Recent papers in Marginalism
O papel dos Princípios de Economia, obra magna de Alfred Marshall, foi proeminente no processo de consolidação da revolução marginalista e posterior hegemonização da teoria neoclássica na ciência econômica. A escola neoclássica moderna... more
that my aunt told me. He was of Sicilian descent, born in the United States. He was a Vietnam War veteran, which was probably the cause of his drug addiction and psychological ailments.
Value without Fetish presents the first in-depth English-language study of the influential Japanese economist Uno Kōzō‘s (1897-1977) theory of ‘pure capitalism’ in the light of the method and object of Marx’s Critique of Political... more
Il presente lavoro cerca di dare un resoconto complessivo, da un punto di vista eminentemente filosofico, della riflessione di Ludwig von Mises (e con essa del punto di vista della Scuola Austriaca di economia) nell'ambito... more
... Their differing judgments reflected divergent political outlooks that placed varying emphasis on the proper role of government as an ameliorative social force. ... Washington, DC: NationalCommunication Association. ... America's... more
The scientific methodology of classical physics has been a constant influence in the development of orthodox economics. Clear signs of this can be found in the works of many classical economists such as Smith, Say, Cairnes and Mill. The... more
Primo articolo sullo stato dell'economia politica dopo la critica di Marx. Si esamina la teoria marginalista e il suo carattere ideologico. All'eleganza formale della teoria si abbina l'inadeguatezza dei suoi postulati essenziali e quindi... more
Autor: Daniel Lahoud Español El marginalismo fue un fenómeno que transformó la economía y de ser una simple metafísica que iba entre la filosofía moral y la historia, terminó por convertirse en una ciencia propiamente dicha. Este... more
In this paper I trace the dialogical and narrative dimensions of the philosophical tradition and explore how they are reconfigured in the notion of community of philosophical inquiry (CPI), the mainstay of the collection of novels and... more
Phillip Wicksteed's ideas played an important role in the history of economic methodology. This is because of two reasons: The first was that his views represent the starting point of the deliberate attempt to expel normative issues from... more
Maffeo Pantaleoni (1857-1924) è ancora di solito considerato un autore che coordina e sintetizza le conoscenze economiche diffuse nella sua epoca. Un protomarginalista che non vuol rompere con Ricardo e con Ferrara. Un marshalliano che... more
Although most of the marginalist economists' methodology was influenced by 19th century classical physics, the work of second generation marginalist Francis Ysidro Edgeworth represents the highest point of classical physics influence to... more
Phillip Wicksteed's ideas played an important role in the history of economic methodology. This is because of two reasons: The first was that his views represent the starting point of the deliberate attempt to expel normative issues from... more
This paper traces the intellectual trajectories of the first stand-alone theories of action, understood as both axiologically neutral and quasi-scientific from a methodological point of view. I argue that the rise of action theory of this... more
In this paper I trace the dialogical and narrative dimensions of the philosophical tradition and explore how they are reconfigured in the notion of community of philosophical inquiry (CPI), the mainstay of the collection of novels and... more
In this paper I trace the dialogical and narrative dimensions of the philosophical tradition and explore how they are reconfigured in the notion of community of philosophical inquiry (CPI), the mainstay of the collection of novels and... more
The general purpose of this paper it is to highlight the importance of Cournot as a link between the classical and neoclassical economic thought and his mathematical economics as a bridge that, saving the utilitarian stream, departs from... more
This paper tries to elucidate if-until the arrival of Neoclassical-Keynesian synthesis-successive subjects studied by Economics, and the means employed to do so, confer some kind of unity and continuity so that we can then speak of a same... more
Egoismo 3277 nient'altro che l'essere stesso di ogni cosa: da qui la decisa richiesta, da parte di Nietzsche, di sospensione di ogni giudizio morale, in quanto pretesa contraddittoria di fondare quella che è già un'evidenza, l'evidenza... more
‘Teoria della Distruzione del Valore’: teoria elaborata da Massimo Morigi afferente al ‘Repubblicanesimo Geopolitico’, al ‘Repubblicanesimo’, al ‘Neo-repubblicanesimo’, al ‘Marxismo’ e al ‘Neo-marxismo’. Pur condividendo la critica di... more
Most revolutions against capitalism have occurred in ‘backward’ and Third World societies, and they have divided and disarrayed Marxisms in the West. One key reason, this paper argues, is intellectual. When, long ago, Marxists surrendered... more
The general objective of this dissertation is to argue that religions and religious arguments have a place in the discussion of the definition of good and justice to society and to human development. So it makes it necessary to discuss... more
Consumer theory is considered to be the hard core of the neoclassical canon. The present work traces the various historical stages which led to the acceptance of the theory, and attempts to offer some possible explanations for its... more