Language Linguistics
Recent papers in Language Linguistics
This paper explores the theory of lexical knowledge set forth in the Module-Attribute Representation of Verbal Semantics (Biq 2000) and extends its scope to include issues concerning verbal polysemy. Previous versions of the theory... more
This paper examines the ways in which language sounds with a masculine or feminine emotional character convey meaning and structure in Kurt Schwitters' expressive non-verbal poem the Ursonate. Schwitters emphasized the importance of... more
Paragraphs are the building blocks of essays. A sound knowledge of paragraph structuring leads to well-written and readable essays. On the contrary, a lack of paragraph writing skills culminates into a farrago of ideas scattered... more
It is widely believed that understanding a language does not only entail knowledge of phonology, grammar and vocabulary, but it also requires one to have information about certain features of the culture of that language (Cakir, 2006).... more
Today, varieties of the Malay language are spoken by more than two hundred million people, mostly in Indonesia and Malaysia. Also, more than one hundred million people speak Persian dialects in Iran, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan.... more
In recent years there has been a growing interest in the cultural dimension of foreign language education, and teachers today are expected to promote the acquisition of intercultural competence in their learners. Thus, the present study... more
Since the early 1980s, cochlear implantation has been an approved method for treating profound bilateral sensorineural hearing loss in children. It is widely believed that the use of this device would significantly benefit young deaf... more
The purpose of this study is to examine thematic structure in the translations of Edgar Allan Poe's The Black Cat, The TellTale Heart and Virginia Woolf's A Haunted House. Meaning in Gothic literary works is closely associated with word... more
Language Teaching (CLT). It has linguistic, philosophical and pedagogical bases, as well; however, its theories of learning are more fundamental than those of language. TBLT focuses on language itself, language acquisition and language... more
In recent years there has been a growing interest in the cultural dimension of foreign language education, and teachers today are expected to promote the acquisition of intercultural competence in their learners. Thus, the present study... more
Previous studies of the lexical aspect of verbs following Vendler (1967) cannot account for verbs of degree achievements . Building on recent studies on "scale structure" (Hay et al. 1999, Rappaport Hovav & Levin 2010, among others). We... more
This article analyzes image schemas in Hafez sonnets. After studying the sonnets, some verses chosen selectively then, analyzed descriptively and analytically, based on some image schemas mentioned by Johnson (1987). Image schemas are... more
This study reviews extended uses of nominalization constructions in a wide range of Asian languages. It combines typological and diachronic perspectives, and traces how nominalization constructions over time develop from referential to... more
Motivation in second language learning is an important factor that should be never ignored, it requires much attention for second language learning and teaching to be successful, the students should be motivated and the teacher needs to... more
Research in the area of intercultural competences has become increasingly popular. Scholars have been developing theoretical models for acquiring and evaluating intercultural competences, looking for connections between interdisciplinary... more
Language is a reflection of culture, and the role of culture in learning a language can't be ruled out. We usually communicate, what culture offers us. Every speech community has a scope for languages other than their native language, but... more
This paper aimed at providing an overview on the post-cognitivist approach of embodiment theory. In the first section, a summary of the main tenets of the traditional cognitive theory are provided. Following the pros and cons of... more
Although morphological innovations are usually regarded as important in reconstructing the histories of language families, relatively little attention has been paid to the reconstruction of Proto Austronesian (PAn) verbal morphology, and... more
There is quite a longstanding convention whereby Formosan languages (the Austronesian languages of Taiwan) are described using a framework and terminology developed by linguists working on the Austronesian languages of the Philippines.... more
Learning Chinese as a second language is a hot and rising issue all around the world. Although the teaching and learning of Chinese as a second language is getting a lot of support from the Chinese government, through the establishment of... more
agreed that classifiers are closely related to categorization. In Malay, it has been suggested that the classifier buah is able to classify things that do not have definite types and shapes. Its classification of varied and seemingly... more
The present study is done to examine the effect of chunk learning on students' listening comprehension. Based on the nature of the study, the null hypothesis was proposed, chunk learning has no effect on (TOEFL) listening comprehension.... more
Improving writing instruction has been the focus of educational researchers during the last three decades.
Metaphors in the film Butterfly Lovers are examined within the framework of Mental Spaces Theory (Fauconnier 1994, 1997, Fauconnier & Turner 2002), illustrating how context in discourse plays an important role in the interpretation of... more
Meaning defines language because it is the internal function of language. At the same time, meaning does not exist unless in language and because of language. From the point of view of the speaking subject meaning is contents of... more
In many multilingual nations of the world, the multiplicity of indigenous languages and cultures makes the choice of a national language for the purpose of sustainable development difficult. This paper considers the media as major sources... more
This study discusses the incorporation of thinking strategies of high order in teaching in general and in the teaching of theoretical texts in particular. The main goal of the paper is to discuss the difficulties of teaching theoretical... more
English sentences beginning with there, also called English there-constructions, do not constitute only existential sentences; most important among their other uses are presentational there-constructions. It is almost impossible to... more
The author argues that in addition to the three series of stops commonly reconstructed (voiceless unaspirated; voiceless aspirated; voiced), Old Chinese possessed three prenasalized series, in which the prenasal element was a prefix N-.... more
Many Sinitic languages respect low vowel raising (LVR) whereby the low vowel /a/ is raised to /e/ only when flanked by a palatal glide and a coronal coda. In this article, I show that LVR in Sinitic languages is a genuine process of... more
The concept of social deixis and its definition are stated by different scholars. Among these some are stated in this article in order to introduce the concept of social deixis to the reader. In the language, social deixis is expressed by... more
Abstract: Learning a foreign or second language at different levels of proficiency involves the acquisition of a great number of words. Language learners look for effective ways to increase opportunities for retaining new words in... more
Proposing many new cognate sets and building on many decades of his own previous research, Matisoff (2003) represents a major contribution to Tibeto-Burman linguistics. Unfortunately, Matisoff's use of Tibetan is marred by errors of fact... more
This paper describes an experiment on the production of handshape change in Taiwan Sign Language using the implicit priming experimental paradigm . The results not only provide new evidence that phonological form plays an important role... more
On the basis of a detailed study of the relativization phenomena in the dialects of Sasak and Sumbawa in eastern Indonesia, this paper shows that the two crucial assumptions made by Keenan & Comrie on Western Malayo-Polynesian languages... more
This paper discusses the syntax of the Chinese non-referential ta 'it' as it occurs after the verb in haohao-de he ta liang-bei 'Drink two cups' or shui ta yi huir 'Sleep for a while'. After presenting the problems of three previous... more
There is quite a longstanding convention whereby Formosan languages (the Austronesian languages of Taiwan) are described using a framework and terminology developed by linguists working on the Austronesian languages of the Philippines.... more
Since the 1960s, Western Europe has been host to a large Turkish immigrant community. While many such communities shift to the majority language in the space of a few generations, language maintenance is remarkably successful in this... more
In the field of task-based language teaching, sequencing tasks is of substantial importance. One of the proposals for sequencing tasks is cognitive task complexity. Robinson, as one of the proponents of sequencing tasks based on cognitive... more
Linguists often classify languages into various types. In generative phonology, language typology is usually translated into parameters, such as the parameter for trochaic vs. iambic feet, or the parameter for syllable counting vs. mora... more
Meaning defines language because it is the internal function of language. At the same time, meaning does not exist unless in language and because of language. From the point of view of the speaking subject meaning is contents of... more
The concept of social deixis and its definition are stated by different scholars. Among these some are stated in this article in order to introduce the concept of social deixis to the reader. In the language, social deixis is expressed by... more
This article aims to study the applicability of Steiner hermeneutic motions in Colman Barks translation of Essential Rumi. At first, it introduces hermeneutic motions suggested by George Steiner which include initiative trust, aggression,... more
Linguists often classify languages into various types. In generative phonology, language typology is usually translated into parameters, such as the parameter for trochaic vs. iambic feet, or the parameter for syllable counting vs. mora... more
3 Decades of lexical ambiguity research has rigorously studied effects of relative sense frequency on sense disambiguation in biased contexts, while fundamental semantic issues such as distinction of different types of ambiguities, or... more
Seediq is a Formosan language belonging to the Atayalic subgroup . This paper reports a (morpho-)phonological process called dorsal consonant harmony found in the language with the data based on the Truku dialect. Two contrastive... more