Hellenistic architecture
Recent papers in Hellenistic architecture
Dimosthenis Kosmopoulos Architettura templare italica in epoca ellenistica Studia Archaeologica, 250 2021, 550 pp. Paperback, 17 x 24 cm Vincitore del XIX Premio L'ERMA per l'archeologia 2019-2020 ISBN: 9788891322760 ISSN: 0081-6299... more
The mirror is the literal path to reflecting an individual. Beyond that the mirror becomes metaphorical, generating countless debates over the thousands of years since the earliest crudely made mirrors. As an artifact the tangible mirror... more
- Rez. von J. Lehmann, Gnomon 2017/4, 354–358: https://doi.org/10.17104/0017-1417-2017-4-354 - Rez. von B. Emme in: HZ 305, 2017, 124 f.: https://doi.org/10.1515/hzhz-2017-1267 - Rez. von C. Parigi bei Bryn Mawr Classical Review:... more
Through innovative geographic information systems (GIS), and extensive ground-based measurements, a significant number of Petra's tombs, structures, and monuments were found to display distinctive alignments to the Sun, on its primary... more
Convegno internazionale sulla casa ellenistica e le loro funzioni. Tre giorni di discussione e presentazione dei risultati archeologici dei vari siti nel bacino del Mediterraneo. In questa occasione ho presentato alcuni risultati... more
""En Filipo II y el Arte de la Guerra tendremos la oportunidad de conocer en profundidad a uno de los más grandes reyes de la antigua Macedonia. Gracias a su habilidad como estratega, diplomático, político y soldado, heredó un reino... more
Translation in Greek / Übersetzung ins Griechische: Hans Lauter, Die Architektur des Hellenismus, Darmstadt 1986
The Alexandria lighthouse must have been one of the finest examples of Hellenistic masonry construction. Being made of dry stone masonry it was audaciously high. To be structurally sound and perfectly functional its builders conceived a... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
L’étude des maisons grecques et romaines entre le Vème et le IIème siècle avant notre ère éclaire le cadre de vie des familles antiques, grâce à la confrontation des textes littéraires et des vestiges archéologiques – ce qui se révèle,... more
ISBN 978 1 4073 0779 4 Cover image: 'Cybele Plate' (silver and gold, d. 25 cm, c. 3rd B.C.) from Ai Khanum, the Temple with Indented Niches.
Appendice II. L'olivella cario-ionica e il legame di Kos con la "Rinascenza ionica" 143
Tigranakert of Artsakh is situated in the Askeran region of the Republic of Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh), in the lower valley of Khachenaget, the second large river of the highland. Occupying an area of more than 70 hectares, it is spread... more
Η αρχαία πόλη της Ρόδου σχεδιάστηκε µε το ορθογώνιο πολεοδοµικό σύστηµα, το οποίο περιελάµβανε και µία ακρόπολη στη δυτική της πλευρά. Σε αυτή την ακρόπολη, έναν λόφο µε χαµηλά πρανή, γνωστό ως Άγιο Στέφανο ή Μόντε Σµιθ, βρίσκονται... more
References to the presence of gardens in the palace complexes of Hellenistic rulers are frequent in international scholarship, with literary sources being used as the main type of evidence. Usually a distinction is drawn between parks in... more
This article offers a review of the figured friezes found in theatres of Asia Minor and suggests both a reading of their development and possible interpretations for this category of evidence. The subjects of the figured reliefs are... more
Throughout history, the Seleucid military might demonstrated many times its importance for the maintenance, expansion and defense of the Empire. Rarely the Seleucid army was defeated in a campaign and it happened in front of the almighty... more
The present study explores the origins of Jewish ritual immersion – inquiring when immersion first appeared as a rite of purification and what the reasons may have been for this development specifically at this time. Textual and... more
Ab ca. 300 v. Chr. entstehen im Mittelmeerraum Heiligtümer, die – mittels aufragender Terrassen auf Fernsicht konzipiert – als ansteigende Sakralräume inszeniert sind. Trotz des großen Effektes auf die Architekturgeschichte bleibt die... more
Edita nell’ambito della rivista di archeologia e architettura antica Thiasos, recentemente varata, la monografia vuole inaugurare una collana di opere dedicate all’architettura di Kos e delle altre isole del Dodecaneso, di cui questo... more
Mona Haggag Alexandria in the 'Corpus of Ptolemaic inscriptions' �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������115 Kyriakos Savvopoulos From Macedonia to Ptolemaic Alexandria: the cult of Dionysos... more
Sommario 7 Sommario L.M. Caliò, J. Des Courtils, Prefazione C. Pouzadoux, Introduzione E. Lippolis, L' architettura di III secolo a.C. M. Osanna, C. Rescigno, Da Cuma a Pompei. Cantieri, maestranze e tradizioni architettoniche medio... more
"The time of Epimemdes' activities in Sparta falls on the Archaic epoch, most likely 7th–6th centuries BC. In that period, those who had managed to rise thanks to the economic changes, had a good possibility to neglect with impunity any... more