Late medieval and renaissance art in northern europe
Recent papers in Late medieval and renaissance art in northern europe
published in: Stefan Krause and Matthias Pfaffenbichler (Ed.), Turnier. 1000 Ritterspiele, Vienna (KHM) and Munich (Hirmer) 2017 ( The publication contains 21 essays by 17... more
HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
This essay was written in response to a prompt question posed by the editors of an anniversary edition of the Sixteenth Century Journal: "How have present political issues affected the way you do research?" In arguing that what once... more
This book aims to analyze the genesis and evolution of late Gothic painting in the Crown of Aragon and the rest of the Hispanic kingdoms, examining this phenomenon in relation to the whole context of Europe in the second half of the... more
Northern European and Spanish Paintings before 1600 in the Art Institute of Chicago. A Catalogue of the Collection, by Martha Wolff, Susan Frances Jones, Richard G. Mann and Judith Berg Sobré, with contributions by Ilse Hecht, Peter... more
The tapestry-set entitled as " La dame à la licorne " , which is kept by the Musée de Cluny-Musée national du Moyen Âge in Paris, has been interpreted as a Five-Senses-Cycle. This reading produces problems such as the surplus of the "... more
Not Only Wawel Castle. Reconstructions of the Monarchical Residences in the Kingdom of Poland during the Reign of Sigismund l the Old Such large-scale construction action conducted in the first half of the 16th century connected to the... more
The Prayer Books of Emperor Maximilian I
Bei dem vorliegenden Beitrag handelt es sich um die überarbeitete Version des Vortrags, den der Autor anlässlich der Verleihung des Förderpreises ,Walther von der Vogelweide' am 3. Oktober 2015 im Bozner Waltherhaus gehalten hat. Im... more
This essay considers the depiction of the secular, erotic female nude in northern European art of the fifteenth century, looking at examples in manuscript, print and panel painting, as well as evidence from contemporary spectacle and... more
The first, theoretical part of this study pursues the question of how meaning was generated and how an ambivalent-or polyvalent-object, for example, an allegory, was or can be understood. The interweaving of acts of interpretations... more
We do not know when he was born, educated or died. We do not know whether he managed, if indeed he did, to leave Spain. We do not know with what masters he trained. We do not know of any prince, prelate or magnate who protected him; we do... more
In de loop van haar geschiedenis tot 1629 werd de stad 's-Hertogenbosch met regelmaat bezocht door de landsheren en landsvrouwen in hun hoedanigheid van hertog of hertogin van Brabant.
We do not know when he was born, educated or died. We do not know whether he managed, if indeed he did, to leave Spain. We do not know with what masters he trained. We do not know of any prince, prelate or magnate who protected him; we do... more
The painting Ascent into Heaven (ca. 1505-1515; dendrochronological dating: 1482-1490) kept in the Palazzo Ducale in Venice is one of the four eschatological panels (the other three are: Earthly Paradise, Fall of the Damned and Hell)... more
Named after Maximilian I’s literary alter ego, Freydal is the largest extant tournament book of the Late Middle Ages, inscribed in the UNESCO Memory of the World program. This publication from Vienna’s Kunsthistorisches Museum... more
in: exhibition catalogue Sabine Haag, Alfried Wieczorek, Matthias Pfaffenbichler und Hans-Jürgen Buderer (Hgg.), Kaiser Maximilian I. – Der letzte Ritter und das höfische Turnier, Mannheim (Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen, Zeughaus),... more
[Santrauka: Niurnbergo auksakalystes menas paskutinitjjv Jogailaiciy dvaro aplinkoje]
The article discusses Jan van Scorel's drawing and painting technique and is based on various types of technical investigation, including X-ray, infrared reflectography and the analysis of paint samples.
The Last Judgement triptych, dated c. 1495 - 1505, from the Groeningemuseum in Bruges is currently considered by members of the Bosch Research and Conservation Project as an undisputed work in the oeuvre of Hieronymus Bosch (c. 1450 -... more
Whereas tournaments of the late thirteenth century were infused with cross-channel contact, whether in reciprocity of form or in the international composition of the participants involved, by the early fifteenth century, tournament forms... more
The extant works of Hugo van der Goes frustrated attempts among early historians of Netherlandish painting to organize the artist's career according to a chronology. The survival of a biographical document attesting to his madness... more
The devotional topos of the exuding wood of the cross became popular in fifteenth-century religious art and literature in southern Germany. A late medieval coda to a long tradition tracing Christ’s Cross to the Edenic Tree, the exuding... more
Sonderdruck aus dem Jahrbuch deS RömiSch-GeRmaniSchen ZentRalmuSeumS mainZ 59. Jahrgang 2012 MecHtHild scHulze-dörrlaMM schwErtEr dEs 10. JahrhundErts als hErrschaFtszEichEn dEr ottonEn zu den vorläufern des reichsschwerts und zu dessen... more
Discusses workshop practices of the Memling workshop in Bruges
12/12/12 07:37 8 Jacques DE V ORAGINE, La Légende dorée, Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, Paris, 2004, pp. 37-40. La sainte aurait été suppliciée en 304, sous le règne de Dioclétien. 9 [DIT WAS GHEDAEN INT JAER M CCCC ENDE LXXX].
This paper discusses the impact of the works of Jan van Eyck and his workshop in European Art before and around 1450.