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      Jewish StudiesPassoverJewish HaggadahJewish Holidays
For contemporary American Jews, it is not an exaggeration to claim the Maxwell House Haggadah, as one of the most commonly used and widely known haggadahs. Even President Obama was aware of this history when he quipped regarding another... more
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      CoffeeJewish HistoryPassoverJewish Haggadah
This is an excerpt from The Polychrome Historical Haggadah for the Passover Seder. The book has a commentary, interpretive translation, introduction, and notes. The Foreword by Tzvee Zahavy describes the Seder as a scribal opera, and the... more
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      JudaismPassoverJewish HaggadahJewish Holidays
The Prague haggadah is filled with fascinating and important illustrations. As we have seen previously, the Prague haggadah contained nudes, which when appropriated later were removed. This included in the haggadah context as well as in... more
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      Jewish Art HistoryJewish HaggadahHaggadah art
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      Art HistoryMedieval StudiesHebrew BibleRare Books and Manuscripts
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      PassoverJewish Haggadah
Two illuminated Haggadot from Venetian Candia that were not thoroughly studied until now are the rarest extant examples of the Hebrew illuminated manuscripts produced in the Romaniot milieu. Their illustrative cycle is a compilation of... more
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      CreteJewish HaggadahIlluminated manuscripts
PDD is an Excel-based distant reading research tool created by Avraham Roos ([email protected]) who is doing his PhD research (UvA) on the English (re)translations of the Hebrew Haggadah, the semi-liturgic booklet religious Jews read... more
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      Humanities Computing (Digital Humanities)Translation StudiesDigital HumanitiesEnglish language
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      Jewish StudiesPassoverJewish Haggadah
An illuminated Passover manuscript known as the Sereni Haggadah (held in the Umberto Nahon Museum of Italian Jewish Art in Jerusalem, Ms. no. 859 280/4) is a north Italian iteration of Ashkenazi haggadot. It was apparently written by an... more
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      Hebrew ManuscriptsAshkenazic JudaismJewish Art HistoryItalian Jewish history
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      Art HistoryJewish StudiesMedieval HistoryBook History
“Before the Law” (“Vor dem Gesetz”) is one of the most if not the single most commented upon of Kafka’s texts : “Helplessness seizes one face to face with this page and a half,” notes George Steiner. Has everything not already been said,... more
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      German StudiesGerman LiteratureJewish StudiesLiterature
הגדה של פסח ע"פ נוסח כתב יד ספרדי עתיק ת"ש שנים מאוסף כה"י הפרטי של הרב המקובל ר' עובדיה מימוני זצ"ל. מכיון שר' עובדיה מימוני זצ"ל היה מצאצאי הרמב"ם זצ"ל, אפשר להניח בוודאות כמעט מוחלטת שהרמב"ם עצמו קרא בכ"י הזה.
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      Hebrew ManuscriptsMedieval Jewish HistoryJudaismPhilology, Codicology, Critical Edition
Focusing on the text of the four sons, this article looks at some of the variant historical translations and evaluates the differences between them.
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      JudaismJudaicaJewish HaggadahPassover Haggadah
It is the whole text of this article. Based on the Bible and numerous Greek writers’ works, one will prove that the ancient world nations, both Jewish and Gentile, had many identical cultural practices relating to war times. The custom to... more
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      Greek LiteratureHomerEucharistBiblical Hebrew (Languages And Linguistics)
The Fifth Passover Cup is mentioned in a textual variant of a baraita in Tractate Pesaḥim of the Babylonian Talmud (118a), attributed to Rabbi Ṭarfon and another anonymous Palestinian tanna. Scholars have demonstrated that the variant is... more
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      TalmudMagicAntisemitism (Prejudice)Rabbinic Literature
The seder (Passover ritual meal) and haggadah (text used during the meal) were codified in early medieval times. With the decline ofwomen's Jewish literacy and their role in Jewish society beginning with the Industrial Revolution, the... more
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      Jewish StudiesAmerican JudaismJewish Haggadah
While Jewish communities and individual Jews have long understood themselves in context of their place in the wider societies in which they have lived, for most of its history Judaism has been a largely particularistic tradition, chiefly... more
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      Israel/PalestineJudaismReform JudaismOrthodox Judaism
Volumes in the Dimyonot series explore the intersections, and interstices, of Jewish experience and culture. These projects emerge from many disciplines including art, history, language, literature, music, religion, philosophy, and... more
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      Jewish StudiesFilm StudiesIsrael StudiesHeinrich Heine
Every Yom Kippur and Pesach we sing לשנה הבאה בירושלים, Next Year in Jerusalem. In Israel, the word הבנויה “rebuilt” is added. But when did this custom start? Why was it added? Does everyone add it? Should one translate it into English?... more
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    • Jewish Haggadah
This essay will examine how cosmology and biblical interpretation provide a nexus point for tradition and transformation across Jewish literature from early antiquity. Across the ancient Mediterranean world authors recognized and resisted... more
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      Jewish StudiesReception StudiesMediterranean StudiesJewish Haggadah
Chiastic structure of the Seder night in the Mishnah

מבנה כיאסטי של משנת ליל הסדר

במאמר זה אדון במבנה הספרותי של פרק המשנה
ובמשמעות המהפכנית שהוא מקנה לסדר בכללו
ולאכילת המצה בפרט
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      Jewish LawJewish StudiesJewish HistoryRabbinics
Avraham Roos is a PhD student at the University of Amsterdam. He is researching the English translations of the Pesach Haggadah from 1770, the first published in London by A. Alexander and Assistants until modern-day translations. More... more
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      Translation StudiesJewish Haggadah19th-Century NewspapersPassover Haggadah
The Haggadah has the following anecdote: "It is told of Rabbi Eliezer, Rabbi Joshua, Rabbi Elazar ben Azariah, Rabbi Akiba and Rabbi Tarfon, that they were one reclining around their Passover table at Bnei Brak…." Bnei Brak is a place... more
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      Translation StudiesCorpus Linguistics and Translation StudiesIsrael and ZionismJewish Haggadah
In the modern hagaddah, the famous story of the four sons records the wicked son and the wise son asking very similar questions. This has led to countless hours of arguing at sedarim around the world and an endless number of creative... more
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      PassoverTorahJewish Haggadah
pp. Most discussions regarding the Haggadah begin with the tired canard that the Haggadah is one of the most popular books in Jewish literature, if not the most popular, and has been treasured as such throughout the centuries. Over sixty... more
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      Jewish StudiesJewish Art HistoryJewish HaggadahMedieval Hebrew Illuminated manuscripts
children: chakham (wise), rasha (wicked), tam (simple), 3 and sheeino yode'a lish'ol (does not know how to ask). The section is structured as questions posed by the four categories of children and the appropriate responses to each.
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      PassoverJewish HaggadahPassover HaggadahPersonal Accountability
The story of the Binding of Isaac is notoriously allusive, not to say cryptic. The difficulty that occupies our text, Genesis Rabbah, is why God chooses to (or God must) swear to Abraham that he and his descendants will be blessed. Why... more
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      MidrashRabbinic LiteratureAbraham the Patriarch, Jewish studies, Jewish storyHaggadic Midrash
This post is part of a series of posts regarding illustrations adorning manuscript and print Haggadot. Our first post dealt with a new work on the topic and can be viewed here. In this post we will focus upon the some of the Halachik... more
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      Jewish Art HistoryJewish HaggadahEarly Printed Jewish BooksMedieval Hebrew Illuminated manuscripts
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      Food HistoryJudaismMantuaKosher
Philippe Ariès, one of the first researchers of the medieval family (1960), believed that childhood was not a separate cultural period and was not recognized as such by adults until the 16 th –17 th centuries. Since that time, there have... more
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      Jewish StudiesMedieval ArtMedieval IconographyJewish Haggadah
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      Hebrew ManuscriptsJewish Haggadah
In Ancient Biblical literature we do not find any direct references to falconry. However, European medieval interpreters depicted several Biblical characters as practicing falconry. Most of these falconry intrusions are Jewish, but... more
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      Hebrew BibleMidrashBibleMedieval illuminated manuscripts
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    • Jewish Haggadah
The performance of the Haggadah is not the only means of tying the contemporary moment to Exodus; the Biblical illuminations and marginalia in medieval Iberian Haggadot additionally aid in this association. In late thirteenth- and... more
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      Medieval SpainJews of Medieval SpainJewish HaggadahAnachronisms
The article continues the series of investigations that demonstrate the experience of religious reading of the significant works of prominent Kyiv professors-academics of the last third of the 19th – early 20th century. These works have... more
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      Talmud Midrash Genizah Judaism Rabbinic-Literature Conversion Gender HaggadahBible StudyJewish HaggadahHistory of Reception of Biblical Texts
Mit folgenden Beiträgen: - Ostern im jüdisch-christlichen Dialog (Florian Leubner M.A.) - Historisches und Aktuelles zur Datierung des Osterfestes (Prof. Dr. Cornelia Horn) - Justinians Kirchenpolitik und versteckte Kirchenpolitik (Dr.... more
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      ArmeniaPassoverJewish HaggadahOriental Christianity
The influences that guide modern Christian thought on trial and temptation are varied and multi-layered, both conscious and subconscious. For example, along with the influence of certain Biblical statements statements (e.g., Paul’s... more
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      NarrativeIntertextualityReception HistoryJewish Haggadah
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      Jewish HaggadahMedieval Hebrew Illuminated manuscriptsJewish Food
A review essay from "Jewish Action."
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      LiturgyJewish HistoryPrayerJewish Thought
Discusses the first copperplate haggadah, 1695 Amsterdam,  maps and images
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      Jewish Art HistoryJewish HaggadahHaggadah art
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      Jewish Art HistoryJewish HaggadahHaggadah art
In Jewish tradition the five books of Moses hold the place of honor in Israel's sacred writings as the Torah or "instruction" of God. Some people, even in ancient times, seemed to emphasize the legislative teachings or commandments, so... more
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      Early ChristianityBook of GenesisMartyrdomHistorical Jesus
The present paper addresses the visual strategies of the illustration cycles in several medieval Passover haggadot from Central Europe. The haggadah, the text recited at the seder, the ritual meal that commemorates the liberation of the... more
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      Jewish Art HistoryPassoverJewish ArtJewish Haggadah
A roundtable discussion on the materiality of Jewish culture with Aleksandra Buncic, David Sclar, Nathan Mastnjack, and Jason Lustig, who in 2018-19 were Harry Starr Fellows in Judaica at Harvard’s Center for Jewish Studies. The theme... more
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      Print CultureJewish StudiesHistory of the BookJewish History
The ‘Version Variation Visualization’ project has developed online tools to support comparative, algorithm-assisted investigations of a corpus of multiple versions of a text, e.g. variants, translations, adaptations (Cheesman, 2015, 2016;... more
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      Data VisualizationJewish HaggadahPassover Haggadah
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      Greek LiteratureEarly ChristianitySecond Temple JudaismKoine Greek language
To understand one of the most baffling sections of the Haggadah, it is necessary to understand that the "afikomen" was a substitute for the paschal lamb, and only in exile was it possible to invite people to "come and eat" at the last... more
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      PassoverJewish HaggadahRabbi Jacob EmdenPassover Haggadah