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Artikel over het rituele interieur van het logegebouw in Den Haag (1926) en de sinds de naziroof in 1940 vermiste voorwerpen. Verschenen in het ledenblad van de Orde van Vrijmetselaren onder het Grootoosten der Nederlanden. / Article on... more
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      Material Culture StudiesInterior DesignSecond World WarResearch into Freemasonry
In this paper we present a small English dictionary consisting of 99 sample entries generated fully automatically using the ChatGPT engine. We briefly introduce ChatGPT and the underlying machinery (an autoregressive transformer-based... more
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      LexicographyArtificlai intelligencechat gpt
This article aims to present the contents of the catalogue of the books of the medical library of the Warsaw physician Jan Roch Raum (1854-1918). Based on the analysis of the prese-rved catalogue, an attempt will be made to grasp the... more
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      Medical LibraryLibrary cataloguesMedycynaBiblioteka
Rzeźba jako świadectwo Wśród wielu małopolskich legend jedna z nich głosi, że czasami o północy budzą się w wawelskich grobach polscy królowe, a następnie opuszczają swe sarkofagi i obchodzą krakowski zamek. Opowieść ta miała zainspirować... more
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      History of SculptureSculptureLooted artKraków
Een mysterieus verhaal van verdwijning en terugvinden.
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In this paper, I draw attention to a recently discovered fragment of a late medieval manuscript, currently preserved in the Staatsbibliothek in Berlin [within a box with the shelfmark: DEP 39/2 (Polon; Russ.)]. The fragment is likely to... more
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      HagiographyLiturgyManuscript StudiesPolish Studies
I. Surtouts de table and the Empire style. II. Progress in research on Wilanów surtout de table. III. Provenance and functions of surtout de table components from Pierre-Philippe Thomire's workshop at the Wilanów Palace. IV. Development... more
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      Empire StyleThomirecentrepieceStanisław Kostka Potocki
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      Art HistoryFirst World WarBellsKunstschutz
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      Cultural HeritageGreat WarArmed ConflictWorld War I
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      Cultural HeritageCultural Heritage ConservationWorld War IFirst World War
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Art in Times of War and Peace: Legacies of Early Modern Loot and Repair 8th - 10th May, Bibliotheca Hertziana / Max-Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte A category of objects that exists entirely as a function of violence, the term “loot”... more
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      Art HistoryEarly Modern HistoryAntiquities Looting
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      Cultural HeritageInternational LawLegal HistoryCultural Heritage Law
Zusammenfassung: Dieser Beitrag berichtet über die Geschichte eines Buches des jüdischen Apothekers Leopold Scheyer, das, nachdem es im Jahr 2010 aus dem Bibliotheksbestand der Freien Universität Berlin ausgesondert wurde, antiquarisch... more
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Immer wieder kam die Galerie Kühl mit den Dresdener Staatlichen Sammlungen ins Geschäft. Dieser Artikel stellt mittels einiger Beispiele dar, unter welchen Umständen dies geschah und warum der Galerist Heinrich Kühl ein angesehener... more
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      Art MarketProvenance researchLooted artGemäldegalerie Dresden
Wandalizm zabytków z perspektywy kryminologicznej Vandalism of monuments from the criminological perspective Summary: In this paper the authors discuss issues referring to the vandalism of monuments from the criminological perspective.... more
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Zagrożenie dziedzictwa kulturowego przestępczościąanaliza wydarzeń w 2019 roku Criminal Threats to the National Heritagean Analysis of the Events of 2019 Summary: There are a variety of methods that may be used in the analysis of crimes... more
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      CriminologyCultural Heritage
Habent sua fata libelli. Okupacyjny rynek sztuki w Warszawie a własność żydowska Wspólny fotogra iczny portret trzech mężczyzn 1. Ich podobieństwo izyczne nie budzi wątpliwości-to bracia. Elegancko ubrani, patrzą ze spokojem i godnością w... more
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Munich, Museum Fünf Kontinente
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      Post-ColonialismProvenanceProvenance researchLooted art
El avance de la jurisdicción federal sobre el patrimonio cultural mexicano suele explicarse como un proceso exitoso y lineal donde “el Estado” pugnó por ampliar su potestad y proteger a los vestigios de todo riesgo. La realidad está... more
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      CriminologyArchaeologyCriminal LawConstitutional Law
In conversation with Laurel Zuckerman (Open Art Data) about digital approaches to provenance research and the Looted Art Detector (englisch) Provenienzforschung und Digital Humanities Konzeption und Organisation: Prof. Dr. Meike Hopp,... more
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      Art HistoryProvenanceHolocaust StudiesHolocaust education
The event was awarded the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 (EYCH) label, as an initiative capable of enabling people to become closer to and more involved with their cultural heritage. 2
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      Cultural HeritagePolitical ScienceEuropean UnionProtection of Underwater Cultural Heritage
This article seeks to introduce a brief description of the rules of protection of cultural heritage goods in the Spanish Law, using the example of a mediatic case of illicit trade, where the regulations of civil law, criminal law, and... more
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      Cultural StudiesCriminal LawCivil LawAdministrative Law and Bureaucratic Legalism
The beginning of the 20th century was marked by the development of educational and scientific activities in Ukraine aimed at studying the history of Islamic art. The vigorous flowering of science and creative activities of the Ukrainian... more
    • by [Im PDF sind die Fussnotenverknüpfungen nicht aktiv.] Dieser Artikel aus der Zeitschrift "Passés Futurs" schildert den Skandal, der auf die Eröffnung des... more
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      Art HistoryArt Economics and MarketsZurichArt Market
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by Bettina Brockmeyer and Mèhèza Kalibani
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      German ColonialismLaw of RestitutionLooted artRestitution
Found Footage as Counter-ethnography Scenes from the Occupation in Gaza and the Films of Basma Alsharif Often signified by maps presenting cutoff zones and liminal spaces, Gaza is a place many of us visit only through its mediation. Our... more
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    • Ethnography
The catalogue documents а collaborative Ukrainian museum exhibition project that took place in the Khanenko Museum (Kyiv) in November 2017 – February 2018. Participating collections: The Bohdan and Varvara Khanenko National Museum of... more
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      Ukrainian StudiesIranian Art HistoryIranian HistoryPersian Culture
Artnapping rozumiany bywa ogólnie jako "uprowadzenie" dzieła sztuki, aby uzyskać okup za jego zwrot. Fenomen ten jest dość słabo zbadany naukowo, a nadto-uogólniając-raczej rzadko rozpoznawany, ścigany i osądzany w praktyce funkcjonowania... more
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    • Theology
Book Review
320 pages
Publisher: Getty Research Institute; 1st edition (January 8, 2019)
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      Second World War (History)Nazi GermanyArt plunderMonuments Men
This paper looks at key elements of global culture that are driving a new paradigm shift in museums causing them to question their raison d'être, their design and physical space, recognizing the need to accommodate visitor interaction... more
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      SociologyCultural HeritageDigital MediaPolitics
<-amaWilliam * vio. \ K x ii\ ivi\ unirl I JIXHII 1l (Jvclliiiu » 11 grmadc * Man i haii < « l niih lit * | >a%\ after '1 limhimi MB
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      Ethiopian StudiesAfricaRepatriation (Archaeology)Restitution
L'Osservatorio Internazionale Archeomafie bandisce il concorso di partecipazione al numero XV (2023) della rivista "Archeomafie" (ISSN 2036-4539), inserita nell'elenco delle Riviste Scientifiche dall'Agenzia Nazionale di Valutazione del... more
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      ArchaeologyCultural HeritageCultural Heritage LawIllicit Antiquities Trade
Contributo pubblicato nel quattordicesimo numero (XIV, 2022) della rivista "Archeomafie. Open Access Journal of Cultural Heritage Protection"
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      ArchaeologyIllicit Antiquities TradeArcheologiaArchéologie
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      Middle East HistoryRefugee StudiesUrban HistoryHistory and Memory
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      Art HistoryHistory of ArtHistory of CollectionsArt Market
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conference in QNL Doha Qatar on Countering the trafficking of antiquities and manuscripts in MENASA region
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      Cultural HeritageCultural Heritage ManagementLooted artLooting Art
The Story of an Ethiopian Icon" is the subtitle of an article on an article published on a website 1 promoting the return of objects taken from Maqdala in today's Ethiopia. Under the heading "The Treasure" it gives a summary of the... more
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As one of the rare museum experts in Croatia, Vladimir Tkalčić was involved in events that would lead to the establishment of the Ethnographic Department of the Croatian National Museum in October 1919. Later on, during his fifteen-year... more
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      EthnographyCroatianNational Museum
Ethnographic collections and museums in Central, Eastern, and Southern Europe offer unique perspectives on the entangled histories of imperialism and colonialism that have not been scholarly investigated to the same extent as those of... more
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      EthnographyEthnographic MethodsMuseumsProvenance research
History of the HCPO and the office's methodology for working on a restitution claim
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      Provenance researchHolocaustLooted artRestitution
Essay about the the practical applications of provenance research in the context of a restitution claim from the perspective of the HCPO of the NYDFS.
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      Provenance researchLooted artRestitutionHolocaust Restitution
Almost every week brings news of another major European museum agreeing to return looted art. Since the 2000s we have grown somewhat accustomed to the headlines describing a ceremonial return to its original owners of a painting looted in... more
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      Looted artRestitution
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      Art HistoryInternational LawSecond World WarWorld War II
Ameryka Łacińska jest regionem o niezwykle bogatej i zróżnicowanej kulturze, w którym przez wiele wieków rozwijały się wspaniałe cywilizacje. Dzieła sztuki i kultury materialnej wytworzone przez dawnych mieszkańców stanowią dziś cenne... more
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    • Art
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      African StudiesColonialismHistory of International RelationsHistory of International Law
Properly constructed criminal law provisions can prevent the destruction of heritage. The laws of the European Union are not an appropriate toolto reduce this phenomenon, although an analysis of criminal laws of individual countries may... more
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      Cultural HeritagePolitical ScienceEuropean UnionCultural Property
Special issue : Reclaiming Our Cultural Heritage is the name of the issue that Jahazi Journal dedicated to the restitution of cultural heritage stolen from the African continent.... more
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      Cultural HeritageColonizationRepatriationRestitution Issues