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Every year and across the world, thousands of fledglings of different petrel species crash into human structures because they are disorientated by artificial lights during their first flights. As this phenomenon is rather predictable,... more
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      Environmental EducationOrnithologyScience CommunicationConservation Biology
La nuit n’est pas un espace-temps inexploré par le géographe [Deleuil, 1994 ; Fiori, 2000 ; Mosser et Devars, 2000 ; Paquot, 2000 ; Gwiazdzinski, 2002, 2005 ; Mos- ser, 2003, 2005, 2007 ; Mallet, 2009], mais il reste jeune et nécessite... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyLight Pollution/Observing SitesLighting
Light pollution is one of the most rapidly increasing types of environmental degradation. Its levels have been growing exponentially over the natural nocturnal lighting levels provided by starlight and moonlight. To limit this pollution... more
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      Project ManagementLight Pollution/Observing SitesSustainable DevelopmentCircadian Rhythms
This paper aims to derive a design framework for dovetailing darkness and light while planning outdoor spaces using the concept of pragmatic utopia. Pragmatic utopia is a sustainable design movement characterized by an inclusive outlook... more
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      Light Pollution/Observing SitesLighting DesignLED lighting designLight Pollution
Light pollution has become the principal barrier to the night sky. Its documented growth charts a seemingly inexorable decline in simple, direct access to most astronomical phenomena. We tend to think of this as a problem of our time,... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyLight Pollution/Observing SitesHistory of AstronomyAmateur Astronomy
Die ersten drei Kapitel dieses Fernlehrgangsskripts sind der Frage gewidmet, wie sich Straßenbeleuchtung ökologisch verträglich planen lässt. Sie werden darin lernen, dass Straßenlampen nicht nur viel Energie verbrauchen und damit zum... more
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      OpticsObservational AstronomyLight Pollution/Observing SitesArchitectural Lighting
The extent and intensity of artificial night lighting has increased with urban development worldwide. The resulting light pollution is responsible for mortality among many Procellariiformes species which show nocturnal activity on their... more
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      Environmental EducationOrnithologyScience CommunicationConservation Biology
We extend the method introduced by Cinzano et al. (2000a) to map the artificial sky brightness in large territories from DMSP satellite data, in order to map the naked eye star visibility and telescopic limiting magnitudes. For these... more
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      Light Pollution/Observing SitesCross CorrelationSatellite DataLight Pollution
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      Light Pollution/Observing SitesLight Pollution
Light pollution is one of the most rapidly increasing types of environmental degradation. Its levels have been growing exponentially over the natural nocturnal lighting levels provided by starlight and moonlight. To limit this pollution... more
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      Project ManagementLight Pollution/Observing SitesSustainable DevelopmentCircadian Rhythms
It was concluded that light pollution in Malta is a serious problem not just for shearwaters but also in terms of emissions and quality of life. However, simple, relatively inexpensive and practical solutions were identified to deal with... more
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      Light Pollution/Observing SitesSeabirdsShearwaters
Résumé : Cet article explique la naissance d’un problème environnemental, la pollution lumineuse, appréhendé comme une controverse sociotechnique. Sur une quarantaine d’années, en appui sur la démarche de l’acteur réseau, il retrace les... more
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      Environmental EducationLight Pollution/Observing SitesEnvironmental StudiesEnergy and Environment
We investigate the effect of light pollution as the important considerations that limits the quality of the sky brightness for the astronomical purpose. Selected sites that covered: Klang, Selangor, Merlimau Melaka, Ipoh, Perak ad Kuala... more
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    • Light Pollution/Observing Sites
Light pollution is one of the most rapidly increasing types of environmental degradation. Its levels have been growing exponentially over the natural nocturnal lighting levels provided by starlight and moonlight. To limit this pollution... more
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      Project ManagementLight Pollution/Observing SitesSustainable DevelopmentCircadian Rhythms
We extend the method introduced by Cinzano et al. (2000a) to map the artificial sky brightness in large territories from DMSP satellite data, in order to map the naked eye star visibility and telescopic limiting magnitudes. For these... more
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      Light Pollution/Observing SitesLight Pollution
We present the first World Atlas of the zenith artificial night sky brightness at sea level. Based on radiance-calibrated high-resolution DMSP satellite data and on accurate modelling of light propagation in the atmosphere, it provides a... more
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      Light Pollution/Observing SitesLight Pollution
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      Light Pollution/Observing SitesAnimal Behavior
Résumé : Notre société occidentale entretient une relation complexe avec la nuit, espace-temps protégé des cadences diurnes qui favorise la réflexion, l’imaginaire, la création, l’écoute et le rapprochement de l’autre, tout en révélant la... more
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      GeographyLight Pollution/Observing SitesEnvironmental PollutionLighting
Artificial Light At Night (ALAN), causing light pollution (LP), is not a matter restricted to astronomy anymore. Light is part of modern societies and, as a consequence, the natural cycle day-night (bright-dark) has been interrupted to a... more
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      Light Pollution/Observing SitesLight PollutionLight Pollution Artificial Light at NightSky glow
Résumé : L’appel « Sauvons la nuit ! » résume à lui seul tout l’enjeu d’une perception émergente de la lumière artificielle comme objet de dommages. Lancé en 1995 par des acteurs issus pour l’essentiel des milieux de l’astronomie amateur... more
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      GeographyLight Pollution/Observing SitesEnvironmental StudiesEnergy and Environment
Durant la période nocturne, la lumière constitue l’un des marqueurs principaux de l’activité humaine, activité avérée (éclairage festif, éclairage événementiel, etc.) ou activité possible (éclairage fonctionnel et permanent de voies de... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyUrban GeographyLight Pollution/Observing Sites
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      OrnithologyLight Pollution/Observing SitesAustraliaEcology
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      Light Pollution/Observing SitesPublic Observatories
We obtained the map of the zenith brightness of the night sky in Italy, constructing a simple model. The artificial sky brightness in each site is given by the integration of the contribution produced by each unitary area of surface... more
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      Light Pollution/Observing SitesLight Pollution
Light pollution is the by-product of anthropogenic activities result from the increases in advanced economic and urbanization. Light pollution limits the ability to view the night sky by astronomers, on biodiversity, and ecosystems. This... more
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    • Light Pollution/Observing Sites
Vortrag in der Sternwarte Sankt Andreasberg e.V.
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      Light Pollution/Observing SitesEcologyAstronomyLED Lighting
Light pollution has been proposed as a factor in the decline of Lampyris noctiluca because it has the potential to interfere with reproductive signaling and has been shown to impact the ability of males to locate light lures in a... more
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    • Light Pollution/Observing Sites
— High anthropogenic activities are rapidly increasing phenomenon and it is assumed to have global implications. In Nigeria, high anthropogenic activities rapidly increase above the standard of the threshold values especially the lighting... more
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    • Light Pollution/Observing Sites
Light pollution is increasing around the world and altering natural nightscapes with potential ecological and evolutionary consequences. A severe ecological perturbation caused by artificial lights is mass mortalities of organisms,... more
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      OrnithologyLight Pollution/Observing SitesEcologyMultidisciplinary
Bilan final (SANS LES ANNEXES) du programme MSHS-Toulouse (2014) CÉPYMAC. Le « ciel étoilé » des Pyrénées et du Massif Central : une nouvelle ressource environnementale pour les territoires de montagne. CÉPYMAC est un projet de... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyLight Pollution/Observing SitesTourism Geography
Quebecers are among the worst light polluters in the world, producing 2 to 3 times more light than Americans or Europeans. Nevertheless, there is hope of losing this infamous title in the near future. Recently, there was a large increase... more
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    • Light Pollution/Observing Sites
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      Environmental EducationOrnithologyScience CommunicationConservation Biology
We present a portable automatic instrument for monitoring night sky brightness and atmospherical transparency in astronomical photometrical bands. Main requirements were: fast and automatic coverage of the entire sky, lightness,... more
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      Light Pollution/Observing SitesSky BrightnessLight PollutionSky
We present a project to map the artificial sky brightness in Europe in the main astronomical photometrical bands with a resolution better than 3 km. The aim is to understand the state of night sky pollution in Europe, to quantify the... more
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      PhysicsLight Pollution/Observing SitesLight PollutionSurface Area
We applied the described method to Europe obtaining the maps of artificial sky brightness in V and B bands.
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      Light Pollution/Observing SitesLight PollutionSurface Area
The artificial sky brightness in each site at a given position on the sky is obtained by integration of the contributions produced by every surface area in the surroundings of the site. Each contribution is computed taking into account... more
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      Light Pollution/Observing SitesSatellite DataLight PollutionSurface Area
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      Light Pollution/Observing SitesWater PollutionLightingLightning
We present the map of the artificial sky brightness in Europe in V band with a resolution of approximately 1 km. The aim is to understand the state of night sky pollution in Europe, to quantify the present situation and to allow future... more
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      Light Pollution/Observing SitesLight Pollution
We have determined the B-band and V-band sky brightness over Cerro Tololo during the years 1988 to 2001 using CCD images obtained with the CTIO 0.9-m and 1.5-m telescopes. CCD observations have the potential of being much more accurate... more
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    • Light Pollution/Observing Sites
I review recent progresses toward a second world atlas of the night-sky brightness. Almost all main steps have been or are being improved. I present up-to-date Extended Garstang Models (EGM), which provide a more general numerical... more
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      Light Pollution/Observing SitesSatellite DataLight PollutionRadiative Transfer
We present a project to map the artificial sky brightness in Europe in the main astronomical photometrical bands with a resolution better than 3 km. The aim is to understand the state of night sky pollution in Europe, to quantify the... more
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      Light Pollution/Observing SitesLight PollutionSurface AreaLong Term Study
Quebecers are among the worst light polluters in the world, producing 2-3 times more light than Americans or Europeans. Nevertheless, there is hope of loosing this infamous title in the near future. Recently, there was a large increase in... more
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    • Light Pollution/Observing Sites
Light pollution is widely recognised as being a major threat to seabirds and nocturnal migrant species. This report examines its effect on seabirds and other fauna firstly in an international context and then at the local Maltese level.... more
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      Light Pollution/Observing SitesSeabirdsShearwaters
Straßenbeleuchtung wirkt sich auf verschiedenen Wegen auf die Umwelt aus: Sie verbraucht nicht nur Energie und beeinflusst damit die Klimabilanz einer Kommune; sondern trägt darüber hinaus erheblich zum Problem der Lichtverschmutzung... more
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      Light Pollution/Observing SitesGeoinformaticsGeoinformationAstronomy