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      SagesseLady WisdomMaat GoddessEgypt and Hebrew Bible
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      Wisdom LiteratureHebrew Wisdom Literature; The Book of ProverbsPatristic ExegesisGreek Patristics
Author: Tina Ostrander Publisher: CBE International In the Old Testament book of Proverbs, God’s infinite wisdom is personified as a woman. The association of divine wisdom with the feminine is not accidental. Social relationships in... more
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      WisdomGender and religion (Women s Studies)PersonificationsLady Wisdom
Avtorica diplomskega dela raziskuje pomen abecedne pesmi Pohvala vrli ženi (Prg 31,10-31) za razumevanje starozavezne poosebljene modrosti. Lik poosebljene modrosti se v Stari zavezi preučuje na osnovi ustaljenih svetopisemskih mest (Prg... more
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      Old Testament TheologyBook of JobHebrew Wisdom Literature; The Book of ProverbsBiblical Exegesis
This paper is unpublished final submission for credit, typos intact. It considers the influence of the Holy Spirit in history and the world; in personal life and liturgy. It threads together four intersecting themes of the Holy Spirit’s... more
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      Women's StudiesTheologyLiturgyChristian Mysticism
Present paper is dedicated to the reconstruction of the Q-sayings that are traditionally associated with the personified Wisdom. Further every text is supplied by the short commentary that discusses the aspects of the personified Wisdom... more
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      Redaction CriticismQ Sayings GospelSynoptic ProblemLady Wisdom
Lady Wisdom usually refers to the figure of wisdom personified in some biblical texts. If personification is a relatively common literary device, that of wisdom is more striking, as it develops to the point of giving to the figure a... more
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      Hebrew Bible and Ancient Near EastWisdom LiteratureHebrew Bible and Ancient GreeceLady Wisdom
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      ProverbsComparative mythologyLady Wisdom
CARBAJOSA, I., “‘Ho cercato di prendermela come sposa, mi sono innamorato della sua bellezza’ (Sap 8,2). La bellezza della sapienza nella Bibbia”, en ROVETTA, A. – DESJATOVA, M. (eds.), Il destino della Bellezza. La Bellezza nella... more
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      Wisdom LiteratureBook of WisdomLady Wisdom
Both James 1:14-15’s Desire (Epithymia) and 1:18’s Truth (Alētheia) are personified maternal entities inspired respectively by Proverbs’ Lady Folly and Lady Wisdom. That James 1’s Desire and Truth are anticipations of James 3:15’s demonic... more
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      Letter of Jamesancient Greek poetryLady Wisdom