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      Eighteenth Century HistoryParenthoodJudiciary and political institutionsCongregation of the Council
Case Abstract This case study explores issues of power relative to the intersectionality of race and gender in the judiciary. It illuminates structural and systemic issues, that when viewed through a race and gendered lens presents an... more
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      The role of the judiciaryJudiciary and DemocracyJudiciaryRole of judiciary in enforcing socio-economic rights
BRAGANÇA, Fernanda; BRAGANÇA, Laurinda. “Inteligência Artificial e processo decisório: por que é importante entender como as máquinas decidem?”. II Congresso do Conhecimento. Acesso à justiça, solução de conflitos e tecnologias do... more
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      AlgorithmsArtificial IntelligenceDecision MakingMachine Learning
The author brings up the hypothesis that the Judiciary's political activity is performed on two fronts, which exert influence on each other, merging into a single reality. This idea is demonstrated by means of an image of two chess boards... more
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      Ciencia PoliticaCiência PolíticaFilosofia do DireitoJudiciário
Este texto, objetiva a oxigenação de um debate necessário, qual seja, o da continuidade ou reversão do combate que vem sendo travado contra a corrupção e a cultura da impunidade no Brasil. E o empreende, numa conjuntura em que a... more
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    • Judiciary and political institutions
Investiga-se a interação dialógica entre Legislativo e Judiciário e se tal diálogo pode ser um instrumento para combater o empoderamento judicial ou se acaba servindo de disfarce para o exercício do poder decisório sobre questões... more
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      The role of the judiciaryAtivismo JudicialJudiciary and political institutionsDiálogos Institucionais
The Singapore Constitution, together with the nation, turns 50 in 2015. This chapter focuses on the Constitution's intended role as a constraint on the exercise of power of the political branches of the government – the executive and the... more
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      Constitutional LawJudicial reviewSingaporeSingapore constitutional law
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      Political ScienceCiencia PoliticaFilosofia y Derechos Humanos en America LatinaFilosofía del Derecho
In questo capitolo si andranno a descrivere ed analizzare in dettaglio le tre maggiori riforme messe in atto dal governo conservatore PiS, etichettate dalle autorità di Bruxelles come in grado di danneggiare lo stato di diritto dello... more
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      European StudiesEuropean integrationEuropean LawNationalism
Outlining the recent rise of judicial power and independence in German
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      Judicial independenceJudiciary and DemocracyJudiciary and political institutions
Postfazione al libro di Erminio Jacona, Ai margini della stregoneria. Una vicenda giudiziaria in Siena agli inizi del XVII secolo, Siena, Tipografia Senese Editrice, 1987
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      Early Modern HistoryWitchcraft (Anthropology Of Religion)Judiciary and political institutionsHistory of Siena
2 апреля в Палату представителей был внесен проект Закона Республики Беларусь «О внесении изменений и дополнений в законы Республики Беларусь по вопросам судоустройства и судопроизводства» (законопроект), фактически завершивший... more
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      CourtsJudicial independenceJudicial ReformSeparation of Powers
Keine Dauerreden mehr: Die Demokraten haben im US-Senat die Filibuster-Regel gelockert. Doch wie schaffte es die Lizenz zum Labern überhaupt in die Verfassung?
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      American PoliticsRhetoricCongress (American Politics)Presidency (American Politics)
Today, on the 241st birthday of the United States Marine Corps, I draw upon my oath as a United States Marine, my subordinate oath as an attorney in the State of New York, and also as a fellow citizen coming to the support of a rare... more
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      Military HistoryAmerican StudiesMilitary VeteransCivil-military relations
O presente estudo analisa os motivos da formulação de uma política judiciária de tratamento adequado de conflitos, através da Resolução 125/2010 do Conselho Nacional de Justiça, bem como verifica os resultados da criação dos Núcleos... more
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      Sociology of LawAlternative Dispute ResolutionJudiciary and political institutions