Maat Goddess
Recent papers in Maat Goddess
This paper explores the historical realities and the international cultural context which lays hidden behind the veil of Sappho's poetry. Its aim is to show that it is not by accident a possible connection between Sappho's legendary fame... more
This paper sets out to study the four Egyptian-like scarabs that have been found in Ayamonte (Huelva province, Southwest- ern Spain) during the first archaeological season in 2010. Five Phoenician tombs have been uncovered in the site of... more
Fascinante tant par son iconographie que par son contenu, la scène de jugement 1 , objet du chapitre 125 du Livre des Morts, implique plusieurs acteurs. Les lignes qui suivent se focaliseront sur l'identification de certains d'entre eux... more
Величайшая тайна планеты. О чем молчит Библия. _________________________ Книга Дэна Брауна «Код да Винчи», несущая губительную для рода человеческого мысль о смертной природе Христа, своим шумным успехом обязана истине: Иисус... more
Abstract. ― The aim of this research is to cast a new light on the philosophy and the application of ancient Egyptian law to enhance the appreciation of legal history that is the foundation of nowadays world in order to be engaged with... more
El robo, la usurpación y la mentira, desde muy temprano, son actos bastante juzgados por la ética y la moral humanas. Desde las primeras civilizaciones, asistimos a una propaganda gigantesca por parte de los Estados en promover la... more
The strophe comprising the cola 23a-30b is characterised by a remarkable series of imprecations which the supplicant directs against all those enemies who act against him in villainy (23a-29b). The supplicant appeals to God to let justice... more