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Since the publication of the first edition of English for Law in 2018 the world that we live in has undergone a great many transformations. From the Trump presidency in the United States of America to the pandemic that still holds its... more
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      Forensic LinguisticsCorpus LinguisticsEnglish Legal systemLegal Linguistics; Corpus Linguistics;
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      Legal LexicographyCorpus LinguisticsLegal Linguistics; Corpus Linguistics;Legal translation studies
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      Law and SocietySocio-legal studiesCorpus Linguistics and Discourse AnalysisCorpus Linguistics and Translation Studies
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      Comparative LawSocio-legal studiesCorpus LinguisticsCorpus Linguistics and Discourse Analysis
The empirical approach to the study of legal language has recently undergone profound development. Corpus linguistics study has, in particular, revealed previously unnoticed features of the legal language at both the lexico-grammatical... more
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      Corpus Linguistics and Discourse AnalysisLegal Linguistics; Corpus Linguistics;
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      Legal argumentationPhraseologyLegal Discourse AnalysisLegal Linguistics; Corpus Linguistics;
This chapter focuses on the ways that newspaper producers and readers represented the Italian justice system and its criminal procedure through the various phases of Amanda Knox's arrest, trial, conviction, acquittal, and retrial (in... more
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      Criminal JusticeComparative LawCritical Discourse StudiesCorpus Linguistics
Comunicación simétrica y asimétrica en los blogs de divulgación jurídica: entre modalidad epistémica y modalidad deóntica 1 [Symmetrical and asymmetrical communication in legal blogs: between epistemic and deontic modality]
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      BlogsLegal Discourse AnalysisLegal Linguistics; Corpus Linguistics;Legal Spanish
Sachsenspiegel und Magdeburger Recht stellen zwei deutschsprachigen Rechtsquellen dar, die mit der Verbreitung der deutschen Rechtspraxis in den slawisch- und baltischsprachigen Gebieten angeeignet wurden. Der vorliegende Beitrag... more
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      Historical LinguisticsSlavic LanguagesRussianCzech
We will explore the possibility of shifting from a do-it-yourself (DIY) towards a do-it-together (DIT) approach in corpus creation, as well as in the way translators use and share sources, resources and tools. Building on previous... more
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      Translation StudiesCorpus LinguisticsCorpus Linguistics and Translation StudiesCorpus-Based Translation Studies
Communication (21/03/2022) à l'atelier "Computational approaches to law », organisé de manière jumelée par le projet ANR GoA, hébergé à l'Institut d'Histoire et Philosophie des Sciences et des Techniques (IHPST), le Département DreDIS de... more
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      Artificial IntelligencePhilosophy Of LawLegal Linguistics; Corpus Linguistics;Legal Technology
В статье описывается начальный этап создания лингвистически размеченного корпуса русских локальных документов и актов CorRIDA. В повседневной жизни носители русского языка всё чаще сталкиваются с необходимостью читать и подписывать... more
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      Russian LanguageLegal Linguistics; Corpus Linguistics;Official DocumentsInternal Documents
Статья направлена на сравнение списков значимой лексики (resp. списков ключевых слов), полученных с использованием двух разных по содержанию референтных корпусов одинакового объёма (по 1 млн. слов). Целевой корпус – это лемматизированнная... more
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      Legal Linguistics; Corpus Linguistics;Official DocumentsReference CorpusInternal Documents
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to examine the rhetorical, political speeches of Julian the emperor using computational tools. For this reason, in this research we apply corpus linguistics techniques for the automatic extraction of... more
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      Corpus Consultation (Applied Linguistics)Corpus LinguisticsCorpus Linguistics & Language PedagogyArabic Corpus Linguistics