Jewish archaeology
Recent papers in Jewish archaeology
Cl audia Theune, Tina Walzer (hg.) JüdisChe FriedhöFe KulTsTäTTe, erinnerungsorT, denKmal Jüdische Friedhöfe stehen im Spannungsfeld zwischen religiösen Vorgaben und gesellschaftlichen Interessen.
This article is a response to W. Meacham's comment on the coin-on--eye/coin-in-skull burial custom as published in R. Hachlili and A.E. Killebrew 1983 "Was the Coin-on-Eye Custom a Jewish Burial Practice in the Second Temple Period?" that... more
The article focuses on the author's research on the chronographical background of the Zodiac Mosaic Calendar in Synagogue at Hammath-Tiberias. He researched to find the origin of mosaic decoration, the twelve zodiac sign, the four... more
This article is a response to controversies that have arisen from the discovery of four coins inside two Jewish tombs of the Second Temple period at Jericho and their relation to Jewish burial customs of the period. The Jericho coins have... more
Titus, however, declared that, even were the Jews to mount it and ght there from, he would not wreak vengeance on inanimate objects instead of men, nor under any circumstances burn down so magni cent a work [the Jerusalem temple]; for the... more
This article summarizes the results of the excavation of a monumental Roman period (1st century CE) tomb in the Second Temple period Jewish cemetery in Jericho. The multiple inscriptions in Greek and Hebrew on stone ossuaries allowed the... more
This article shows how archaeology contributes to our understanding of life in the nineteenth-century Jewish diaspora. I compare several family-specific, archaeological artifact collections from San Francisco, California, to show how... more
La reconnaissance de l’identité des populations anciennes constitue l’un des enjeux principaux de l’archéologie en général et de l’archéologie de la mort en particulier. Les pratiques funéraires adoptées par différents groupes humains... more
On August 14, 1990, during the final hour of the last day of nearly a decade of excavations at ancient Qasrin, a hoard of over 8,500 bronze coins was discovered. At the time of its discovery, this hoard was the third largest ever... more
In 2004 we manage to complete the archaeological excavation in the square of the Jewish quarter of Teruel (Aragon, Spain), started in 2002. This was a preventive action associated with urban renewal project promoted by the city of Teruel.... more
Texte et slides de la communication présentée le 4 septembre 2018 au MAHJ 71 rue du Temple 75003 PARIS lors du colloque international « Le judaïsme médiéval entre Normandie et Angleterre » L'architecture du « monument juif » du palais de... more
In 1415, Girona’s Jewish community was confined to an enclosure physically separated from the rest of the city by a wall. It was in that scaled-down Jewish quarter that the aljama established Girona’s third and last synagogue.... more
This chapter explores the usable history of Jewish material culture in primarily American scholarship of the second half of the last century as a window into larger historiographic, communal and theological trends during this period.
Tarihsel süreçte Yahudiler, ünlü Babil sürgününden itibaren çeşitli savaşlar nedeniyle ludaea dışında da yaşamaya başlar ve Yahudi diasporası böylelikle oluşur. Bu nedenle Musevî dini metinlerinde Yahudilerin yayılım gösterdikleri ya da... more
The article is dedicate to the ware with jewish symbols of XVI century from Dubno.
Authors provide information about new archaeological research projects and finds relating to the Jews of Mikulov
Synagogue architecture during the second half of the nineteenth century and the early part of the twentieth century was seeking novel modes of expression, and therefore the remains of ancient synagogues that were being discovered by... more
English Summary: The development of preventive archaeology in Europe since the 1990s has made it possible to take better account of the archaeological heritage and has contributed to a renewal of knowledge, particularly for medieval urban... more
The development of preventive archaeology in Europe since the 1990s has made it possible to take better account of the archaeological heritage and has contributed to a renewal of knowledge, particularly for medieval urban society. Among... more
An art film on the process of fabrication, delivery and installation of the full-sized Arch of Titus reproduction!
Bien es cierto que primero tendría que definir que es lo que considero una arqueología judía, en este caso hago referencia a una arqueología que estudie los vestigios materiales de la comunidad judía en la Península Ibérica y además... more
Archaeology and Text: Toward Establishing a Meaningful Dialogue between Written Sources and Material Finds. National Library in Jerusalem and Ariel University, May 10-11 2015 Title: “Traditions of the Rock: Discerning and Defining... more
Results of the recent archaeological intervention in the Jewish quarter of Lorca castle, in the 27th EAA Annual Meeting (Kiel Virtual, 2021). Author: Jorge A. Eiroa Rodríguez. Co-author: Andrés Martínez Rodríguez, José Ángel González... more
This article presents the results of a reconstruction and presentation to the public of Byzantine-period village houses and everyday life at the archaeological site of Qatzrin in the Golan Heights.
The development of preventive archaeology in Europe since the 1990s has made it possible to take better account of the archaeological heritage and has contributed to a renewal of knowledge, particularly for medieval urban society. Among... more
Understood as a part of social identity of past societies, religion shall be contextualized in a historic and social frame that can explain this phenomenon in terms of complexity. Religion can be seen as part of macro-ideological... more
"Composante importante de la société médiévale, la communauté juive a longtemps été abordée par les historiens sous les seuls aspects du domaine économique, légal ou événementiel (pogrom notamment). De la même façon, l’enseignement dans... more