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      Japanese StudiesCinemaL. Buñuel
Si se pretende matizar el aporte del arte de Buñuel al proyecto surrealista, es necesario investigar la maduración progresiva de su cine a la luz de la propuesta surrealista de la "liberación del deseo". Así, se intenta en este ensayo... more
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      Avant-Garde CinemaLuis BuñuelEstéticaSurrealismo
[AMAZON LINK BELOW TO BOOK ITSELF -- TOC and book intro in downloadable .pdf] "It is a common experience that a problem difficult at night is resolved in the morning after the committee of sleep has worked on it." --John Steinbeck... more
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      Creative WritingNeurosciencePsychologyApplied Psychology
Sur l'art de Buñuel, et sur son film "Nazarin" en particulier.
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      CinemaAndrei TarkovskyLuis BuñuelRealism
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      Contemporary ArtCinemaArte contemporáneoL. Buñuel
The aim of the study is to analyze Bataille’s Story of the Eye (1928) and Buñuel’s An Andalusian Dog (1929) as accurate examples of artworks that were broadly inspired by images from subconsciousness. Both authors are particularly... more
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      Georges BatailleLiterature and visualityLuis BuñuelObsessionality
Beilin takes readers on a journey through currents of alternative thought in Spanish culture, weaving through writings, films and life stories whose authors and protagonists are acutely aware that “the question of the non-human,” in... more
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      Animal StudiesEnvironmental StudiesIberian StudiesBiopolitics
Clark, Zoila. “Buñuel’s Version of Tristana and the Inversion of Power Relations.” Making Waves: Women’s Studies Center, Florida International University 5 (2007): 31-34. (Journal Article).
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      Cultural StudiesGender StudiesFilm StudiesGender and Sexuality
Estudio narratológico comparativo sobre la novela de Galdós y la película de Buñuel, que fue algo más que una adaptación. La estrategia narrativa expositiva de Buñuel encuentra aquí su madurez. Es la película que volvió a poner en el... more
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      Literature and cinemaCinemaLuis BuñuelCinema Studies
Se per molto tempo il suo apporto è stato trascurato dagli antichisti e dagli storici dell'arte, Aby Warburg è considerato oggi come colui che ha posto le premesse per un'antropologia dell'immagine, disciplina parallela alla storia... more
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      Critical TheoryClassical ArchaeologyClassicsArt History
La Investigación basada en las Artes (Arts based Research) usa Metodologías Artísticas de Investigación (MAI) que se basan en las formas de indagación que utilizan los profesionales de la literatura, las artes visuales, la música, el... more
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      PhotographyTeacher EducationResearch MethodologyEducational Research
Th rough the textual comparative analysis of two reference texts in the pseudo-documentary fi lm and a pseudo-travel literature, Las Hurdes. Land Without Bread and Campos de Níjar, I wonder if these are more dominated by social criticism... more
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      Film StudiesEuropean CinemaDocumentationLiterature and cinema
"They fuck you up, your mum and dad. They may not mean to, but they do. They fill you with the faults they had And add some extra, just for you." –Philip Larkin zombie, n. “a small yellow flower” Yorgos Lanthimos’... more
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      PsychoanalysisGreek TragedyFilm StudiesFilm Theory
The real purpose of surrealism was not to create a new literary, artistic, or even philosophical movement, but to explode the social order, to transform life itself (Bufiuel 1984:107)
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      Travel WritingSurrealismCinema StudiesTravel and travelogues
Este ensayo trata de dar una visión general de la compleja película "La edad de oro", fruto de la colaboración entre Luis Buñuel y Salvador Dalí en 1930, desde una perspectiva interdiscursiva y multidisciplinar en la que se han tenido muy... more
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      CinemaL. Buñuel
This special issue of "kritische berichte" contains seven interdisciplinary essays on the human face. CONTENTS Jeanette Kohl and Dominic Olariu: Editorial 3 Jean-Claude Schmitt: For a History of the Face: Physiognomy, Pathognomy,... more
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      Plastic SurgeryAestheticsVisual StudiesPortraits
ENGLISH In the 12th century European context, predominates the iconography of Christ placed in a light mystic mandorla holding an open book containing inscriptions concerning a special theology of light. The Maiestas Domini... more
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      Cultural HistoryAestheticsMedieval PhilosophyArchitecture
Cada 21 de febrero, Día de las Letras Canarias, nuestra Comunidad recuerda el fallecimiento de uno de sus más destacados hijos, José de Viera y Clavijo (1731-1813). La herencia de quien en vida mereció el epíteto de «historiador de... more
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      Feminist Literary Theory and Gender StudiesTransatlantic LiteratureLiteratura española e hispanoamericanaMercedes Pinto
Understanding the nature of surrealism and its contribution to cinema: as seen through the films of Dulac, Bunuel and Dali.
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      SurrealismFilm HistoryFilm and art historyAndré Breton
Luis Buñuel es, fue, uno de los grandes creadores del siglo XX. A pesar de los hitos cinematográficos logrados en su país natal con Viridiana (1961) y Tristana (1970), la gran mayoría de su obra fue realizada o coproducida en México y... more
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      CinemaLuis BuñuelL. Buñuel
The claim that the aura of the artwork vanishes in the era of technical reproducibility is the most famous claim in Benjamin’s famous ‘Artwork essay’, yet insufficient attention has been paid to how this echoes an established... more
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      German LiteratureAestheticsLiteratureLiterature and Visual Arts
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      Asceticism"New" senses in art: touch, smell, tasteSurrealismHistory of Sexuality
This article proposes a new interpretation of Buñuel’s film-making strategies by examining his training in entomology and his early theorization of the Griffithian close-up as a technique whereby edited film-making can be made to conceive... more
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      PosthumanismBakhtinCritical PosthumanismTranshumanism/Posthumanism
Inwiefern können autobiografische Elemente Buñuels in seinem surrealistischen Werk "Un Chien Andalou" reflektiert werden? Auf die Frage inwieweit autobiografische Elemente Buñuels in seinem surrealistischen Werk "Un Chien Andalou"... more
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      SpanishFilm StudiesSurrealismLuis Buñuel
"Todo ensayo es un movimiento para pasar de la sombra a la luz" (Pérez Rodríguez 2008).
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      Gender StudiesLiterature and cinemaMexican CinemaCinema Studies
En la historia del cine, hay películas que ocupan un lugar aparte por la manera en que se vinculan con la historia en sí misma y cuyo sentido desborda ampliamente el contexto de su creación. Para caracterizar estas producciones,... more
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      L. BuñuelViridiana
RESUMEN: Que ciertos individuos comenzaran a presentarse a contramarcha de los esquemas de su cultura y fueran capaces de emitir consignas de negación abiertas a la normalidad cósmica, es algo que se puede entender más fácilmente si... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionChristianityComparative Religion
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      ArchitectureLiteratureRenaissance StudiesRenaissance Humanism
২০১৫র বইমেলায় বিজ্ঞাপন পর্ব পত্রিকায় প্রকাশিত . This article written for a special Bunuel issue of a Bengali magazine in 2015 traces the question of love and the absence of sexual relation in Lacanian psychoanalysis through Bunuel's... more
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      Jacques LacanCinema StudiesL. Buñuel
Focusing on The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari and Un Chien Andalou, this paper looks at how German Expressionism and the initial wave of Surrealism explored the subconscious as well as alternative worlds on screen.
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      SurrealismGerman ExpressionismGerman Expressionist FilmGerman Film
El rigor de la transposición de una figura histórica al mundo cinematográfico no debe medirse en terrenos de fidelidad arqueologizante a las fuentes originales. Una muestra está en la película Simón del desierto de Luis Buñuel. El... more
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      Cultural HistoryFilm StudiesHistory of ReligionLate Antiquity
führen und zu sehen, welcher neue Nenner sich daraus ergibt. Als These werden syntaktische Ähnlichkeiten und strukturelle Korrespondenzen von spezifischen Reflexionen der ethnographischen Erfahrung und einigen Modellen der Filmerfahrung... more
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      Cultural StudiesAestheticsVisual StudiesPerception
Dentro del marco de las vanguardias, el cine ha ocupado un lugar destacado, no solamente como fuente de inspiración o como modelo, sino también por su condición de nuevo medio artístico propicio para todo tipo de experimentos, que... more
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      IntermedialityIntermediaCinema StudiesVanguardias Artísticas
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      Spanish CinemaDocumentary FilmL. Buñuel
III Conference on Patristic Studies - Order of St Augustine « Memory, Time and Image in the Church Fathers » III Colloque d´Études Patristiques Ordre de Saint Augustin « Mémoire, temps et l'image dans les Pères... more
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      PatristicsEarly ChristianityAugustineGiordano Bruno
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      Critical TheorySocial TheoryMimesisFrankfurt School (Philosophy)
David Delfín aseguró que su trabajo se movía por ideas y emociones. A través de este artículo pretendemos desarrollar la influencia que otros artistas plásticos del siglo XX y XXI ejercieron en su obra. La polémica que en ocasiones... more
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      Art HistoryDesignFashion designTextiles
L'impatto della poetica surrealista sul cinema d'avanguardia si traduce in un rivoluzionario sguardo sulla realtà. "L'occhio selvaggio" di Bréton ispira artisti e registi che collaborano col proposito di sovvertire la mentalità borghese,... more
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      SurrealismComparative AestheticsLuis BuñuelSalvador Dali
Wenn die sogenannten Tierstudien (animal studies) gegenwärtig viel Zu-spruch erlangen, dann sollte der kulturwissenschaftliche Laie im Blick ha-ben, daß es sich dabei nicht um Zoologie im eigentlichen Sinne handelt, die bekanntlich ein... more
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      Human-Animal RelationsAnimal StudiesHuman-Animal RelationshipsDaniel Defoe
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      Avant-Garde CinemaSurrealism20th century Avant-GardeSurrealismo
Catalogue essay for 'Projection Series 8: The Long Dream of Waking' for a screening co-curated by Tendai John Mutambu and Sarah Wall for the Len Lye Centre Cinema, New Zealand 2017.
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      CinemaMaya DerenLen LyeL. Buñuel
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      PhilosophyGeorges BatailleTransgression StudiesBataille
This article examines two experimental short films: the first one of the most famous in cinema history; the second a little-known script, lost for many years and brought to the screen sixty years after it was written. The former is Un... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesMedia StudiesIntermediality
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      EthnomusicologyOrganologyDrumming and PercussionSpain
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      Film StudiesLiterature and cinemaSpanish CinemaCinema
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      SurrealismDemonologyDiscernment of SpiritsL. Buñuel
Ci sono immagini, materialmente supportate e riprodotte, che custodiscono ed esprimono, in una determinata prospettiva, la temporalità "balenante" 1 della loro prima epifania. Accade, a volte, che tali oggetti, negli interstizi di stilemi... more
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      Cultural StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesMarxismVisual Culture
This article argues that for all Buñuel's fascination with the bourgeoisie he affects to despise, his cinema remains an indispensable guide to the compulsive repetitions of neurosis and the insatiability of desire.
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      Film StudiesFrench CinemaSurrealismSpanish Cinema
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      Cultural HistoryFilm StudiesHistory of ReligionLate Antiquity
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryCinemaLuis Buñuel