Litvak Studies
Recent papers in Litvak Studies
Обзор языкового состояния Биржая (Литва) и его окрестностей, написанный для сборника статей «Евреи на карте Литвы: Биржай» (М., 2015). Содержит новые материалы говоров старообрядцев деревень Федаришки и Апошча и фрагменты интервью с... more
The paper argues that the recent history of Holocaust Studies in Lithuania is characterized by major provision (for research, teaching and publishing) coming from state-sponsored agencies, particularly a state commission on both Nazi and... more
The successful incorporation of Eastern European states into the European Union, NATO and the Western pro-democratic family of nations usually focuses on the import of ideas, governmental and societal structures, and products, from West... more
The hard, ugly truth about the a once great Jewish Community's destruction, and the legacy -- and current attitudes -- of Lithuania, that enable, and now largely denies that destruction. You will not find it in this book. sadly.
In Lithuanian, the word "landscape" has either a neutral or a rather positive meaning. Especially its element "the land" ("kraštas"). It is rarely said, for example, that a landscape is "nasty"; much more often it is "impressive",... more
Soviet regime treated places of Holocaust pragmatically – they considered it politically useful. However, the regime did not care about the memory of its victims and was interested in these events insofar they were useful for Soviet... more
Memoir of my friendship with the great Yiddish poet, Chaim Grade, and how he changed my life.
The paper argues that the recent history of Holocaust Studies in Lithuania is characterized by major provision (for research, teaching and publishing) coming from state-sponsored agencies, particularly a state commission on both Nazi and... more
A far-right East European grouping within the European Parliament and EU more generally continues to obtain EU funding for the "Double Genocide" inspired revisionism of Holocaust history. This segment relates to the latest episode of a... more
Science startup 2017 conference.
Placenames Liet-, Litv-, Leit- distribution
Placenames Liet-, Litv-, Leit- distribution
Although this essay emerges from two current matters (Defending History's annual naming of a new year for a Lithuanian Rescuer; the Lithuanian Parliament's recent decision to name 2021 for a "Lithuanian Activist Front" perpetrator), it... more