Jews of Medieval Spain
Recent papers in Jews of Medieval Spain
Jews and Christians in Medieval Castile examines the changes in Jewish-Christian relations in the Iberian kingdom of Castile during the pivotal period of the reconquest and the hundred years that followed the end of its most active phase... more
Contribution to the Frankel Institute Annual 2019, dedicated to the research of the 2018–2019 theme year on "Sephardic Identities, Medieval and Early Modern" (Head Fellow: Ryan Szpiech)
We shall never fully understand anti-Semitism. Deep-rooted, complex, endlessly persistent, constantly changing yet remaining the same, it is a phenomenon that stands at the intersection of history, sociology, economics, political science,... more
The principal innovation of this paper is to examine references to the textile product “dabiqi” in medieval Jewish rabbinical literature, and to identify its characteristics as reflected therein. In addition, these sources provide data... more
Resumen. En el presente artículo se traza una breve semblanza del linaje de los Abnuba-el patriarca, Menahem, y sus hijos Abraham y Simuel-, radicado en Barbastro (Huesca), gran parte de cuyos integrantes son mercaderes de équidos,... more
Suddenly Don Quijote doubts his squire’s embassy. It would be miraculous for Sancho to have returned in just over three days because El Toboso is more than thirty leagues away, seventy-five miles or one hundred and twenty-five kilometers... more
On 9 July 1391, a mob assaulted the Jewish quarter of Valencia, killing and forcibly converting its inhabitants. This attack, one of many across Spain that summer, is much debated as a turning point in medieval Jewish history, but little... more
十六世紀半ばから十七世初頭にかけ、日本イエズス会により、日本語の教理書が出版されたということは周知の通りだ。世俗のヨーロッパ文学である『イソップ物語』の和訳、そして天草版『平家物語』、『太平記抜書』の存在もよく知られている。しかし、日本語で書かれたオリジナルのキリスト教説話が現存するということは案外知られていない。近年、このテキスト群を「異文化接触」というレベルで取り上げた研究が現れているが、漢訳仏典や漢籍の影響を受けた『日本霊異記』『今昔物語集』などとは対照的に、室町末期に... more
Copyright (c) DIARIO ABC S.L, Madrid, 2009. Queda prohibida la reproducción, distribución, puesta a disposición, comunicación pública y utilización, total o parcial, de los contenidos de esta web, en cualquier forma o modalidad, sin... more
This book was originally a section of Ibn Al-Qayyim's book Miftaahu Daar is-Sa'aadah (Key to the Abode of Happiness). This section was extracted from it due to its discussion of some of the Signs of Allah in the human beings and the... more
"There is so hot a summer in my bosom, That all my bowels crumble up to dust: I am a scribbled form, drawn with a pen Upon a parchment, and against this fire Do I shrink up." Shakespeare, The Life and Death of King John, Act V,... more
The publication of this Vol I of "Diwan al-Malhun in Moroccan Judeo Arabic" is an attempt to highlight a submerged side of Moroccan heritage. The Malhun Moroccan Judeo Arabic reflects the tolerance of the country of ATLAS. After the... more
In Creating Conversos, Roger Louis Martínez-Dávila skillfully unravels the complex story of Jews who converted to Catholicism in Spain between the fourteenth and sixteenth centuries, migrated to colonial Mexico and Bolivia during the... more
Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “And We have sent you (O Muhammad ) not but as a mercy for the Aalameen (mankind, jinns and all that exists)” [al-Anbiya’ 21:107]. The scholars differed concerning the... more
Los grandes cambios sociales y religiosos han condicionado, en la mayoría de las ocasiones de forma decisiva, los avatares de la historia. Sin embargo, en los aledaños de la religión oficial o paralelamente a la religión mayoritaria y... more
The issue of the presence of non-Muslims in positions of political power in al-Andalus over the ṭāʾifa period is narrowly associated with the case of the Banū Naghrīla in Zīrid Granada. These two Jewish viziers represent the only instance... more
* The title of this paper was chosen as a direct reaction to Lucien Febvre and Henri-Jean Martin’s influential work in book history entitled, The Coming of the Book: The Impact of Printing 1450 - 1800, which aided in the formation of the... more
גרשם שלום -- תולדות התנועה השבתאית // History of the Sabbatian Movement was the first attempt by one of the giants of scholarship on Jewish mysticism, Gershom Scholem (1897-1982), to present a comprehensive picture of Sabbatianism as a... more
The shadow of death brooded over their entire squalid lives. Forever dreaming of El Dorado, pirates plundered and left in their wake a seething bloody cauldron as the survivors prayed for the deliverance of the grave. Thomas Hobbes'... more
Jews of al-Andalus. Studies. State of the Art.
The essay outlines the development of the modern scholarship of medieval Hebrew literature. Here, the definition of ‘medieval Hebrew literature’ excludes writing in Jewish languages other than Hebrew, and singles out literature from other... more
Since Washington Irving's embassy to Spain (1826Spain ( -1829 and his subsequent publication of stories and essays collected under the title Tales of the Alhambra, 2 American readers, artists and politicians have imagined and drawn... more
While Américo Castro’s convivencia remains an influential concept in medieval Iberian studies, its sway over the field has been lessening in recent years. Despite scholars’ best efforts to rethink and redefine the concept, it has resisted... more
Jewish sources commonly refer to Muslims as “Ishmaelites” and to Islamdom as “the Kingdom of Ishmael” due to an alleged biblical genealogy that both Jews and Muslims accept. Other classic Jewish sources, however, associate pre-Islamic... more
Women in Islam versus Women in the Judeo-Christianity: The Myth & The Reality By Dr. Sherif Abdel Azeem. This essay by Sherif Abdel Azeem is a great work done by the author who realized through his research that Islam is free of all... more
A presente dissertação de doutoramento insere-se numa àrea partilhada entre a História do Urbanismo e a História Urbana, tendo como objectivo o estudo das alterações da forma urbana que ocorreram na cidade de Lisboa, entre o período dos... more
A lo largo de la Edad Media la península ibérica fue un ámbito caracterizado por una gran diversidad de formas políticas, sociales y culturales. La conquista de 711 dio origen al nacimiento de al-Andalus, un país árabe e islámico, cuya... more
While historians examining thirteenth-century Jewish-Christian relations in Iberia and greater Europe have shown that Christian anti-Jewish violence and rhetoric increased, they have not explored whether this pattern also exists in coeval... more
This paper is about the Medieval Censorship of the Talmud which was imposed upon the Jews, what was censored and why. It also covers items related to the Crusades and the Inquisitions. The main thrust of this paper is that the Jews were... more
Book summary: Estará a História desatualizada? A resposta a esta questão é sim, se considerarmos a História como conhecimento histórico, como resultado do estudo e da investigação sobre o passado. A análise de novas fontes, perspetivas e... more
[Attention: The attachments contain correct download links to the accompanying presentation in both pptx and ppsx (presentation & show)] ___________________________________ Jewish Salonika is unique: the most cataclysmic and momentous... more
The present essay argues that studies of early modern Iberian societies have too often been insufficiently grounded in the study of pre-modern Jewish culture, and that consequently historical scholarship on judeoconversos has reproduced... more