Papers by Astrid Priscilla Dion

As part of the renewable energy transition, for the past few years, the Netherlands has been impl... more As part of the renewable energy transition, for the past few years, the Netherlands has been implementing wind farms as its resource, both onshore and offshore. The onshore wind farms so far gained shallow public acceptance with various issues such as overlooked locals’ interests, unfairness sense and low trust to the government, and physical visibility, noise, and shadow of wind turbines. Previous studies showed that people possess a better acceptance of offshore wind farms in other countries. However, since offshore wind farms are newer and very different than the onshore ones, there is no research that specifically assesses the public acceptance of offshore wind farms in the Netherlands. This research aimed to fill that gap by examining the public acceptance using an existing framework provided by POLIMP, an organization founded by the European Union. This organization consists of several research institutions that put interest in social aspects of sustainable development, includ...
Leaving the password and ID documents behind, the facial recognition system has been becoming mor... more Leaving the password and ID documents behind, the facial recognition system has been becoming more and more ubiquitous. As fast as unlocking smart devices like phones, computers, doors and others, the facial recognition system also developed quickly that it also touches every aspect in our life, from the very personal and private matters to the way business, government and law work. We know that every technology is a double-edged knife. Some hail this technology optimistically, some belittle and criticize it, and some even reject it. This paper tries to present a reflection on how facial recognition system as one of the Internet of Things affects the society.
Contoh pengajuan proposal PKL kepada perusahaan dalam rangka pengamatan dan pengambilan data untu... more Contoh pengajuan proposal PKL kepada perusahaan dalam rangka pengamatan dan pengambilan data untuk penyusunan skripsi sebagai salah satu syarat menyelesaikan pendidikan Strata Satu (S1) di Universitas Putera Batam.
Komunikasi secara sederhana diartikan sebagai siapa menyampaikan apa melalui media apa kepada sia... more Komunikasi secara sederhana diartikan sebagai siapa menyampaikan apa melalui media apa kepada siapa dengan efek apa (who says what in which channel to whom with what effect).
Di tengah menjamurnya berbagai macam media seperti koran, radio, website, social media, dan telev... more Di tengah menjamurnya berbagai macam media seperti koran, radio, website, social media, dan televisi yang saling bersaing, banyak media yang diramalkan akan punah eksistensinya. Koran yang sebelumnya diperkirakan tidak akan laku lagi, namun ternyata sampai sekarang koran tetap laku terjual. Begitu pula radio, sejak kemunculannya tahun 1930-an, radio ternyata masih eksis sampai sekarang. Mengapa begitu?
TRIBUNNEWSBATAM.COM, BATAM-Tragedi penusukan suami terhadap istri dan mertuanya di Pengadilan Aga... more TRIBUNNEWSBATAM.COM, BATAM-Tragedi penusukan suami terhadap istri dan mertuanya di Pengadilan Agama (PA) Batam, di Sekupang, Kamis (11/6/2015), bermula saat pria tersebut mendatangi istri dan mertuanya.
Papers by Astrid Priscilla Dion
Diterbitkan oleh University of Technology Sydney & Asialink