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      Moduspemusatan data
Представлены результаты исследования философского концепта модальности; с целью конкретизации смысла данного понятия автор обращается к логике, богословию и юриспруденции. Проанализированы лексические значения и научное содержание понятий... more
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      ModusMedianStandar Deviasi
Indikator, peserta didik dapat:
9.3 Menentukan median dan modus dari suatu data
9.4 Menentukan ukuran penyebaran data
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Among other expressions indicating the obligation is the existential clause lā budda in Arabic. Literally “no way out [to]”, it is often translated into French by “nulle échappatoire [à] (it is necessary [that])” or by the verb devoir,... more
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsDeontic LogicLinguistic ModalityEpistemic modality
Übungsaufgaben und Musterlösungen zu Median, Perzentilen und Modus.
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      StatisticsApplied StatisticsModusMedian
Contoh soal dan cara mengerjakan Mean, Median dan Modus
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      StatisticsMeaningModusPendidikan Matematika
Статья посвящена поиску методологической позиции, позволяющей интерпретировать модусы и прежде всего модальные лады, как космографические и этические объекты без утраты подхода к ним как к собственно музыкальным явлениям. Исследование... more
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      MusicologySemanticsIndian MusicModality
Dari hasil penyebaran angket terhadap 12 orang tua jemaat di suatu gereja dengan 15 pertanyaan dengan skor : 5= sangat setuju, 4 = setuju, 3 = ragu-ragu, 2 = tidak setuju, 1 = sangat tidak setuju, Maka, diperoleh data: 74, 68, 70,... more
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      ModusMedianStatistikStandar Deviasi
Übungsaufgaben und Musterlösungen zu den statistischen Lagemaßen.
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      StatisticsApplied StatisticsModusMedian
We give some lectures on the work on formal logic of Jacques Herbrand, and sketch his life and his influence on automated theorem proving. The intended audience ranges from students interested in logic over historians to logicians.... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceHistory of LogicModus
Diese umfangreiche Vorlesung für Studierende des berufsbegleitenden Bachelor-Studiengangs Betriebswirtschaftslehre an der Hochschule Harz umfasst alle wesentlichen Grundlagen der deskriptiven (beschreibenden), explorativen (suchenden) und... more
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Hyperparadigms an investigation of paradigmatic interplay in Danish mood systems Ph.D.-dissertation, September 2006 by Tanya Karoli Christensen This dissertation defends the view that a paradigmatic perspective is necessary for... more
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Among other expressions indicating the obligation is the existential clause lā budda in Arabic. Literally “no way out [to]”, it is often translated into French by “nulle échappatoire [à] (it is necessary [that])” or by the verb devoir,... more
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsDeontic LogicLinguistic ModalityEpistemic modality
Übungsaufgaben und Musterlösungen zu den statistischen Lagemaßen.
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      StatisticsApplied StatisticsModusMedian
The objective of this study is to investigate influence of firm’s intellectual capital (IC) on theirfinancial performance. This paper uses the Pulic Framework and data from 73 publicly listedcompanies between the years 2003 and 2005 on... more
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      ManagementMathematicsTeaching and LearningStatistics
Übungsaufgaben und Musterlösungen zu Median, Perzentilen und Modus.
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      StatisticsApplied StatisticsModusMedian
Abstract: We give some lectures on the work on formal logic of Jacques Herbrand, and sketch his life and his influence on automated theorem proving. The intended audience ranges from students interested in logic over historians to... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceHistory of LogicModus
Abstract: We give some lectures on the work on formal logic of Jacques Herbrand, and sketch his life and his influence on automated theorem proving. The intended audience ranges from students interested in logic over historians to... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceHistory of LogicModus
This study aims to explore the intergenerational knowledge transfer mechanism in family frms. Using the case study method, this qualitative research examines 14 family frms. Data were obtained through semi-structured inter views with... more
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    • Modus
Setiap perusahaan membutuhkan sebuah anggaran yang dapat digunakan sebagai alat untuk perencanaan dan evaluasi. Proses penyusunan sebuah anggaran menjadi hal penting yang harus diperhatikan oleh perusahaan agar dapat sesuai dengan sasaran... more
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      AccountingAkuntansiModusJURNAL AKUNTANSI
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh bukti empiris tentang pengaruh IT spending terhadap nilai perusahaan. Metode pengambilan sampel dilakukan berdasarkan metode purposive sampling dengan tujuan untuk mendapatkan sampel yang memenuhi... more
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Object recognition, which mainly includes object detection and semantic segmentation, is one of the critical challenges for intelligent vehicles. In most cases, cameras and Lidar are the most common sensors used for object recognition.... more
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