedical Decision MakingX Rays
Introduction: To evaluate the perceptions of the graduates of our medical school regarding the quality of their educational programme. Materials and Methods: A total of 183 questionnaires, each containing 262 questions, were completed... more
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      Program EvaluationMedical EducationConsumer BehaviorQuality Improvement
Object Nowadays, most of the surgical training programs follow a duration-based format that focuses on improving technical skills of trainees for a fixed amount of time before declaring their proficiency. More recently, different... more
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      Medical StudentsDiscriminant AnalysisHuman BodyTask Performance
This is a review of recently published literature on surgery in tropical Africa. It presents the current state of surgical need and surgical practice on the continent. We discuss the enormous burden of surgical pathology (as far as it is... more
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BACKGROUND: Medical students are rarely taught how to integrate communication and clinical reasoning. Not understanding the relation between these skills may lead students to undervalue the connection between psychosocial and biomedical... more
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      CommunicationGeneral Internal MedicineClinical ReasoningCurriculum
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceFinite Element MethodsComputational Modeling
This article deals with the presence of physicians, surgeons and apothecaries in the early modern Portuguese empire and the dissemination of medical knowledge there. In Portugal itself, the health care sector had been the target of... more
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      Colonial MedicineSurgical TrainingMedical TrainingCarreira da Índia
Traditional approaches of assessment in the medical domain are insufficient for evaluating trainees' technical skills. Currently, many European medical training bodies are attempting to introduce competence-based training programmes for... more
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      Human FactorsCognitionReliability TheoryCompetency based training
Context and objectives: Undergraduate medical training program accreditation is practiced in many countries, but information from developing countries is sparse. We compared medical training program accreditation systems in nine... more
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      Education for CitizenshipDeveloping CountriesAccreditationSouth Africa
To examine where rural physicians grew up, when during their training they became interested in rural medicine, factors influencing their decision to practise rural medicine, and differences in these measures according to rural or urban... more
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      Decision MakingFamily PracticeMedical TrainingPublic health systems and services research
This article contributes to knowledge on medical training and careers at a time of change driven by Enlightenment ideas, but also a time of conflict between age-old structures and new legal frameworks. By analyzing an individual... more
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      PortugalMedical Training
This article reports a study comparing the problem-solving performance of housestaff with undergraduate medical training in either conventional or problem-based schools. After reading two clinical cases, residents were required to write... more
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      DentistryProblem Based LearningFamily PracticeDental Education
Summary. Concern is often expressed about the English language proficiency (ELP) of students engaged in professional training. This report assesses the ELP of the 1990 and 1991 intakes into medicine at the University of Sydney. A quick... more
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      EducationEnglish languageMedical EducationAustralia
When prescribing opioids to treat chronic pain, physicians face the dilemma of balancing effective pain management while avoiding iatrogenic opioid addiction. Through mailed surveys, the current study assessed concerns, perceptions, and... more
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      PsychologyPrimary CarePerceptionAddiction
Critical Care 2007, 11(Suppl 3):P1 (doi: 10.1186/cc5788)
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      Critical CareCardiac arrestInternal MedicineCardiopulmonary Resuscitation
Little sociological research has sought to investigate the ways in which women with hospitalized newborn infants construct and practice motherhood. This article seeks to address this lacuna, using data from a qualitative research project... more
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      SociologyMedical SociologyAnthropologyParenting
In anatomy education, assessment may be done by written, practical or oral methods. These are used to varying degrees in UK medical schools with no consensus on the preferred approach. The purpose of this article is to highlight changes... more
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      RadiologySurgeryAssessmentEducational Measurement
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      Educational MeasurementUnited StatesEducation SystemsClinical Skills
The paper addresses the opportunity of using gestures in virtual environments by taking into account current technologies for capturing human gestures, existing interaction techniques and various aspects dealing with gesture and... more
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      Human Computer InteractionVirtual EnvironmentMedical Training
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      Sexual AbuseChild AbusePediatric SurgeryInfant