Macedonian Tombs
Recent papers in Macedonian Tombs
""En Filipo II y el Arte de la Guerra tendremos la oportunidad de conocer en profundidad a uno de los más grandes reyes de la antigua Macedonia. Gracias a su habilidad como estratega, diplomático, político y soldado, heredó un reino... more
The finds from Aigai -the city that after a succession of disasters fer into oblivion under the dust of centuries- have not only given back to the royal metropolis its name and identity, they have also enabled us to re-write the history... more
This article provides new information about the territorial distribution of the calyx-cups from the Middle Strymon valley and inland Thrace by discussing an unpublished fragment of a calyx-cup with an emblema of Dionysus’ head (inv. #... more
The subject of the present study revolves around the burials of warriors in the area of Greece during antiquity, with emphasis on the phenomenon of burying the dead with arms. The time period, which is examined here begins from the Iron... more
Monumental funerary stone architecture in north-eastern Thrace, during the early Hellenistic period, indirectly reflects the strong Macedonian political involvement in the area starting with Philip II, and its consequences on the social... more
In the Great Russian Orthodox Encyclopedia we read: “В 963 году в Македоний произошло восстание, окончившееся изгнанием болгар и основанием собственного государства,” translated from Russian: „In the year 963 in Macedonia happened un... more
A §∂•∞¡¢ƒO™ ¶. °OÀ¡∞ƒ∏™ De Fornace Calcaria: Afi ÙË ˙ˆ‹ η› ÙÔÓ ı¿Ó·ÙÔ ÂÓfi˜ ÈÂÚÔ ‡ Ù˘ PˆÌ·˚΋˜ ÂÚÈfi‰Ô˘25-49 A°°∂ §O™ ¢∂ §∏µOƒƒπ∞™ H ÂÚÈÂÙÂÈ҉˘ ȯÓËÏ·Û›· ÌÈ·˜ ˘ÔÙÈÌË̤Ó˘ AıËÓ·˚΋˜ ‰ËÌÈÔ˘ÚÁ›·˜51-67 ™∆∂ § §∞ ¢ƒOÀ°OÀ BÂÚÁ›Ó·... more
K. Tzanavari, Ancient Lete. The city and its cemeteries. Rescue excavations and epigraphic evidence that refer to ancient Lete have shown that the city was located on the hills and the plain that spread after the Derveni pass, on the... more
The study focuses on the monumental elements of the 4th-3rd centuries BC cemeteries of Kallatis: the use of large tumuli, the implementation of a systematized network of funerary plots, the extent of the burial grounds, the discovery of a... more
The Macedonian tomb presented here was unearthed in 1910 in Macedonia, still under the Turkish occupation. This is the so-called “Tomb of Langadas”, named thus when published by the Greek ottoman archaeologist Theodoros Macridy / or... more
Διαθέσιμo on line από το ΙΚΕΕ του ΑΠΘ:
This paper focuses on a Macedonian tomb that was unearthed at 1995 in the well known cemetery at Derveni, a necropolis of the ancient town of Lete. The city and its cemeteries sprawled over the hills of the Derveni pass and the western... more
One of the cities of Macedonia listed by Claudius Ptolemaeus (Geogr. III, 12, 23) and Pliny the Younger (NH. V, 10, 17) in the imperial age is Lete. Its location is about 12 kilometers NW of Thessaloniki. The city and its cemeteries... more
Arturo Sánchez Sanz Licenciado en Historia por la UCM (Madrid), Máster de Historia y Ciencias de la Antigüedad en (UCM/UAM) y doctorando del Dep. de Historia Antigua de la UCM Como puede apreciarse, no trataremos aquí sobre una obra... more
Stone artifacts are a pivotal reference feature in prehistory and a criterion for defining the cultural stages of the Palaeolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic and Chalcolithic periods. In historical times, the stone is the basic raw material... more
Abstract Narratives of transformation in Iron Age societies on the periphery of the Greek world have positioned colonial powers as agents of change. Archaeological sites exhibiting apparent Greek or Macedonian evidence are often taken to... more
The secret of the Kastas tomb revealed
Written for Popular Archaeology, Spring 2020, and extracted from my 2019 book titled Unearthing the Family of Alexander the Great: the Remarkable Discovery of the Royal Tombs of MAcedon
More than twenty years have passed since the excavation of the burial tumulus of Aghios Athanassios in Thessaloniki. The revealing, in June 1994, of the 4th c. BC Macedonian tomb, with the extraordinary painted façade in an excellent... more
One of the cities of Macedonia listed by Claudius Ptolemaeus (Geogr. III, 12, 23) and Pliny the Younger (NH. V, 10, 17) in the imperial age is Lete. Its location is about 12 kilometers NW of Thessaloniki. The city and its cemeteries... more
Αντικείμενο της παρούσας εργασίας αποτελεί η εξέταση ενός από τα κεντρικά στοιχεία που οδήγησαν τον Ανδρόνικο στην πεποίθηση ότι ο τάφος ανήκει σε βασιλιά και συγκεκριμένα στον Φίλιππο Β’, το οποίο ήταν το πολυτελές και πολυπληθές σύνολο... more
Στη λεγόμενη "Μικρή Τούμπα", βορειανατολικά του χωριού της Αγίας Παρασκευής Θεσσαλονίκης, ανακαλύφθηκε μετά από αρχαιολογικές έρευνες που πραγματοποιήθηκαν το 1983 στην περιοχή, ένας συλημένος διθάλαμος μακεδονικός τάφος με δωρική πρόσοψη... more
Αμφιθέατρο Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών Πολυτεχνικής Σχολής. Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης. 30/10/2018.
The objective of our session in Istanbul was to spark theoretical debate on archaeology at the crossroads of the Balkans, Aegean and Anatolia and its interrelationship with social and political life in this historically turbulent region.... more
Εξετάζεται ένα προσάρτημα του κολεού του ξίφους, ο μύκης. Στο πρώτο μέρος της εργασίας βάσει των πηγών λύνεται το πρόβλημα της βιβλιογραφίας σχετικά με τον προσδιορισμό τους μύκητος του ξίφους. Στη συνέχεια εξετάζονται α) οι αρχαίες πηγές... more
Ο λεγόμενος «τάφος της Ευρυδίκης» που αποκαλύφθηκε στη Βεργίνα το 1987, χρονολογήθηκε από τον ανασκαφέα του Μ. Ανδρόνικο στο 340 π.Χ. Η χρονολόγηση αυτή έγινε γενικά δεκτή και καθόρισε τη χρονολόγηση της εμφάνισης των Μακεδονικών τάφων ως... more
In 1983, a looted double-chamber Macedonian tomb, with a Doric façade and a dromos (entrance way), dating to the late 4th century BC, was discovered in the so-called “Mikri Toumba”, northeast of the village of Agia Paraskevi in... more