Recent papers in Lithology
Influence of spatio-temporal variability ofro soil surface states on the watershed hydrology behavior:A case study of El Hnach watershed in the semi-arid zone of Tunisia
The Sitapahar Anticline and its adjacent areas are characterized by a series of parallel ranges of hills trending NNW-SSE. They are extensional expression of the Indo-Burman Folded Belt of Bengal foredeep by compressional forces during... more
The extended, well documented and richly illustrated monograph dedicated to LITHOSTRATRIGRAPHY OF SICILY, written by Luca Basilone from the University of Palermo, deserves a special presentation. It displays the results of over ten years... more
FOR CITATIONS: Salem, H.S., 2001. Modeling of lithology and hydraulic conductivity of shallow sediments from resistivity measurements, using Schlumberger vertical electric soundings. Energy Sources, 23(7) August-September: 599-618.... more
The extended, well documented and richly illustrated monograph dedicated to LITHOSTRATRIGRAPHY OF SICILY, written by Luca Basilone from the University of Palermo, deserves a special presentation. It displays the results of over ten years... more
The Devonian-age bedrock of the Catskill Mountains has been the focus of many studies. This paper reviews the character and composition of the rocks of the Catskills, and examines weathering (rock decay) processes and their implications... more
Before designing and creating a hydraulic fracture, it is important to understand the parameters that determine the fracture geometry and whether the fracture extends beyond the pay zone. By fixing other mechanical parameters (i.e.... more
The study integrates petrographical and lithological data from deep exploration wells and outcrops in northern Iraq to better understand the sedimentary environments present in the basin and to evaluate the depositional evolution of the... more
As the apparently simplest of all petroglyphs, cupules are shown to be scientifically and culturally very complex phenomena. Despite being the most common motif in rock art, their meaning or purpose remains largely unknown. This paper... more
Elevated As concentrations in groundwater of the Huhhot basin (HB), Inner Mongolia, China, and the western Bengal basin (WBB), India, have been known for decades. However, few studies have been performed to comprehend the processes... more
Question: Do landscape metrics reflect differences in dominant factors controlling ribbon forest patterns among sites?Location: West Flattop Mountain, Glacier National Park, Montana (Flattop); Medicine Bow Mountains, Wyoming (Medicine... more
Electrical borehole wall images represent micro-resistivity measurements at the borehole wall. The lithology reconstruction is often based on visual interpretation done by geologists. This analysis is very time-consuming and subjective.... more
The interdisciplinary project Stone Monuments and Stone Quarrying in the Carnuntum – Vindobona Area aims to acquire new knowledge about Roman economic and settlement history, art, quarrying and infrastructure through the analysis of... more
Overpressure prediction in the North West of Niger Delta, using porosity data was carried out to safeguard hazards associated with drilling accident due to blowout. In the absence of seismic data to predict overpressure,... more
A field-based investigation into the frequency and magnitude of debris torrent systems reveals that lithology controls the spatial and temporal occurrence of debris torrents in the Tsitika Watershed, Vancouver Island, British Columbia. We... more
This work summarizes the results of a geomorphological and bivariate statistical approach to gully erosion susceptibility mapping in the Turbolo stream catchment (northern Calabria, Italy). An inventory map of gully erosion landforms of... more
Le musée d'Anthropologie préhistorique de Monaco conserve plusieurs collections moustériennes provenant des Balzi Rossi (Grimaldi, Vintimille, Ligurie, Italie). La très grande majorité est issue des fouilles réalisées par le chanoine de... more
Sokli is located in the municipality of Savukoski in eastern Lapland, Finland, nearby the Russian border. GTK’s research area of Kaulus is situated in the southern part of the Sokli carbonatite complex. The purpose of this work is to... more
Neanderthals have a distinctive suite of dental features, including large anterior crown and root dimensions and molars with enlarged pulp cavities. Yet, there is little known about variation in molar root morphology in Neanderthals and... more
Les campagnes océanographiques SEDIFAN (1997) réalisées par IFREMER sur la marge continentale celtique ont permis de reconnaitre et de caractériser le fan sousmarin profond celtique entre 4200 m et 4800 m de profondeur d'eau. La... more
Mosul Dam, Iraq, was built in the 1980s on a foundation of soluble geologic materials. Because of the solubility of its foundation and abutments, maintenance grouting began immediately after construction and continues to the present. The... more
Rivers State as the nomenclature depicts is a state richly blessed with both surface and subsurface water. As a result of this, there is less problem of water scarcity, especially in the elite cities of the state, but so many other... more
Goździk J., Łanczont M., Marks L., Mroczek P., 2014. Litostratygrafia. [w:] marks L., Ber A., Lindner L., (red.) Zasady polskiej klasyfikacji i terminologii stratygraficznej czwartorzędu. Komitet Badań Czwartorzędu PAN, Warszawa, 17-27.
The investigation was carried out at the built up area of Ahmadu Bello University, main campus samara, Zaria. In order to map the ground water potential structure of the area a seismic refraction tomography method was used. The... more
Landslides are very common natural problems in the Black Sea Region of Turkey due to the steep topography, improper use of land cover and adverse climatic conditions for landslides. In the western part of region, many studies have been... more
Microbialites are organogenic deposits formed as the result of the vital activities of colonies of benthic micro organisms, which entrap and bind sedimentary particles to form mineral deposits. This article considers two types of such... more
We applied the Interferometric Point Target Analysis (IPTA) technique to study the city of Rome (Italy) aiming to detect and measure the surface movements of buildings and urban structures. The available SAR dataset has been delivered by... more
The study integrates petrographical and lithological data from deep exploration wells and outcrops in northern Iraq to better understand the sedimentary environments present in the basin and to evaluate the depositional evolution of the... more
Palaeoecological techniques and radiocarbon datings were used to reconstruct the initiation and development of a sloping bog system near Prince Rupert, British Columbia, Canada. Peat initiation began around 12 000 cal. BP, possibly as a... more
We have carried out geological studies including mapping at the scale 1 : 50 000 in the southern part of the San Salvador Metropolitan Area to support urban planning and natural hazard mitigation. The study area extends over the... more
The Sibiciu Basin is located in Romania between the Buzȃu Mountains and the Buzau Subcarpathians (Curvature Carpathians and Subcarpathians). The geology of the basin consists of Paleogene flysch deposits represented by an alternation of... more
With the increase in demand for water for competing uses, it is difficult to meet the entire demand from a single source and it is a challenge to plan and manage the different water resources. Among the two major water resources, surface... more
In this paper the lithological study and mapping of Barind Tract is done by using irrigation boreholes log data in the context of an upazila under Barind Tract in northwest Bangladesh. Northwestern part of Bangladesh is severely drought... more
Multidisciplinary research evaluates structural, metamorphic and petrochemical data of selected rock types in different units located in the northeastern part of the Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic: (1) the Strážek Unit in the... more
Precambrian sedimentary successions are difficult to date and correlate. In the Scottish Highlands, potential correlations between the thick, undeformed siliciclastic 'Torridonian' successions in the foreland of the Caledonian Orogen and... more