Books by Zoila Yovanna Clark

Clark, Zoila. La sexualidad femenina: reconceptualización surrealista y postmoderna por Cristina ... more Clark, Zoila. La sexualidad femenina: reconceptualización surrealista y postmoderna por Cristina Escofet e Isabel Allende. Lanham, MD: UP of America; 2010. xiv, 113 pp. (book) ISBN-10: 0761852220, ISBN-13: 978-0761852223.
This book presents an analysis of female sexuality in the literary texts of two Hispanic feminist writers: Cristina Escofet and Isabel Allende. Both writers create alternative realities and emphasize the use of subconscious knowledge to help us understand sexuality and to enable us to make changes in our unjust hierarchical world. In addition to deconstructing misogynist archetypes of Eve, Escofet and Allende explore the figure of Adam's sexually active ex-partner Lillith, who has typically been portrayed as the negative Other. For generations the she-devil myth which surrounds her has resurfaced in the media, where she assumes the roles of innumerable evil female characters. Alongside Eve and Lillith, black and indigenous characters express dissent by retelling their stories in words and performance. These stories weave new ways of understanding female sexuality by reclaiming female divinities or heroines.
Papers by Zoila Yovanna Clark
Especulo Revista De Estudios Literarios, 2006
Clarín habla de la protagonista como del alma española en un período de decadencia por lo que Tri... more Clarín habla de la protagonista como del alma española en un período de decadencia por lo que Tristana debe releerse dentro de su contexto histórico-social. Recordemos que Pardo Bazán fue una mujer que se adelantó a su época y no hubiese escrito una novela de final ...
Clark, Zoila. "The Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo: Trauma after the Disappearance of Their Children... more Clark, Zoila. "The Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo: Trauma after the Disappearance of Their Children and the Trafficking of Their Grandchildren" In Ruptured Voices: Trauma and Recovery. Ed. Karen O'Donnell. Inter-disciplinary Press: Oxford, United Kingdom, 2016. pp. 136. 13-24.
Clark, Zoila. "Enrique Gomez Carrillo's Japan and Latin American (Peripheral) Orientalism." Orien... more Clark, Zoila. "Enrique Gomez Carrillo's Japan and Latin American (Peripheral) Orientalism." Orientalism and Identity in Latin America. Ed. Erik Camayd-Freixas. Tucson: The University of Arizona Press, 2013. 108-118.pp.241. ISBN: 978-0-8165-2953-7.
Clark, Zoila. “Melusine’s Iconography: Her Legend of Territorial Expansion and Transformation.” p... more Clark, Zoila. “Melusine’s Iconography: Her Legend of Territorial Expansion and Transformation.” pp. 51-62 IN Landscapes of Monstrosity. (eds. László Munteán and Hans Christian Post) Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary.Net Press. 2016, viii,101pp. (book article) ISBN- 978-1-84888-370-3.
Clark, Zoila. "Immigrants as Aliens in the Ghostbusters Films." Australasian Journal of Popular C... more Clark, Zoila. "Immigrants as Aliens in the Ghostbusters Films." Australasian Journal of Popular Culture 4.1 (2015): 29-42. (Journal Article)
Clark, Zoila. "Zombies and the Breakdown of the Traditional Spanish Family: Clover's Final Girl F... more Clark, Zoila. "Zombies and the Breakdown of the Traditional Spanish Family: Clover's Final Girl Fights Back in Rec 3 and Daddy, I'm a Zombie." Body Horror and Shapeshifting: A Multidisciplinary Exploration. Eds. Jessica Folio and Holly Luhning. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary.Net Press, 2014. 3-11. ISBN- 978-1-84888-306-2 (Book Article)
Clark, Zoila. “The Myth of La Llorona in the Film Mama.” Studies in Gothic Fiction 3. 2 (2014): 6... more Clark, Zoila. “The Myth of La Llorona in the Film Mama.” Studies in Gothic Fiction 3. 2 (2014): 64-80.
Clark, Zoila. “Maxine Hong Kingston, Ghostbuster Feminist.” Gender Forum Issue 48 (2014): 1-5 Jou... more Clark, Zoila. “Maxine Hong Kingston, Ghostbuster Feminist.” Gender Forum Issue 48 (2014): 1-5 Journal Article)
Gender Forum, Dec 30, 2013
Clark, Zoila. “Masks, Fans, and Nu Shu in Chinese-American Female Love Relationships.” Gender For... more Clark, Zoila. “Masks, Fans, and Nu Shu in Chinese-American Female Love Relationships.” Gender Forum Issue 46 (2013): 1-8 (Journal Article)
Clark, Zoila. “Our Monstrous Humanimality in Lucía Puenzo’s XXY and The Fish Child.” Hispanet Jou... more Clark, Zoila. “Our Monstrous Humanimality in Lucía Puenzo’s XXY and The Fish Child.” Hispanet Journal Vol.5 (2012) [no pagination]. (Journal Article).
Clark, Zoila. “El honor villano, los roles de género y la estratificación social en Peribáñez y e... more Clark, Zoila. “El honor villano, los roles de género y la estratificación social en Peribáñez y el Comendador de Ocaña y Fuente Ovejuna.” Revista Hogueras 1.1 Valdosta State University (Jan-Mar 2012) [no pagination]. (Journal Article). ISSN:2165-1795.
Clark, Zoila. “Homoerotic Ghosts in Dona Flor and her Two Husbands, Even the Wind is Afraid, and ... more Clark, Zoila. “Homoerotic Ghosts in Dona Flor and her Two Husbands, Even the Wind is Afraid, and Undertow.” Hispanet Journal Vol.4 (2011) [no pagination]. (Journal Article).
Clark, Zoila. “Entrevista a Daína Chaviano: Una escritora realista o de ciencia ficción”. Revista... more Clark, Zoila. “Entrevista a Daína Chaviano: Una escritora realista o de ciencia ficción”. Revista Hogueras 1.1 Valdosta State University (Jan-Mar 2012) [no pagination]. (Interview). ISSN:2165-1795.
Clark, Zoila. “The History, Literature, and Music of Peruvian Women from Ayacucho in Warmi by Mag... more Clark, Zoila. “The History, Literature, and Music of Peruvian Women from Ayacucho in Warmi by Magaly Solier.” Polifonía Vol 1.1 (2011): 116-129 (Journal Article).
Clark, Zoila. “Eco-feminismo en la narrativa de María Luisa Bombal.” Delaware Review of Latin Ame... more Clark, Zoila. “Eco-feminismo en la narrativa de María Luisa Bombal.” Delaware Review of Latin American Studies 9.1 (2008): [no pagination]. (Journal Article).
A translation of this paperback book:
Clark, Zoila. La sexualidad femenina: reconceptualización s... more A translation of this paperback book:
Clark, Zoila. La sexualidad femenina: reconceptualización surrealista y postmoderna por Cristina Escofet e Isabel Allende. Lanham, MD: UP of America; 2010. xiv, 113 pp. (book) ISBN-10: 0761852220, ISBN-13: 978-0761852223.
Clark, Zoila. “Estudios de género en la literatura y el cine de Latinoamérica. Prólogo.” Hispanet... more Clark, Zoila. “Estudios de género en la literatura y el cine de Latinoamérica. Prólogo.” Hispanet Journal Vol. 1 (2008) [no pagination].
Clark, Zoila. “El cristianismo y los estereotipos de mujer en las novelas cubanas de la esclavitu... more Clark, Zoila. “El cristianismo y los estereotipos de mujer en las novelas cubanas de la esclavitud: Francisco: el ingenio o las delicias del campo, Cecilia Valdés y Sab.” Sin Frontera: Revista Académica y Literaria 1.1 (2006). (Journal Article).
Clark, Zoila. “Cristina Escofet: por un feminismo caleidoscópico en Arquetipos, modelos para desa... more Clark, Zoila. “Cristina Escofet: por un feminismo caleidoscópico en Arquetipos, modelos para desarmar.” Alba de América 27.51/52 (2008): 143-152. (Journal Article).
Books by Zoila Yovanna Clark
This book presents an analysis of female sexuality in the literary texts of two Hispanic feminist writers: Cristina Escofet and Isabel Allende. Both writers create alternative realities and emphasize the use of subconscious knowledge to help us understand sexuality and to enable us to make changes in our unjust hierarchical world. In addition to deconstructing misogynist archetypes of Eve, Escofet and Allende explore the figure of Adam's sexually active ex-partner Lillith, who has typically been portrayed as the negative Other. For generations the she-devil myth which surrounds her has resurfaced in the media, where she assumes the roles of innumerable evil female characters. Alongside Eve and Lillith, black and indigenous characters express dissent by retelling their stories in words and performance. These stories weave new ways of understanding female sexuality by reclaiming female divinities or heroines.
Papers by Zoila Yovanna Clark
Clark, Zoila. La sexualidad femenina: reconceptualización surrealista y postmoderna por Cristina Escofet e Isabel Allende. Lanham, MD: UP of America; 2010. xiv, 113 pp. (book) ISBN-10: 0761852220, ISBN-13: 978-0761852223.
This book presents an analysis of female sexuality in the literary texts of two Hispanic feminist writers: Cristina Escofet and Isabel Allende. Both writers create alternative realities and emphasize the use of subconscious knowledge to help us understand sexuality and to enable us to make changes in our unjust hierarchical world. In addition to deconstructing misogynist archetypes of Eve, Escofet and Allende explore the figure of Adam's sexually active ex-partner Lillith, who has typically been portrayed as the negative Other. For generations the she-devil myth which surrounds her has resurfaced in the media, where she assumes the roles of innumerable evil female characters. Alongside Eve and Lillith, black and indigenous characters express dissent by retelling their stories in words and performance. These stories weave new ways of understanding female sexuality by reclaiming female divinities or heroines.
Clark, Zoila. La sexualidad femenina: reconceptualización surrealista y postmoderna por Cristina Escofet e Isabel Allende. Lanham, MD: UP of America; 2010. xiv, 113 pp. (book) ISBN-10: 0761852220, ISBN-13: 978-0761852223.