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The research dissertation highlights the conservation of Kampong Ayer as a living heritage under Brunei law, primarily the Antiquities and the Treasure Trove Act 2002(ATTA). It is the belief of the authorities that if Kampong Ayer is... more
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      ConservationSustainable DevelopmentCultural Heritage ConservationHeritage Conservation
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      Community DevelopmentUrban RegenerationHistoric ConservationUrban Open Space Design
The traditional hammams are facing challenges that jeopardize their sustainability as a traditional socio-physical pattern in Islamic societies. Four case study hammams in four Mediterranean cities were multi-disciplinarily studied in... more
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      ArchitectureParticipatory ResearchHeritage ConservationIntangible Cultural Heritage (Culture)
Linked to the objectives of sustainability of the United Nations, the reflection on the historic city promoted by UNESCO has favored the emergence of a new holistic paradigm that focuses on the capacity of culture to improve the quality... more
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      TourismLiving HeritageHistoric Urban LandscapeUNESCO world heritage
Como parte de un movimiento internacional promovido por instancias intergubernamentales e instituciones académicas, México ha desarrollado su propia metodología para la conservación y restauración de objetos, espacios y territorios en... more
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      ConservationCultural Heritage ConservationHeritage ConservationIndigenous Peoples
Archaeology is the study of the past and its remains in the present. It is relevant to the long-term preservation of records, knowledge and memory, e.g. regarding final repositories of nuclear waste, in two ways. Firstly, future... more
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      Future StudiesCultural HeritageMemory StudiesLiving Heritage
The main purpose of the paper is to analyze the role that proverbs play as signposts for the introduction and embedding of biblical intertextual elements in some Shona literary texts. It does this by closely reading Patrick Chakaipa's... more
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      SociolinguisticsOnomasticsAfrican LiteraturesLiving Heritage
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      Living HeritageConsultations
This paper presents the results of the systematic survey undertaken in Hampi World Heritage site in Feb 2012 to map the locations of still existing craft clusters within this boundary. An attempt is now made to trace the linkages between... more
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      Vernacular ArchitectureLiving HeritageCutural Heritage of Craft
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      Indigenous KnowledgeLiving Heritage
Abstract: The present work examines the role of infor-mation technology in preserving the Intangible Cultural Herit-age. The ability to digitize, archive, promote, and popularize through new information technologies gives a new look and a... more
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      Living HeritageFolklorIntengible Cultural Heritage
As I sat along River Ganga with my feet dipped into her cool waters, I wondered at the medley of cultures and people that surrounded me. It had only been a week since my visit to the Taj Mahal, whose material grandeur had left me... more
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      Cultural StudiesIndigenous StudiesCultural HeritageCultural Heritage Management
As part of an international movement promoted by intergovernmental bodies and academic institutions, Mexico has developed its own methodology for the conservation and restoration of indigenous objects, spaces and territories; unlike in... more
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      Cultural HeritageCultural Heritage ConservationHeritage ConservationMexican Indigenous Communities (Anthropology)
Conceptual framework regarding the role that cultural heritage can play in cities from a productive and inclusive point of view. The document is part of the Living Heritage program promoted by the Inter-American Development Bank and... more
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      Cultural HeritageCultural Heritage ManagementSocial InclusionDesarrollo Local / Local Development
This article examines the reasons behind names given to beer halls from their inception in colonial Rhodesia to present day Zimbabwe. To achieve this goal, it analyses names of beer halls, beer outlets built in the former townships of... more
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      OnomasticsIndigenous KnowledgeLiving Heritage
Northern Ireland has several mechanisms for protecting its cultural and natural resources, yet it does not have a National Park System. A recent proposal for the first National Park in the Mountains of Mourne in Northern Ireland is the... more
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      Heritage StudiesNational ParksCultural Heritage ManagementNorthern Ireland
This article focuses on the sanctuaries of the Rain God through time, paying particular attention to the devastations and the consequences that these sacred places suffered due to the colonization carried out by the Spaniards in 1521. The... more
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      Sacred Landscape (Archaeology)Living HeritageChange and continuityRituals and Religion
This study investigates UNESCO the 5 living heritage cities, Shirakawa in Japan, Luang Prabang in Laos, Lijiang in China, Hoi An in Vietnam, and Hahoi Maeul in Korea. It compares the cities utilizing 3 major criteria such as... more
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      Sustainable TourismLiving HeritageUNESCO world heritage
Archaeological sites are not isolated islands of information. They are always emplaced in landscapes of social memory, cultural construction and interconnectedness between their past creators and their present consumers – the viewers of... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyAustralian Indigenous ArchaeologyCultural LandscapesCultural Heritage Management
Historic mosques are religious living cultural heritage resources. Their conservation is a challenge throughout the Islamic World. It requires achieving a delicate balance of various values and stakeholders. They are often torn between... more
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    • Living Heritage
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      Tourism StudiesIntangible Cultural Heritage (Culture)Documentary FilmTourism
En este artículo planteamos que las reconstrucciones 3D de sitios precoloniales pueden vincular el presente y el pasado, así como reforzar la identidad de los Pueblos Indígenas. Para alcanzar este objetivo, proponemos partir del enfoque... more
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      Digital HumanitiesCultural HeritageIndigenous PeoplesPatrimonio Cultural
The Master Thesis explores and describes methodology and structure for transmission of crafts, and based on the material it suggests recommendations for the future. Furthermore this thesis shows why our society need crafts; In schools,... more
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      Special EducationLearning and TeachingTraditional CraftsLiving History
In critical theory, there has been a divergent view in terms of a universal versus contextual voice of heritage. As the universal approach has been towards dealing with heritage, hinged in the reality on ground. The chosen case can be... more
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      StakeholdersLiving HeritageExtrinsic FactorsIntrinsic Factors
En este artículo brindaremos un panorama general sobre las Humanidades Digitales, una disciplina que ha ido evolucionando conforme a su propio campo de acción en relación a lo digital y que ha alcanzado un gran auge los últimos años.... more
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      Digital HumanitiesCultural HeritagePostcolonial StudiesDigital Heritage
В данной работе рассматриваются возможности сохранения Нематериального культурного наследия при помощи внедрения новых информационных технологий в существующие сети знаний и поддержки их деятельности. Создание возможностей и условий для... more
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      FolkloreLiving HeritageIntengible Cultural Heritage
The purpose of the conference is to promote intergenerational exchange and support the participation of young researchers in the conservation and study of cultural heritage. The main themes of the conference were subsequently compiled for... more
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      Intangible cultural heritageIntangible Cultural Heritage (Culture)Living HeritagePatrimonio Inmaterial
"Bell-Ringing DNA: An instrument for the society and a Society for its Heritage" To write, talk, spread about bell-ringing heritage, about bell sounds, about bell’s history or topics it is not anything new in Valencia’s Land. It is a... more
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      Cultural HeritageLiving HeritageBell Ringing
Sustaining cultural landscapes requires the conservation of socio-cultural characteristics as well as their physical manifestations. It is essential to document and conserve tangible and intangible elements of heritage in an integrated... more
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      Cultural HeritageIntangible Cultural Heritage (Culture)Living HeritageKayseri
Over the last two decades, the conservation field has developed new frameworks for works that recur in multiple manifestations, such as many time-based media, installation, and performance artworks. Within these frameworks, authenticity... more
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      Conservation theory and ethicsContemporary Art ConservationLiving HeritageConservation-Restoration of Modern and Contemporary Art
The Institute of Ethnic Literature of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences is in the forefront of efforts to record, document, and analyze the living oral traditions of China’s ethnic minorities, including works in the epic genre such... more
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      Oral TraditionsIntangible cultural heritageLiving HeritageFolkloristics
Se presenta una propuesta de investigación en curso, un proyecto donde se aúnan, y se alían, los estudios de lactancia y los de patrimonio inmaterial (estudios críticos de patrimonio). El objetivo es, pues, doble: (1) rescatar el... more
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      LactationBreastfeedingLactatePatrimonio Cultural
This chapter, partly informed by the author’s experiences, argues for the inclusion of indigenous knowledge in the higher education curriculum in institutions of the Global South. It points out that despite robust debates on it, it has... more
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      Cultural HistoryPostcolonial StudiesOnomasticsIndigenous Knowledge
En este artículo se presenta un estudio interdisciplinario entre las Ciencias Antropológicas y las Ciencias del Diseño que tiene como objetivo el fortalecimiento de un paisaje sagrado de Ñuu Savi (i.e. el Pueblo Mixteco) a través de la... more
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      Cultural Heritage3D ReconstructionIndigenous PeoplesOaxaca (Archaeology)
Based upon domestic practices and international experiences to safeguarding oral and intangible cultural heritage, the present threefold solution currently underway focuses on the interaction assigned to three closely related units that... more
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      Oral TraditionsLiving HeritageDocumentation of oral Performance