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Perkembangan penyakit di dunia mengalami peningkatan disetiap tahunnya. Kanker Prostat merupakan salah satu daftar penyakit yang berbahaya saat ini. Masyarakat pada umumnya memiliki sebuah asumsi bahwa penyakit Kanker Prostat merupakan... more
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      Expert SystemsFuzzy LogicSistem PakarDiagnosability
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    • Diagnosability
Autisme merupakan gangguan perkembangan mental pada anak yang menyebabkan seorang anak sulit untuk berinteraksi sosial. Diagnosa autisme biasanya dilakukan oleh seorang pakar/ahli dibidang tumbuh kembang anak, namun sebenarnya orang tua... more
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      expert SystemDiagnosabilityAutisme
For bounded Petri nets, Cabasino et al. propose a diagnosability test method that is based on the analysis of a modified basis reachability graph and a basis reachability diagnoser. However, its complexity is exponential in the number of... more
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      Petri NetsFault diagnosisDiagnosabilitydiscrete event systems (DES)
The problem of diagnosability of a fault after the firing of a finite number of observable events (i.e., K-diagnosability) is tackled in this paper. This problem corresponds to diagnosability of a fault within a finite delay in the... more
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      Discrete-Event SystemsPetri NetsILPDiagnosability
In this work we propose to use an approach based on genetic algorithms to obtain analytical redundancy relations to study the diagnosability property on a given continuous production system. Diagnosability analysis for production systems... more
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      Genetic AlgorithmStructural AnalysisDiagnosabilityAnalytical Redundancy Relations
In this work we propose to use an approach based on genetic algorithms to obtain analytical redundancy relations to study the diagnosability property on a given con-tinuous system, and if this not fulfill, our approach allows studying the... more
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      Genetic AlgorithmStructural AnalysisDiagnosabilityBipartite Graph
Sufficient conditions for diagnosability of DES modeled as Petri net are given in this paper. In proposed framework we refer to the concept of diagnosability given by Sampath et al. for finite state automata; as far as the fault events... more
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      Discrete-Event SystemsPetri NetsDiagnosabilityG-Marking
Isi resensi: Pengertian tentang anak berkesulitan belajar sangat diperlukan karena dalam kehidupan sehari-hari tersebut secara keliru. Banyak orangm termasuk sebagian besar para guru. Ttidak dapat membedakan antara kesulitan belajar,... more
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    • Diagnosability