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Image Databases and archives provide lot of research areas. Significant among them is ; The Contentbased image retrieval (CBIR) research area for manipulating large amount of image databases and archives. CBIR is mainly based on the way... more
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      Clustering AlgorithmsK-meansContent based image retrievalHistogram
This research intends to detect the infected and healthy coconut trees by their images. Because coconut trees are rummage-sale for multiuse perpetual crop of the tropics. Each and every parts of coconut tree are used in at any rate. So... more
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      K-meansGray Level Co-occurrence Matrix
Since it is very difficult to replace or recharge the batteries of the sensor nodes in the wireless sensor network (WSN), efficient use of the batteries of the sensor nodes is a very important issue. This has a deep relationship with the... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsComputer NetworksRouting protocolsK-means
K-Means, PCA, and Dendrogram on the Animals with Attributes Dataset To download the dataset, go to: This Document is also available in ipython notebook format at:... more
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      Machine LearningData AnalysisPrincipal Component AnalysisK-means
Cyber crime is a worldwide problem, with a global reach. Cyber crimes do not respect national boundaries, and so can be sent to and from anywhere in the world. Many reports, mostly by cyber security firms, regularly release information... more
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      CybercrimesMalware AnalysisK-meansPiracy
Candi merupakan tempat bersejarah, karena merupakan peninggalan purbakala dari kerajaan Hindu-Buddha. Candi juga digunakan sebagai tempat peribadatan umat Hindu-Buddha. Candi Jago memiliki arsitektur bangunan yang bernilai seni tinggi,... more
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      Clustering AlgorithmsK-meansPengolahan Citra
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are utilized for a plethora of applications such as weather forecasting, monitoring systems, surveillance, and so on. The critical issues of the WSN are energy constraints, limited memory, and computation... more
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      K-meansPsoDSRData Aggregation
As organisations operate in turbulent and complex environments, it has become a necessity to assess the systems thinking (ST) skills, personality types (PTs), and demographics of practitioners. In this study, we investigated the... more
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      ManagementEngineeringPersonality PsychologyComplex Systems Science
It is important to reveal the relationship between the internal migration and the unemployment rate in the settlements that are experiencing this immigration in order to understand the causes and consequences of unemployment in these... more
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One of the challenges in medical science is to detect and identify diseases for early detection by medical imaging technology. Medical imaging modalities such as X- Ray, Computed Tomography (CT) Scan, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), and... more
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      Image ProcessingClustering and Classification MethodsDigital Image ProcessingK-means
Customer churn is a significant issue that is regularly related with the existence cycle of the business. At the point when the business is in a development period of its life cycle, deals are expanding exponentially and the quantity of... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceAlgorithmsInformation Technology
The aim of this study is to show the importance of two classification techniques, viz. decision tree and clustering, in prediction of learning disabilities (LD) of school-age children. LDs affect about 10 percent of all children enrolled... more
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      Data MiningK-meansClusteringLearning Disability
El presente proyecto busca analizar el comportamiento de los hurtos a personas que afectan la localidad Los Mártires de la ciudad de Bogotá, haciendo uso de algoritmos de agrupamiento de minería de datos espaciales y apoyado en una... more
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      AlgorithmsGeomaticsSDI (Spatial Data Infrastructure)Colombia
Urban communities' behavior in disposing and managing waste around the house is still very concerning. This study aims to analyze and classify community behavior patterns related to waste disposal to help the Makassar City Government... more
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      AlgorithmsK-meansSmart Cities
Clustering techniques are important to analyze the data due to the heavy increase of data in modern investigation. In real world these techniques are mostly used in many domains, some of them are financial analysis, social networks,... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceAlgorithmsInformation Technology
At Rafadel Store Acc various types of accessories available that are sold in the Store. Of the various types of accessories are sold certainly not all of them sold and also there are less salable and some are never sold at all. With this... more
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    • K-means
Презентация к лекции "Теория и практика кластерного анализа методом К-средних" на социологическом факультете Киевского национального университета. 2017 год.
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      Clustering and Classification MethodsClustering AlgorithmsCluster Analysis (Multivariate Data Analysis)K-means
The purpose of the study is to analyse and compare the most common machine learning and deep learning techniques used for computer vision 2D object classification tasks. Firstly, we will present the theoretical background of the Bag of... more
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      Computer VisionTransfer LearningK-meansImage Classification
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      PsychologyClustering and Classification MethodsUkrainian StudiesK-means
in the study on leaf disease detection can be a helpful aspect in keeping an eye on huge area of fields of crops, but it's important to detect the disease as early as possible. This paper gives a method to detect the disease caused to the... more
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      Image ProcessingK-meansFeature ExtractionSupport vector machine
Data mining within the databases is called a technique from which the extraction of necessary information can be done from the raw information. With the help of the prediction analysis technique provided by the data mining the future... more
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      Information SystemsComputer ScienceAlgorithmsInformation Technology
Crime analysis and prevention is a systematic approach for identifying and analyzing patterns and trends in crime. Our system can predict regions which have high probability for crime occurrence and can visualize crime prone areas. With... more
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      Data MiningK-meansClusteringCrime Prediction
The Self Organizing Map is one of the most popular neural models. It belongs to the category of the competitive learning network. The SOM is based on unsupervised learning, which means that is no human intervention is needed during the... more
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      Neural NetworksKohonen Self-Organizing Feature Maps (SOFMs)K-meansSelf-Organizing Maps (SOMs)
Today is a knowledge age so that world needs to become a more richer palace for everyone. Students can learn their lectures and students can do their exercises on the web as individually or collaboratively with their peers like directed... more
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      EducationTeaching English as a Second LanguageE-learningK-means
یکی از مشکلات بزرگ نظام آموزش و پرورش و خانوادههای دارای فرزند که هر سال منجر به هدر رفتن میزان زیادی از امکانات، منابع و استعدادهای بالقوه انسانی میشود و تأثیرات غیرقابل جبرانی را در ابعاد فردی و اجتماعی به جای میگذارد، پدیدهی افت... more
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      K-meansCARTداده کاوی
This research provides us a model to cluster Multi-variant databases, using Factor Analysis with Principle Component Analysis (PCA) in reducing the Dimensions through deriving collection of factors from all variables, then using K-Means... more
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      Clustering and Classification MethodsK-meansFactor analysisPrincipal component analysis (PCA)
The huge amount of healthcare data, coupled with the need for data analysis tools has made data mining interesting research areas. Data mining tools and techniques help to discover and understand hidden patterns in a dataset which may not... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyInformation Communication TechnologyClustering Algorithms
This research presents a model to collect the necessary data on the books through the reference setting (Bibliography) and analysis of the book technically to make the information provided for the researcher is scientific and well planned... more
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      Information SystemsArtificial IntelligenceE MarketingClustering and Classification Methods
Veritabanlarında Bilgi Keşfi olarak da adlandırılan Veri Madenciliği, veritabanları ve veri ambarları gibi çeşitli veri depolarında saklanmakta olan büyük miktardaki verinin işlenerek içindeki geçerli, daha önceden bilinmeyen, potansiyel... more
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      Text MiningK-meansText ClusteringDocument Clustering
В статье проведен анализ научной литературы, посвященной кластерному анализу методом К-средних, а также рассмотрено применение метода в психологических исследованиях украинских ученых. Показано, что большинство отечественных публикаций... more
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      Mathematical Psychology and StatisticsK-meansпсихологиястатистика
( Alternatif Link download Buku Analisis Big Data: ) Alhamdulillahhi robbil alamin, puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT atas segala rahmat dan karunia-Nya dengan terselesaikannya penulisan buku ini dengan judul... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceClassification (Machine Learning)PredictionForecasting
—The widespread application of data mining is highly noticeable fields like e-business, marketing and retail has led to its application in other industries and healthcare sectors. The healthcare environs are still information rich but... more
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      K-meansK- nearest neighbour (KNN)
Analisis Clustering dengan Algoritma K-Means beserta Contoh Sederhananya.
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      Machine LearningData MiningClustering and Classification MethodsK-means
Recentl y the usage of multimedia contents like images and videos has increased. This usage has created the problem of locating from a very large database. This paper presents Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) system that uses multiple... more
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      Image ProcessingMachine LearningK-meansActive Contour Model
Suprayogi, S. Kom D3 Manajemen Informatika| Fakultas Ilmu Komputer | Universitas Dian Nuswantoro Semarang ABSTRAK Data nilai siswa hanya akan menjadi sekumpulan data yang tidak berguna jika tidak dilakukan penggalian data terhadapnya.... more
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ABSTRAK Pelanggan loyal merupakan aset bagi perusahaan. Pengetahuan tentang karakteristik pelanggan merupakan hal yang penting karena dengan pengetahuan itu perusahaan dapat memperlakukan pelanggannya dengan lebih baik, sehingga bisa... more
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      Data MiningK-meansClustering
This dissertation investigates harmonic properties of Italian secular songs with Baroque guitar accompaniment in alfabeto tablature, which was a system of letters and other symbols that represented a chord shape to be strummed using all... more
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      Early MusicMachine LearningMusic Information RetrievalGuitar
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      Data MiningClustering and Classification MethodsRegression ModelsAssociation Rules Mining
In archaeological applications involving the spatial clustering of two-dimensional spatial data k-means cluster analysis has proved to be a popular method for over 40 years. There are alternatives to k-means analysis which can be thought... more
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      ArchaeologySpatial AnalysisApplied StatisticsClustering Algorithms
The technique used for the processing of digital data obtained from pictures is identified as image processing. Plants and crops are ruining because of the excessive use of fertilizers and insecticides. The experts observe the plant... more
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      Computer ScienceRobotics (Computer Science)Information TechnologyTechnology
Growth of research articles publication in various streams of research is exponential. Searching for a particular article from the research repository is considered to be a tremendous one and also time consuming. Research articles... more
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      K-meansClassificationFuzzy C-MeansHierarchical Clustering
Indonesia memiliki jumlah penduduk yang cukup besar, Badan Pusat Statistik di tahun 2012 mencatat ada 250.000.000 lebih penduduk yang tersebar di seluruh provinsi Indonesia. Selain itu, Indonesia juga memiliki beragam masalah sosial,... more
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      AlgorithmsData MiningK-meansLogika Dan Algoritma
Abstract: Data Mining is a very interesting area to mine the data for knowledge. Several techniques are available. A data mining is one of the fast growing research field which is used in a wide areas of applications. The data mining... more
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      K-meansK MeansK means algorithmK means Clustering
Department of Informatics in UMS has three concentrations. Due to these three concentrations, the students are required to choose one of these three concentrations at the end of the fourth semester. Currently, students determine the... more
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      Data MiningClustering and Classification MethodsJava ProgrammingK-means
We propose and experimentally evaluate a software solution for automatic detection and classification of plant leaf diseases. The proposed solution is an improvement to the solution proposed in [1] as it provides faster and more accurate... more
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      Image ProcessingMachine LearningClassification (Machine Learning)Statistical Analysis
This data mining research uses K-Means Clustering method to classify customer data that produces the number of clusters and customer carasteristic from each cluster. As well as using RFM analysis (Recency, Frequency, Monetary) which... more
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      Data MiningK-meansK means Clustering
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      Machine LearningData MiningK-meansStock Market Technical Analysis