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collection of problem solving tools and the most sophisticated useful method in achieving process stability and improving the process capability through the reduction of variability. In the manufacturing process, every product doesn't... more
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      ManagementStatistical Process ControlQuality ControlBusiness Management
A generalized geometric distribution is introduced and briefly studied. First it is noted that it is a proper probability distribution. Then its probability generating function, mean and variance are derived. The probability distribution... more
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      Applied MathematicsEconometricsStatisticsProbability Distribution & Applications
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      Stochastic ProcessEconometricsStatisticsEconometric Theory
This paper is written for the purpose of comparing the difference between private and public banks by taking top Indian Public and private banks and using certain parameters which are very valuable for a bank. We know the banking sector... more
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      Standard DeviationMeanIcici BankPublic sector Banks
Bu bildiride, Alzheimer gibi bilişsel rahatsızlıkları olan kişilerin evde sağlık hizmetleri için kablosuz algılayıcılar kullanılarak geliştirilen bir uzaktan izleme sisteminin insan eylemlerinin tanınması parçasına yoğunlaşılmıştır. Bu... more
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      VibrationsCognitionHealth CareStatistical Analysis
Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and... more
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      International PoliticsChinaSurveysMean
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      Electrical EngineeringLineConditional probabilityMedian
The negative binomial distribution of order k is introduced and briefly studied. First it is shown that it is a proper probability distribution. Then its probability generating function, mean and variance are derived. Finally it is shown... more
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      StatisticsStatistical AnalysisBiometricsProbability
Direct numerical simulations of bubbly flows are reviewed and recent progress is discussed. Simulations of homogeneous bubble distribution in fully periodic domains at relatively low Reynolds numbers have already yielded 9 considerable... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringApplied MathematicsMicrostructureCombustion
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and... more
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      Human Factors EngineeringTrackingIntegrationSITUATIONAL AWARENESS
The traditional methods of security assessment using offline data and SCADA data have become inconsistent for real time operations. The latest and propelled strategy in electric power system used for security assessment is... more
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      Global Positioning SystemKalman FilterVarianceCovariance Matrix
In radar signal detection, the problem is to automatically detect a target in a nonstationary noise and clutter background while maintaining a constant probability of false alarm. Classical detection using a matched filter receiver and a... more
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      Probability TheoryProbabilityAdaptive SystemsSignals
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      Control SystemsSimulationTurbulent boundary layerVelocity
This study aimed at correlating the presence of extrahepatic manifestations with hepatitis B virus (HBV) genotypes in patients with chronic HBV infection.This was a national (France), multicenter, retrospective, cross-sectional study. HBV... more
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In the paper, the authors introduce a notion "(α, m)-GA-convex functions" and establish some integral inequalities of Hermite-Hadamard type for (α, m)-GA-convex functions.
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      Applied MathematicsPure MathematicsDerivativeMean
ii REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining... more
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      AnthropometryLife Support SystemsEmergenciesMean
Diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging (DT-MRI) is unique in providing information about both the structural integrity and the orientation of white matter fibers in vivo and, through “tractography”, revealing the trajectories of... more
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      Computer ScienceAlgorithmsMagnetic Resonance ImagingMRI
The entire earth consist of so many varieties of rock minerals which compositely for an entire rock mass which may be natural or artificial rock slopes which are at the level of the ground itself or it may be a deepest cuts or the hill... more
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      Standard DeviationMeanReliability IndexProbability of Failure
Satellite images are playing a major role in region structure planning, change detection which is used in defense for protection and also used for study and analysis of geographical structures of earth and space. Clouds are challenging... more
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      Image ProcessingRemote SensingCloudSatellite Imaging
The long-term foetal surveillance is often to be recommended. Hence, the fully non-invasive acoustic recording, through maternal abdomen, represents a valuable alternative to the ultrasonic cardiotocography. Unfortunately, the recorded... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringSignal ProcessingSoftware QualityMedical Biotechnology
As more high-resolution observations become available, our view of ocean mesoscale turbulence more closely becomes that of a "sea of eddies." The presence of the coherent vortices significantly affects the dynamics and the statistical... more
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This paper is written for the purpose of comparing the difference between private and public banks by taking top Indian Public and private banks and using certain parameters which are very valuable for a bank. We know the banking sector... more
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      Standard DeviationMeanIcici BankPublic sector Banks
In TDMA (time division multiple access), stations transmit their messages on a shared communication channel using their dedicated time slots. All the previous delay analyses of TDMA have been based on the assumption that either the... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceStatistical AnalysisQueueing theory
The main goal of investors is to minimize risk at any point of a given returns or/and maximize returns at any given risk. Asset allocation involves allotting investments among different assets. Optimal asset allocation minimizes risk of... more
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This paper explores the new technique for CBIR based on bins approach. Bins approach is based on the novel idea of dividing the image histograms into four parts to form 64 bins. Each image is separated into three planes and a histogram of... more
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      Image ProcessingCBIRSkewnessMean
Wireless capsule endoscopy (WCE) is a recently developed technology to detect small intestine diseases, such as bleeding. In this paper, a scheme for automatic bleeding detection from WCE video is proposed based on different statistical... more
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      Statistical AnalysisWireless Sensor NetworksImage ClassificationVariance
A generalized geometric distribution is introduced and briefly studied. First it is noted that it is a proper probability distribution. Then its probability generating function, mean and variance are derived. The probability distribution... more
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      Applied MathematicsEconometricsStatisticsProbability and statistics
silvia mayén, carmen Batanero, carmen díaz conflictos semióticos de estudiantes mexicanos en un proBlema de comparación de datos ordinales semiotic conflicts of mexican students for a proBlem of comparison of ordinal data RESUMEN. En este... more
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      MediaMedianOrdinal DataMean
In modeling teletraffic performance of mobile cellular networks, previous work has made use of the concept of dwell time-a random variable that describes the amount of time a platform remains in a cell, sector, or microcell. The dwell... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringComputer NetworksComputationStandard Deviation
La estimación del tamaño del efecto (TE) se considera actualmente como un complemento necesario a las pruebas de hipótesis, no obstante, su uso se encuentra aún poco extendido entre los investigadores en Psicología. Este trabajo ofrece... more
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      MediasRevista Latinoamericana de PsicologíaMean
The paper examines the impact of Superhero cartoons such as Bheem, Little Singham and Vir on school going children in India. Children lack perceptual defence to mass media messages, unlike the adults. They learn to speak, to dress, to... more
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      CultureSocial MediaChildrenInterviews
the structural integrity and the orientation of white matter fibers in vivo and, through "tractography", revealing the trajectories of white matter tracts. DT-MRI is therefore a promising technique for detecting differences in white... more
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      Computer ScienceAlgorithmsMagnetic Resonance ImagingMRI
Averaging (in statistical terms, estimation of the location of data) is one of the most commonly used procedures in neuroscience and the basic procedure for obtaining event-related potentials (ERP). Only the arithmetic mean is routinely... more
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      Cognitive ScienceAlgorithmsElectrophysiologyElectroencephalography
Data is increasing day by day. So we can’t store them in local storage. But the cloud provides a huge resource, flexibility, and software. So we don’t need to make a costly and more complicated system. On the other hand, because of handle... more
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      RSAHomomorphic EncryptionMeanIaeme Ijaret
Übungsaufgaben und Musterlösungen zu den statistischen Lagemaßen.
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      StatisticsApplied StatisticsModusMedian
the structural integrity and the orientation of white matter fibers in vivo and, through "tractography", revealing the trajectories of white matter tracts. DT-MRI is therefore a promising technique for detecting differences in white... more
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      Computer ScienceAlgorithmsMagnetic Resonance ImagingMRI
This study examined the effects of hypohydration on thermoregulation during cold exposure. In addition, the independent influences of hypohydration-associated hypertonicity and hypovolemia were investigated. Nine male volunteers were... more
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      Biological SciencesWeight LossDiureticsApplied
We present a general second order statistical analysis of the 2D Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) resulted after the computation of the correlation functions in all possible cases: inter-scale and inter-band dependency, inter-scale and... more
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      StatisticsSignal ProcessingStatistical AnalysisDifferential Equations
In this paper, the phenomenology of wave propagation through foliage and forest ground reflectivity is investigated for assessing the feasibility of foliage-covered target detection at millimeter-wave frequencies. An experimental... more
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      AntennasForestryBiomassStandard Deviation
The long-term foetal surveillance is often to be recommended. Hence, the fully non-invasive acoustic recording, through maternal abdomen, represents a valuable alternative to the ultrasonic cardiotocography. Unfortunately, the recorded... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringSignal ProcessingSoftware QualityMedical Biotechnology
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Prescribed by ANSI Std. Z39.18
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      Finite Element AnalysisNonlinear SystemsOcean WavesSurface Waves
In this paper we voice concerns about the uncritical manner in which the mean is often used as a summary statistic in psychological research. We identify a number of implicit assumptions underlying the use of the mean and argue that the... more
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      Biochemical EngineeringPrincipal Component AnalysisStatistical AnalysisBiomass
As more high-resolution observations become available, our view of ocean mesoscale turbulence more closely becomes that of a "sea of eddies." The presence of the coherent vortices significantly affects the dynamics and the statistical... more
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In the paper, some lower bounds for polygamma functions are refined.
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      Pure MathematicsInequalityLower BoundRefinement
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      LineLaplace TransformConditional probabilityMedian
The main goal of investors is to minimize risk at any point of a given returns or/and maximize returns at any given risk. Asset allocation involves allotting investments among different assets. Optimal asset allocation minimizes risk of... more
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      Computer ScienceOptimizationDiversificationPortfolio
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estImated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and... more
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