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The Lunar surface is electrostatically charged by several mechanisms. The dust particles which are resting on the lunar surface are also charged and levitated. We have taken study model and simulate the model with different Solar... more
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    • Lunar Science
"Un piccolo passo per un uomo, un passo da gigante per l'umanità" È la frase pronunciata da Neil Armstrong, la notte tra il 20 e il 21 luglio 1969, scendendo la scaletta del LEM (il Lunar Excursion Module), in procinto di poggiare il... more
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      History of ScienceLunar ScienceLeonardo da VinciMoon
In Australia, there was again controversy as to when the correct day for the post-Ramadan celebration of ‘Eid ul-Fitr for 2021/1442 was. This paper provides information and explanation as to why Friday May 14th was the correct day.
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      New Moon SightingLunar ScienceIslamAstronomy
The team who authored the Time Compression Theory, have now gone on to found TCT Aerospace Ltd. This document is an overview of our 2025 lunar mission call MoonPIE (Moon Probe Initial Explorer). Which will place a time capsule on the moon... more
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      Space SciencesQuantum GravityAsteroidsBlack Holes
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      Observational AstronomyLunar Science
Presented at ESA / ESTEC Moon 2020-2030 Symposium, December 2015, Noordwijk, Netherlands.
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      Space SciencesAstronauticsLunar ScienceMoon
One of the most important and spectacular events in the history of space exploration was the first Moon Landing of 1969. Safe from the ravages of erosion, agriculture, industry or the expansion of human settlement, the greatest threat to... more
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      Historical ArchaeologyHistoric PreservationHistory of Space TravelLunar Science
Ever since the beginning of the space program, lunar habitation has always been on peoples' minds. Prior researchers have explored habitat building materials– some based on earth-based construction materials, some based on in-situ lunar... more
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      Lunar ScienceGeopolymer Concrete
The main processes under study for producing oxygen from lunar regolith are: a) reduction by hydrogen b) electrolysis of molten regolith c) carbothermal reduction d) the FFC-Cambridge process I looked more specifically at... more
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      Lunar ScienceSpace policy, space research, in situ resource utilizationLunar GeologyUsing regolith geochemistry in detecting mineralisation under cover
We explore about fifty Australian Aboriginal accounts of lunar and solar eclipses to determine how Aboriginal groups understood this phenomenon. We summarise the literature on Aboriginal references to eclipses, showing that many... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryEthnohistoryAnthropology
The internal roadmap for deep space exploration proposed by the International Space Exploration Coordination Group (ISECG) clearly identifies the Moon as the first step towards a larger solar system exploration. In this context, the use... more
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      Global Navigation Satellite SystemsHuman SpaceflightLunar ScienceSpace Exploration
The concept of a space elevator dates back to Tsilokovsky, but they are not commonly considered in near-term plans for space exploration, perhaps because a terrestrial elevator would not be possible without considerable improvements in... more
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      Computer SciencePhysicsEconomicsPlanetary Science
The concept of a space elevator dates back to Tsilokovsky, but they are not commonly considered in near-term plans for space exploration, perhaps because a terrestrial elevator would not be possible without considerable improvements in... more
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      Computer SciencePhysicsEconomicsPlanetary Science
The interest in Moon exploration has substantially grown in the latest years, positioning the Moon as an attractive testbed to develop the required technologies and capabilities for human Deep Space exploration. In past decades, lunar... more
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      Space SciencesHuman SpaceflightLunar ScienceSpace System Engineering
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      Islamic ArtIslamic StudiesLunar ScienceIslamic art and architecture
Space-based solar power has conventionally used solar panel arrays on satellites to harness light energy from the Sun, the authors of this communication suggest the innovative utilization of mirrors to support solar power generation for... more
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      Renewable EnergyLunar ScienceSolar EnergySpace Based Solar Power
The emergence of intelligence is likely a relatively recent phenomena throughout the cosmos. The total number of habitable extraterrestrial planets within the Milky Way capable of supporting advanced, intelligent life within the next 500... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyApplied MathematicsGeologyEnergy Economics
Civil Engineering is getting prepared for operations in space. The Moon will presumably be the focal point in this new era. Civil Engineering professionals, in close cooperation with other scientists and engineers are in the phase of... more
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      Civil EngineeringSpace SciencesLunar Science
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      South Asian StudiesMughal HistoryIslamic StudiesLunar Science
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      Theoretical PhysicsPlasma PhysicsThermodynamicsRelativity
Το κείμενο αυτό προήλθε από παραγγελία για τον κατάλογο της εικαστικής έκθεσης Ammophila Vol.I: Birth, που διοργανώθηκε στην Ελαφόνησο μεταξύ 22-25 Αυγούστου 2020, με επιμελήτρια την καλλιτέχνιδα Εύη Ρουμάνη. Πρόκειται για μια απόπειρα... more
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      Lunar ScienceContemporary MusicLunarJani Christou
The running of the Babylonian lunar calendar is simple, every 1st day of the month coincided with the observation of the new crescent. The running of the Egyptian lunar calendar is confusing because, according to Parker, every 1st day of... more
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      EgyptLunar ScienceGraeco-Roman EgyptCalendars
Se puede entender que este es un libro de astronomía general pero centrado exclusivamente en los movimientos aparentes del Sol y de la Luna. Prácticamente todos los tópicos básicos de astronomía son tratados: determinación de las... more
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      New Moon SightingLunar ScienceAstronomyMoonshine
The 1st book of Ra-Ah-Si-Rus, This was originally published as a draft copy in 2015 ( * total solar eclipse at the Spring equinox ) ... and then as its 1st photographic edition in 2016. Since then, 60+ signed copies have been printed and... more
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      Fractal GeometryEarth SciencesClimate ChangeAlchemy
DEM-based Identification of lunar crater
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      Lunar ScienceDigital Elevation ModelsLunar Craters
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      AriostoLunar ScienceRenaissance FerraraOrlando furioso
El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar evidencia etnohistórica y arqueoastronómica de la observación de la Luna en contextos incas del Collasuyu. Como hipótesis se asume la importancia de la latitud geográfica - en términos andinos - en... more
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      Lunar ScienceInca ArchaeologyCultural AstronomyArqueología
A Lunar Space Elevator [LSE] can be built today from existing commercial polymers; manufactured, launched and deployed for less than $2B. A prototype weighing 48 tons with 100 kg payload can be launched by 3 Falcon-Heavy's, and will pay... more
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      Future StudiesSpace SciencesAstronauticsLunar Science
Spirit, Power and Axis of everything, in our mortal eyes there is Emptiness: for the truly complete in these empty ones is empty. The Moon, the Axis of everything in our world, is therefore empty for them, and SHOULD BE empty. // Дух,... more
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      LanguagesHistoryAncient HistoryEvolutionary Biology
As a fundamentally interdisciplinary sector of study, oceanography spans not only the physical and chemical attributes of large saline aquatic environments, but also overlaps with biological considerations of oceanic flora and fauna, and... more
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      Marine BiologyOceanographyGeography Of MarsVideo Games
Technical report and algorithms for the Lunar Visibility Calculator, a tool that determines visibility, lighting conditions for lunar topography, intended for study of the Peaks of Eternal Light near the Lunar South Pole, with a test area... more
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      Lunar SciencePlanetary explorationPeaks of Eternal LightLunar ice
The objective of this experiment was to know if it was possible to obtain clear glass from lunar regolith simulant with as a means of melting, only, with a Fresnel lens of 31x31 cm and at a latitude of 50° and this between the months of... more
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      Lunar ScienceSpace policy, space research, in situ resource utilizationLunar GeologyLunar Exploration
The Lunar Space Elevator, a Near Term Means to Reduce Cost of Lunar Access

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      Aerospace EngineeringSpace SciencesPlanetary SciencePolymer Chemistry
The comparison of the 28 lunar mansions of Daba and Dongba scripts revealed that Daba glyphs are single graphemes that are generally pictograms depicting the star atlases or related to the syllables of the stars names. Their counterparts... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesWriting Systems & DeciphermentEndangered LanguagesHistory of Reading and Writing
We appreciate the services provided by proofreaders and format checkers to assure uniformly high quality of documents produced at Louisiana Tech University. Because of the differences between mathematical documents and other documents, we... more
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      Space SciencesLunar ScienceGeopolymer Concrete
The emergence of intelligence is a relatively recent phenomena throughout the cosmos. The total number of habitable extraterrestrial planets within the Milky Way capable of supporting advanced, intelligent life within the next 500 Myr is... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyApplied MathematicsGeologyEnergy Economics
Emplacement of four or more kinetic penetrators geographically distributed over the lunar surface can enable a broad range of scientific exploration objectives of high priority and provide significant synergy with planned orbital... more
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    • Lunar Science
After half a century hiatus the moon flights are progressing to resume in 2023 with moon landings now scheduled to take place in December 2023. Here is my flight crew interview where I outline my reasons for applying for the historic moon... more
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      Climate ChangeAstronauticsHuman SpaceflightLunar Science
At this point in time there is a growing global tendency from many nations to join efforts to develop an interdisciplinary space development program regarding the establishment of a lunar settlement in the near future. The European Space... more
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      Lunar ScienceSpace CommunicationLunar ExplorationLaser Communication Networks
The paper begins by the sentences where Caesar estates that the druids counted the days at the beginning of night (B.G., VI, 18, 2) and that some of these druids followed a formation during twenty years (B.G., VI, 14, 3-6). Then the paper... more
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      Celtic StudiesLunar ScienceArchaeoastronomyCeltic History
Simple explanation for kids
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      Chinese StudiesLunar ScienceCalendars
The emergence of intelligence is a relatively recent phenomena throughout the cosmos. The total number of habitable extraterrestrial planets within the Milky Way capable of supporting advanced, intelligent life within the next 500 Myr is... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyApplied MathematicsGeologyEnergy Economics
This paper presents the results obtained during an experiment to melt the LCATS-1 lunar regolith simulant with a Fresnel lens with a view to possible use on the Moon. Fresnel lens has many advantages over mirror, for example its weight,... more
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      Lunar ScienceNasaMoonLunar Geology
Space-based solar power has conventionally used solar panel arrays on satellites to harness light energy from the Sun, the authors of this communication suggest the innovative utilization of mirrors to support solar power generation for... more
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      Renewable EnergyLunar ScienceSolar EnergySpace Based Solar Power
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      Galileo GalileiHistory of AstronomyLunar ScienceStoria Della Lingua Italiana
Characterised by a surface bound exosphere and localised crustal magnetic fields, the Moon was considered as a passive object when solar wind interacts with it. However, the neutral particle and plasma measurements around the Moon by... more
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      Lunar ScienceMoon
This paper summarizes the search for the Peaks of Eternal Light (PELs) on the lunar South Pole. Already predicted in the 19th century, the question of existence of such peaks has revived after the Clementine and Lunar Prospector missions... more
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      Planetary ScienceLunar SciencePlanetary explorationPeaks of Eternal Light
Lunar surface is electrostatically charged by space plasma currents and ultraviolet portion of sunlight to certain potential. Due to the surface charging phenomena, the dust particles resting on the surface get charged and levitated in... more
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    • Lunar Science
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      Lunar ScienceLeonardo da VinciAstronomyMoon
Sample return missions are always compromise between sample acquisition devices, return propulsion systems, and available payload mass. Sample acquisition systems must be smaller and simpler as sample return mission go further into our... more
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      Planetary ScienceLunar ScienceSpace Technology