Johannes Agnoli
Recent papers in Johannes Agnoli
political power. The important proponents are Luhman and Parsons. Parsons' work plays a significant part in I-Iabermas' reconstruction of critical theory. For a destructive critique of I-Iabermas, see Reichelt, "Jiirgen Habermas'... more
At SAGE we take sustainability seriously. Most of our products are printed in the UK using responsibly sourced papers and boards. When we print overseas we ensure sustainable papers are used as measured by the PREPS grading system. We... more
Translation of "Theses on the Transformation of Democracy and on the Extra-Parliamentary Opposition" by Johannes Agnoli, a German-Italian political scientist who was highly influential in the West German New Left. This essay is in part a... more
Οι προφήτες της ανατροπής (από τον Joachim Fiore, μέσω του Thomas Müntzer, μέχρι τον Karl Marx) παρουσιάζονταν μέχρι πρόσφατα σχετικά ταπεινοί. Στοχάζονταν για τη μελλοντική δυνατότητα να πραγματοποιηθεί το Βασίλειο του Θεού επί της γης... more
Der große Ironiker", schrieb Henri Lefebvre zu Beginn der 60er Jahre und charakterisierte damit seine eigene Zeit, "tritt in unruhigen, gestörten Kreisläuften auf". Er ist ein Produkt des historischen Übergangs und ein durchaus... more
Johannes Agnoli's death in deprived us of one of the most important thinkers of the categorical imperative of human emancipation.
Publications on Fascism are many. Agnoli's recent book Fascism without Revision does not add just another publication. His theoretical focus and political perspective are specific. Although quite unknown in the English-speaking world,... more