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Observation: Please note this is a major update with 11,468 entries (and corrections) from previous lists published online between July 2017 and January 2018. This list include papers, conference papers, chapters, books, theses and... more
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      PaleontologyHistory of PaleontologyVertebrate PaleontologyMammalian Paleontology
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      CarnivoraVertebrate PaleontologyMammalian PaleontologyFelidae
Terrestrial climatic data reflect variable and often conflicting responses to the global cooling event at the Eocene-Oligocene transition (ca. 34 Ma). Stable isotopic compositions of the tooth enamel of large, water-dependent, herbivorous... more
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      Earth SciencesGeologyBiogeochemistryPaleoclimatology
Field work carried out in 1991 and 1993 at the Middle Miocene locality of Thymiana (Chios Island, Greece), produced much rodent material including a number of ctenodactylid dental specimens. They represent a single taxon whose upper and... more
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    • Mammalian Paleontology
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeologyEcologyEvolution
Carnivores from the Late Pliocene site ofV celáre 2 are described and their taxonomy is discussed. The carnivore assemblage includes nine specimens of the families Felidae ( Homotherium crenatidens ), Ursidae ( Ursus minimus ), and... more
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      TaxonomyMammalian PaleontologyPaleobiogeographyUrsidae
Six samples of subfossil tusk, bone and tooth remains from the woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius Blum) were discovered in south-western Hungary. The remains are relatively well preserved in a Late Pleistocene loess deposit. The... more
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      PaleoenvironmentMammalian PaleontologyQuaternary palaeontologyPleistocene mammals
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    • Mammalian Paleontology
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      Vertebrate PaleontologyMammalian PaleontologyMarsupials
Three new vertebrate localities are reported from within the Bloom Basin of the North Unit of Badlands National Park, Interior, South Dakota. These sites were discovered during paleontological surveys and monitoring of the park’s boundary... more
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      BiostratigraphyMammalian PaleontologyWhite River Group
Since chimpanzee and bonobo ancestors were evolutionarily closer to the Homo/Pan last common ancestor than extant members of Pan, they probably had more humanlike traits than extant chimps or bonobos. This implies that the presence of... more
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      Comparative AnatomyEvolutionary BiologyMarine BiologyPaleoanthropology
The papers in this volume provide a variety of perspectives on Rangifer (caribou/reindeer) and its use by prehistoric peoples in the northern latitudes of both Old and New Worlds. Since the early work of Lartet and Christy in the late... more
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      North American (Archaeology)Mammalian PaleontologyUpper PaleolithicLate Glacial Archaeology
The Expo / Mammoth 2010 is a cultural product derivative of the interdisciplinary project "Study of the Pleistocene megafauna in Guerrero Creek. Guadalupe, Zacatecas. First field season: surface collection at the study area and... more
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      PaleobiologyPaleontologyZooarchaeologyPleistocene Fossils
Postcranial remains of the early to middle Miocene bulungamayine kangaroo Ganguroo bilamina Cooke, 1997 are described. This is one of only two reports (see also Kear et al. this volume) of bulungamayine postcranials and describes some of... more
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      Vertebrate PaleontologyMammalian PaleontologyMarsupials
Background: The importance of the cervical vertebrae as part of the skull–neck system in facilitating the success and diversity of tetrapods is clear. The reconstruction of its evolution, however, is problematic because of the variation... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyEvolutionVertebrate PaleontologyMammalian Paleontology
C’erano elefanti in Italia prima dell'arrivo di Pirro? E 'difficile immaginare che due o trecentomila anni fa la campagna romana era attraversato da branchi di elefanti, ma il territorio di Roma è tra i più ricchi al mondo per l’enorme... more
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      ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyPaleontologyGeoarchaeology
Αριθμός Παραρτήματος Επιστημονικής επετηρίδας Τμήματος Γεωλογίας Ν° 153 © Γεώργιος Ε. Κονιδάρης, 2013 Με επιφύλαξη παντός δικαιώματος. All rights reserved.
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      Vertebrate PaleontologyMammalian PaleontologyProboscideaLate Miocene
For many astronomers, the progressive development of life has been seen as a natural occurrence given proper environmental conditions on a planet: even though such beings would not be identical to humans, there would be significant... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyPaleontologyHuman EvolutionPhilosophy of Biology
The article presents a discussion that seeks to justify the presence of wild birds in the city of Pereira -emphatically birds of prey, migratory birds, or birds under some degree of threatseeking to broaden the discussion of results... more
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    • Mammalian Paleontology
The late Pleistocene asphalt seeps of Rancho La Brea are well-known for their impressive assemblage of carnivorans, which make up the vast majority of the preserved fauna. Of particular interest is the large number of dire wolf and... more
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      Vertebrate PaleontologyMammalian PaleontologyRancho La BreaRelative Abundance
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    • Mammalian Paleontology
La sofisticación del consumo de productos y servicios en la globalización ha ocasionado que muchas empresas contraten a otras para que les proporcionen servicios calificados de informática, telemarketing, administración y diseño gráfico... more
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      PaleontologyVertebrate PaleontologyMammalian PaleontologyDinosaur Paleontology
The Indigenous Paleolithic of the Western Hemisphere is a reclaimed history of the deep past of Indigenous people in North and South America during the Paleolithic. Paulette F. C. Steeves mines evidence from archaeology sites and... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesMammalian Paleontology
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      Historical ArchaeologyHistory of OntarioMammalian PaleontologyIrish Immigration
Although it represents but one geographic data point, the uppermost Maastrichtian Hell Creek Formation (HCF), exposed in the upper Great Plains of the North American craton, remains the most studied source for understanding the final ~1.5... more
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      PaleontologySedimentologyStratigraphyClimate Change
Finding of sirenian remains in the Lutetian (Middle Eocene) of Santa Brígida (Amer, La Selva, Girona). The finding of fossil bones in the surroundings of the Santa Brígida hermitage (Amer municipality, comarca of La Selva, Girona... more
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      GeologyPaleontologyVertebrate EvolutionVertebrate Paleontology
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      Evolutionary BiologyPhylogeneticsVertebrate EvolutionPholidota
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      Evolutionary BiologyEducationConservation BiologyConservation
More than 11,000 references! I just updated the list of references on Vertebrate Paleontology in South America - 1774-2018 (abstracts not included) Please, cite as: De Luna P. 2018. South America Vertebrate Paleontology Reference... more
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      PaleobiologyHistory of PaleontologyPaleoenvironmentPaleoecology
""Atti del 1° Congresso Internazionale "La Terra degli Elefanti" (Roma 16-20 ottobre 2001)

Proceedings of the first international Congress "The World of Elephants) (Rome 16-20 ottobre 2001)""
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyPaleontologyMediterranean prehistory
Although in the past fifty years Aguascalientes has been characterized by important paleontological discoveries, is currently observed a marked deterioration in the sites of fossiliferous outcrops that occur naturally, due to rapid urban... more
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      PaleobiologyPaleontologyVertebrate PalaeontologyPleistocene Fossils
The morphology of Megalenhydris barbaricina is compared to other lutrines. Cyrnolutra castiglionis is transferred to Lutra, it is concluded that this is the most probable ancestor of Megalenhydris. Since L. simplicidens is the probable... more
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      MammalogyCarnivoraVertebrate PaleontologyMammalian Paleontology
La Revista de la Sociedad de Antropología Física ha cumplido ya 30 años y lo hemos querido celebrar de una manera especial con este número conmemorativo. En él, además de los artículos de investigación que conforman el número anual,... more
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      Human EvolutionPrimatologyPaleoprimatologyDental Anthropology
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      CarnivoraVertebrate PaleontologyMammalian PaleontologyFelidae
ittà eterna", la chiamano. Quasi fosse appartenuta in perpetuo, svincolata dalla palingenesi di una creazione, a senatori e popolo, re, imperatori e papi. Eppure l'immaginazione scalpita, nella confortevole torre eburnea della... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyPaleontologyMammalian PaleontologyPrehistory
Los dientes de los vertebrados, y especialmente de los mamíferos, muestran una gran diversidad de formas como resultado de las adaptaciones ecológicas y alimentarias de las especies en función del hábitat y las condiciones ecológicas. La... more
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      Human EvolutionPrimatologyPaleoprimatologyDental Anthropology
Los fósiles despertaron admiración y curiosidad en los naturalistas durante siglos, confiriendo al estudio de la vida del pasado uno de los temas más apasionantes de las Ciencias Naturales. Reconstruir ese pasado se ha convertido en la... more
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      EducationScience EducationMammalian PaleontologyGestión Cultural
The Miocene elephantoid Choerolophodon from SE Europe-SW Asia is studied, based on the Greek localities of Thymiana, Axios Valley, Pikermi, Samos and Nikiti-2. Although this genus is well documented in Greece, there is no recent taxonomic... more
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      BiostratigraphyVertebrate PalaeontologyPalaeoecologyVertebrate Paleontology
A left lower molar of the European jaguar, Panthera onca gombaszoegensis , collected ex situ at the locality 'De Kuilen' near Langenboom (province of Noord-Brabant, The Netherlands), is described and illustrated. This specimen is compared... more
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      CarnivoraVertebrate PaleontologyMammalian PaleontologyFelidae
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      PaleobiologyPaleontologyPleistocene FossilsPleistocene Vertebrate
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      Quaternary GeologyPleistocene VertebrateMammalian PaleontologyMiddle to Upper Paleolithic Transition
Extensive fieldwork and detailed studies during the last three decades have enriched our understanding of the Plio-Pleistocene large mammal record of Greece. While the unearthed material is abundant, it is not evenly distributed... more
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    • Mammalian Paleontology
La fin du Pliocène et le début du Pléistocène représentent pour l’Europe occidentale et centrale une période charnière au cours de laquelle le climat se modifie, passant d’un stade chaud et stable à un stade beaucoup plus instable et... more
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      PaleontologyMammalian PaleontologyPleistoceneMammals
Large-scale fluctuations in global climate and resulting changes in ecology had a profound effect on human evolution and dispersal. Though hominin remains are scarce, studies focussing on the more abundant records of fossil land mammal... more
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      BiostratigraphyMammalian Paleontology
Microvita, proposed in 1986 by Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar, are subtle sub-atomic living entities emanated by a cosmic mind, that move throughout the universe, creating and evolving living bodies and minds, and also causing diseases. Scientific... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyPaleobiologyPaleontologyPaleoceanography
In the filling of a sinkhole within the Lower Muschelkalk at the limestone quarry of the cement plant Karsdorf, beside fossil rich Upper Muschelkalk, also Palaeogene fossil material was found. The Muschelkalk part of the fi lling... more
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      PaleontologyPaleobotanyMammalian PaleontologyTriassic
... Cambiar idioma Idioma Català Cambiar. | Ayuda. Origen y evolución de los dientes: de los cordados primitivos a los humanos modernos. ...
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      Human EvolutionPrimatologyPaleoprimatologyDental Anthropology
The report proposes a revision of poorly known fossil cervid forms and a new look on Late Neogene cervid phylogeny with implication of known already data from mitochondrial and nuclear genetic analysis. Pliocervus matheroni from Late... more
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      Evolutionary BiologySystematics (Taxonomy)Molecular BiologyEvolutionary genetics