Papers by miquel martin-casals
European review of private law, 2004
El present treball té per objecte l’estudi de la restitució de beneficis en el marc de la respons... more El present treball té per objecte l’estudi de la restitució de beneficis en el marc de la responsabilitat civil. En particular, es centra en aquella situació dins la qual la persona que causa un dany a una altra s’enriqueix gràcies a una conducta danyosaPodeu consultar els materials complets de les Jornades a:
Accidentes De Trabajo Y Enfermedades Profesionales 2007 Isbn 978 84 8355 400 5 Pags 883 896, 2007
Cuadernos Civitas De Jurisprudencia Civil, 2004
Cuadernos Civitas De Jurisprudencia Civil, 2005
Tort and Insurance Law, 2004
Tort and Insurance Law, 2004
Journal of European Tort Law
Tort and Insurance Law
Moreover, being underage is not in itself a ground for exoneration.2 The pre-vailing opinion stre... more Moreover, being underage is not in itself a ground for exoneration.2 The pre-vailing opinion stresses that the general clause of art. 1902 Código Civil (Spanish Civil Code, CC) does not contain any limit based on the age of the tortfeasor.3 Mainly for economic reasons, ...
Les accidents de la circulation en Europe
European Review of Private Law
: Less than one year after its decision on the famous Perruche case (2000.11.17), the Assemblée p... more : Less than one year after its decision on the famous Perruche case (2000.11.17), the Assemblée plénière of the French Supreme Court has again ruled on the question of the damage awards to compensate for the birth of a disabled child due to medical failures. Even if in these three cases the French Supreme Court rejects the appeal against the contested decisions which had refused damage awards, these cases remind, in very clear terms, the damage award principle for child disablement, established by the Perruche case. In these three cases, gynaecologists committed errors. Most often, they incorrectly performed and misinterpreted ultrasound scans. Thus, they did not inform the mothers of detectable malformations of the foetus (respectively: spina bifida malformation of the spinal column, a child born without his left arm and with a half reduced right arm andimportant malformation of the upper right limb). In all these cases, the first instance judges recognized physicians’ failures, so that this issue was not discussed at the French Supreme Court. Even if the contested decisions of the first instance judges sentenced the physicians to compensate for the personal damages of the parents related to the birth of a disabled child, they rejected the claims for damage awards to the children themselves (claims that had been filed, in their names, by the parents). The various Courts of Appeal based their judgements on the lack of causal link between medical failures and the disablement of the children. Rejecting the appeals aimed against these Courts of Appeal, the Assemblée plénière has approved their refusal to allow damage awards to the child. But one should not be misled. This does not mean that the Assemblée plénière reconsidered the principle of damage award for the disablement of the child; simply, in these cases, the conditions for allowing damage awards were not satisfied because of the lack of causal link between the disablement of the child and the medical failures.
European Business Law Review
Responsabilidade civil em saúde: diálogo com o Prof. Doutor Jorge Sinde Monteiro, 2021, ISBN 9789899075061, págs. 341-361, 2021
RESUMO O Coronavírus é uma síndrome respiratória aguda grave (SARS-CoV-2) e sua transmissão se dá... more RESUMO O Coronavírus é uma síndrome respiratória aguda grave (SARS-CoV-2) e sua transmissão se dá principalmente por meio do contato com fluidos advindos do sistema respiratório, além de contato com superfícies já contaminadas. Nesse sentido, foi elaborado o projeto de avaliação da epidemiologia da Covid-19 no Pará, com o objetivo de oferecer subsídios técnico-científicos para adoção de medidas eficazes e conforme as peculiaridades de cada região. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, tipo relato de experiência, construído a partir da vivência dos acadêmicos de Enfermagem do 8° semestre da Universidade do Estado do Pará-Campus VII (UEPA) enquanto membros do grupo de pesquisa do "Estudo da proporção de casos de Covid-19 no Estado do Pará". O presente relato de experiência visa descrever a perspectiva dos acadêmicos de enfermagem durante a coleta de dados da pesquisa epidemiológica, bem como, realizar uma descrição dos resultados levantados na referida pesquisa. O levantamento dos dados iniciou com a aplicação de questionário que permitiu identificar o perfil demográfico e socioeconômico da população. Em sequência, realizou-se a testagem IgG para a Covid-19, sendo o resultado disposto em uma ficha de notificação individual preenchida a cada dia de coleta, que continha identificação e dados clínicos referidos pelos participantes, sendo enviados à Secretaria de Saúde do Pará (SESPA). No presente relato destacam-se as experiências vivenciadas pelos autores nas cidades Conceição do Araguaia e Xinguara, pertencentes a região Araguaia, nesse sentido, participar das três etapas da pesquisa permitiu adquirir experiências, além do aperfeiçoamento dos saberes técnico-científicos frente à pandemia da Sars-CoV-2. Ressalta-se que o projeto nos preparou de maneira eficaz para a prática profissional durante os meses de pesquisa e esse conhecimento prevalecerá com os pesquisadores, inclusive no mercado de trabalho.
Derecho Privado Europeo 2003 Isbn 84 7879 778 5 Pags 827 856, 2003
Indret Revista Para El Analisis Del Derecho, 2013
Tras la bendicion constitucional del matrimonio homosexual llevada a cabo por la STC 198/2012, de... more Tras la bendicion constitucional del matrimonio homosexual llevada a cabo por la STC 198/2012, de 6 de noviembre, era previsible que el Tribunal Constitucional empezara pronto a ocuparse de la constitucionalidad de las leyes autonomicas de parejas de hecho. Y asi lo ha hecho con la STC 81/2013, de 11 de abril, relativa a la Ley 11/2001, de 19 de diciembre, de Uniones de Hecho de la Comunidad de Madrid, mas centrada en la falta de competencias en materia civil de dicha Comunidad Autonoma y, pocos dias despues, con la STC 93/2013, de 23 de abril, que deroga total o parcialmente 9 de los 13 articulos de la Ley Foral 6/2000, de 3 de julio, para la igualdad juridica de las parejas estables y que es la que aqui se comenta.El comentario se refiere muy brevemente a la cuestion de la competencia legislativa y analiza con algo mas de detalle cuales son los modelos de regulacion de la pareja de hecho que pueden encontrarse en el ambito comparado y cuales han inspirado la legislacion impugnada. Tambien se detiene en el significado y alcance del principio de libre desarrollo de la personalidad establecido en el art. 10.1 CE y en como el Tribunal Constitucional podria haber creado, a partir de ese principio, un nuevo derecho fundamental a “la convivencia anomica en pareja” que proclamaria, no tanto el derecho de las partes a regirse por las normas que pacten en el ejercicio de su autonomia de la voluntad como, especialmente, el derecho a no regirse por norma alguna. Ello impediria al legislador, incluso estatal y so pena de inconstitucionalidad, establecer normas cuya “operatividad” no dependa de que los miembros de la pareja las “asuman conjuntamente”. Con ese criterio el Tribunal introduce al parecer un peculiar nuevo modelo de regulacion de asuncion individualizada (single-opt-in), de dudosa coherencia y sin parangon en el ambito comparado, que tiene poco que ver con los internacionalmente contrastados “opt-out agreements” o acuerdos que permiten la exclusion de la ley aplicable. After the constitutional blessing of same-sex marriage carried out by the STC 198/2012, on the 6th of November, it was foreseeable that the Constitutional Court would soon begin to address the constitutionality of Acts passed by the Spanish Autonomous Communities on cohabitation and registered partnerships. This is what the Constitutional Court has finally made in the STC 81/2013, of April 11, as regards the Act 11/2001, on December 19, on De Facto Unions of the Autonomous Community of Madrid, more focused on the lack of legislative powers on civil matters of this Community and, a few days later, in the STC 93/2013, on April 23, which repeals, partially or fully, 9 of the 13 articles of the Foral Act 6/2000 of July 3, for the Legal Equality of Stable Couples of the Autonomous Community of Navarra, which is commented in this paper.The comment refers briefly to the question of legislative powers on civil matters and discusses in some more detail what are the models for the regulation of cohabitation that can be found in a comparative prospective and which have inspired the legislation challenged in this decision. It also analyses the meaning and the scope of the principle of free development of personality enshrined in Art. 10.1 of the Spanish Constitution and why the author thinks that the Constitutional Court may have created with this decision a new fundamental right to "living together anomically as a couple" which would proclaim, not so much the right of the parties to be governed only by the rules agreed upon in the exercise of their self-determination but, more specifically, their right not to be bound by any legal norm unless they accept expressly and jointly its application, a right whose infringement would give rise to the unconstitutionally of the legal provision not conforming to this structure. This would prevent any legislature, even the legislature of the central Spanish State, to pass provisions whose "operation" does not depend on the common will of the parties of accepting their application. Thus the Court apparently introduces a peculiar new model of regulation of dubious consistency, probably a "single-opt-in model", which is internationally unknown and has little to do with the well-known opt-out agreements.
Cuadernos Civitas De Jurisprudencia Civil Vol 2 2009 Isbn 978 84 470 3369 0 Pags 235 247, 2009
Contrato de arrendamiento financiero o leasing. Subrogación del usuario en las acciones de la soc... more Contrato de arrendamiento financiero o leasing. Subrogación del usuario en las acciones de la sociedad de leasing. Resolución de la compraventa y reclamación de daños. Responsabilidad civil extracontractual. Causalidad hipotética. Causalidad alternativa. Prueba del nexo causal. Vehículo que se incendia por causa indeterminada. ISBN 978-84-470-3369-0. Dipòsit legal: NA 3492/2009.
Papers by miquel martin-casals