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The classic method of predicting cavitation in marine propellers through the Burrill diagram has been employed for almost 80 years, being considered by researchers as a highly reliable tool for the use in the development of impellers of... more
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      CavitationMarine Propeller
A simulation-based design optimization (SBDO) tool is proposed for the design of rim driven thrusters. The optimization framework consists of a parametric description of the rim blade geometry and a multi-objective optimization algorithm... more
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      Naval ArchitectureOptimization techniquesHydrodynamic CavitationBlade Tip Vortices
Fishing is one of major local industry in Malaysia especially in rural area. However, the rapidly increasing price of fuel is seriously affecting the local fishing industries. At present, the use of petrol (gasoline) outboard engine in... more
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      PropulsionPropellerShip HydrodynamicsFishing Technology
The paper offers an analytical formulation of the two errors embodied in the momentum theory. The first one originates from to the use of the differential form of the axial momentum equation and the second one from the linearisation of... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringHydrodynamics (Physics)Wind EnergyAeronautical Engineering
The paper presents a generalized semi-analytical actuator disk model as applied to the analysis of the flow around ducted propellers at different operating conditions. The model strongly couples the non-linear actuator disk method of... more
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      Marine EngineeringDucted FansShip PropulsionMarine Propeller
The method of analysis of cavitation in marine propellers that takes into account the Burrill Diagram is one of the most used by designers worldwide. The literature has reported this technique as reliable and quite useful in the design of... more
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      Naval EngineeringCavitationMarine Propeller
In this work, the analysis of the Kriso Container Ship (KCS) test case using the OpenFOAM RANS solver is proposed. Both ship resistance in calm water, propeller open water performances, self-propulsion calculations are proposed and the... more
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      Ocean EngineeringShip HydrodynamicsMarine Propeller
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      Naval EngineeringNaval ArchitectureIndonesiaPropeller
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      Building and Ship RepairMarine PropellerShip PropellersShip repair and maintenance
A Simulation Based Design Optimization approach is proposed for the design of RIM driven propellers operating in an accelerating duct. The tool relies on RANS analyses of parametrically described ge-ometries driven by an automatic,... more
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      Multiobjective OptimizationShip PropulsionMarine PropellerUnconventional ship propulsion
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    • Marine Propeller
Bu çalışmada, literatürde standart test pervanesi olarak yer alan iki farklı gemi test pervanesinin analizleri yapılmış ve performans değerleri hesaplanmıştır. Analizi yapılan pervanelerden biri, DTMB (David Taylor Model Basin) 4119 kodu... more
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      Computational Fluid DynamicsANSYS FLUENTAnsys SimulationMarine Propeller
The importance of considering hub effects in the design, optimization and verification of marine propellers is discussed in the paper. Different design variants of optimum moderately loaded modern propellers are obtained by means of fully... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringAerospace EngineeringNaval ArchitectureFluid Dynamics
The paper presents aspects regard propeller design procedure, which involves theories and underlying assumptions, analytical tools, computational fluid dynamics models and model tests, to predict the hydrodynamics performances of marine... more
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      Civil EngineeringFluid DynamicsPropellerRANS
In present work, two propeller analysis tools, namely a panel code and a RANS solver, are applied for the evaluation of mechanical characteristics and cavitation behavior of two CP thrusters in axial cylinder, for which experimental... more
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      Ocean EngineeringShip HydrodynamicsCavitationMarine Propeller
Ducted propellers are unconventional systems that are usually adopted for ship propulsion. These devices have recently been studied with medium-fidelity computational fluid dynamics code (based on the potential flow hypothesis) with... more
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      Naval ArchitectureBlade Tip VorticesMarine PropellerPropellers
In the present paper, different approaches for the design and analysis of ducted propellers are presented and discussed, starting from the conventional lifting line / lifting surface approach and considering more complex (and... more
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      Ocean EngineeringMarine PropellerPropeller DesignHydrofoil & Propeller Optimization
It has been seen that a great deal of information about submarine performance, and stability and control, can be obtained from a study of the simplified linear equations, of motion despite the many assumptions that have to be made. In... more
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      StabilityShip and Submarine DesignShip HydrodynamicsSubmarines
This paper completes the work presented in the companion paper [Bontempo et al., Appl. Ocean Res., 58 (2016) 322 - 330] by presenting the investigation of the flow around a propeller ducted with a so-called accelerating duct. To this aim,... more
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      Naval EngineeringNaval ArchitectureMarine EngineeringPropeller
The failure-based implications of a cavitating propulsion system on the operations of the ship are analysed; in line with cost distribution plan and impact of adopted preventive and corrective measures under uncertainty. Therefore, a... more
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      Safety EngineeringNaval ArchitectureFuzzy LogicFuzzy set theory
In this work was reported the analysis of the flow in the stern region and the hull-propeller interactions of a (semi-) planing hull using the commercial URANS code Siemens PLM Star CCM+. In the present study was conducted the resistance... more
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      Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modelling and simulationShip HydrodynamicsShip DesignMarine Propeller
In this study, the hydrodynamics and noise prediction of a five blade marine propeller were analyzed through numerical and experimental methods under variety operational conditions. The hydrodynamics of the propeller was studied and the... more
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      Naval ArchitectureMarine EngineeringMarine And Environmental PollutionShip Propulsion
The design of a propeller for a high-speed craft is addressed by using a multi-objective numerical optimization approach. By combining a fast and reliable Boundary Elements Method, a viscous flow solver based on the RANSE approximation, a... more
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      Optimization techniquesCavitationHydrodynamic CavitationMarine Propeller
A design by optimization of tip-loaded propellers (CLT) is proposed and implemented. The approach include a parametric description of the propeller, an in-house developed Boundary Element Method (BEM) to evaluate the performances of the... more
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      OptimizationCavitationMarine PropellerPropeller Design
In this paper, we propose a Simulation-Based Design Optimization (SBDO) approach for the design of a Pre-Duct type Energy Saving Device (ESD). Pre-Ducts reduce the wake losses, contribute to a better interactions between the propeller and... more
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      OptimizationPropellerESDMarine Propeller
Accurate and reliable propeller performances predictions are a fundamental aspect for any analysis and design of a modern propeller. Prediction of cavitation and cavity extension is another important task, being cavitation one of the... more
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      Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modelling and simulationShip PropulsionMarine Propeller
In this paper, a new design approach for propulsion shafting system is presented. The aim is to improve the dynamic response of the shafting system concerning torsional vibrations. The approach result in raising the permissible stress... more
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    • Marine Propeller
The paper deals with self-propulsion problem, i.e. the solution of the flow around a hull that advances at uniform speed due to the action of the propeller. Two different approaches are presented and compared in the paper: an approximated... more
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      Ocean EngineeringShip HydrodynamicsMarine Propeller
This paper addresses the problem of the numerical evaluation of the forces exerted by rudder/propeller complex; in particular, considering the common framework of RANS computations, different possible approximations of the propeller... more
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      Ship HydrodynamicsMarine Propeller
A behavior of inertia conceptualized boat/ship/submarine propeller with a second degree curve edges. It has a leaf-like shape and will have a lesser moment of inertia at the axis of rotation. The tips can be bent a little more inside if... more
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      Civil EngineeringNaval ArchitectureStructural EngineeringShape Optimization
In this paper, we present our analysis of the non-cavitating and cavitating unsteady performances of the Potsdam Propeller Test Case (PPTC) in oblique flow. For our calculations, we used the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equation... more
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      CavitationHydrodynamic CavitationOpenFOAMMarine Propeller
U.S. Coast Guard proposed a boat propeller safety rule for houseboats / house boats in 2001 known as USCG-2001-10163. USCG withdrew the proposed rule in 2007. This report analyzes that decision and points out multiple errors led to the... more
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      Boat BuildingBoatingBoat DesignMarine Propeller
In this paper, we have analyzed the propulsion performance of KVLCC2 in presence of waves. Different factors affecting the propulsion performance have been studied. Analysis of the extent of change in wake quality and its effect on the... more
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      PropellerCavitationNoise and Vibration of Ship's PropellerMarine Propeller
The paper describes the assessment of two different actuator disc models as applied to the flow around open propellers. The first method is based on a semi-analytical approach returning the solution for the nonlinear differential equation... more
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      Hydrodynamics (Physics)Fluid MechanicsMarine EngineeringFluid Dynamics
Ducts are applied in marine propulsion for improvement of propulsive efficiency and for propeller protection as well. Recently, there has been a growing concern about ducts of cambered section in marine applications. This is because of... more
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    • Marine Propeller
The paper presents an extension to ducted rotors of the nonlinear actuator disk theory of Conway (J. Fluid Mech., vol. 365, 1998, pp. 235–267) and it is exact for incompressible, axisymmetric and inviscid flows. The solution for the... more
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      Marine EngineeringFluid DynamicsWind PowerWind turbine
A B S T R A C T Marine propellers design requirements are always more pressing and the application of unusual propulsive configurations, like ducted propellers with decelerating nozzles, may represent a valuable alternative to fulfill... more
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      Optimization techniquesOptimizationMarine PropellerPropeller Design
The flow around a marine propeller is one of the most challenging hydrodynamics problems. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) has emerged as a potential tool in recent years and has promising applications. The goal of this paper is to... more
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    • Marine Propeller
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      EngineeringCivil EngineeringOcean EngineeringOptimization techniques
Propeller optimisation is always the focus of the propeller design process, as such process is aimed at finding the best compromise between often conflicting objectives accounting for many design constraints. The use of optimization... more
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      PropellerMarine PropellerHydrofoil & Propeller Optimization
Pressure pulses evaluation is a current issue in high-performance propeller design. Usually, it has been addressed experimentally and numerically but in most cases the analysis has been limited to the verification of a given geometry... more
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      CavitationHydrodynamic CavitationMarine Propeller
The paper presents a generalized semi-analytical actuator disk model as applied to the analysis of the flow around ducted propellers at different operating conditions. The model strongly couples the non-linear actuator disk method of... more
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      Marine EngineeringDucted FansShip PropulsionMarine Propeller
The paper presents the validation of a generalised semi-analytical actuator disk model as applied to the study of the flow around ducted propellers. The method, which returns the exact solution as a superposition of ring vortex, duly... more
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      Hydrodynamics (Physics)Fluid MechanicsWind EnergyWind Engineering
The paper analyses the flow around a marine propeller ducted with a so-called decelerating nozzle both through the axial momentum theory and the nonlinear semi-analytical actuator disk model. While the well-known and widely diffused axial... more
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      PropellerCavitationPropellers , windturbine, hydrodynamicsShip Propulsion
To convert the kinetic energy of marine current into electricity, the most sensible generator is a horizontal axis turbine. The know-how and the tools used for marine propulsion devices find a new range of applications in this field. An... more
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      Tidal Stream Turbine ModellingMarine TurbinesMarine Propeller
District heating networks are commonly addressed in the literature as one of the most effective solutions for decreasing the greenhouse gas emissions from the building sector. These systems require high investments which are returned... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringAerospace EngineeringFluid MechanicsWind Energy
Propeller skew is the single most effective design parameter which has significant influence on reducing propeller induced vibration without sacrificing the efficiency. Up to date applications of propeller skew for a certain propeller... more
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    • Marine Propeller
Paper characterizes the hydrodynamic performance of a 'flat plate' Kaplan type propeller in axial cylinder at two different pitch settings, over a wide range of variable advance coefficients and at different cavitation indexes where... more
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      Ocean EngineeringHydrodynamic CavitationMarine PropellerPropeller cavitation
The problem of the tip vortex cavitation inception is a matter of increasing interest. Main reason for this is that, despite being, generally, not erosive and not influent on the propeller mechanical characteristics, the cavitating vortex... more
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      Civil EngineeringOcean EngineeringPropellerCavitation
Despite its unphysical tip singularity and the violation of the angular momentum balance, the classical uniformly-loaded propeller without wake rotation still represents the benchmark model both for theoretical and practical applications.... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringAerospace EngineeringFluid MechanicsWind Energy