Islamic History & Culture
Recent papers in Islamic History & Culture
"أما ما نحن فيه، نحن أولاً نجعل الكتاب والسنة هي الثوابت الأصول، والمراجع التي نريد أن نستمد منها فكرنا وثقافتنا ونجعلها مرجعنا في كل شيء، نرجع إلى تراثنا الإسلامي ونقومه، ما انسجم منه مع توجيهات الكتاب والسنة ومناهجهما أخذ منه، ما صادم... more
This article investigates the intellectual production of the celebrated scholar Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī (d. 606/1210) during the decade or so he spent in the service of the Ghūrid sultans, from ca. 591/1195 to 602/1206. Operating exclusively... more
Sejarah hidup Rasulullah Saw. dari segi peradaban Islam yang terdapat pada masa kenabian dengan judul “Peradaban Islam masa kenabian Bagian Pertama.” Maka daripada itu penulis mengambil batasan penelitian pada rumusan seperti apa... more
Monoqrafiyada Azərbaycanda islam dini və mədəniyyətinin yaranması və inkişafı mərhələlərə ayrılaraq tədqiq edilmiş, bu prosesdə xəlifələrlə bərabər Azərbaycan və azərbaycanlıların mövqeyi açıqlanmış, azərbaycanlı ziyalıların Xilafətin... more
İskenderiye Kütüphanesi`ni gerçekte kim yaktı? ÖZET Eski Yunan bilim ve kültürünü günümüz medeniyetinin asıl ve yegane temeli kabül eden, müslümanları bilimsel düşünce ve zihniyetten uzak, orjinal medeniyet kurabilme yeteneğinden... more
Ensiklopedi Islam Nusantara ini menjadi tolok ukur sekaligus pengakuan bahwa Islam Nusantara mempunyai sejarah panjang di Indonesia. Penerbitan ini juga menemukan momentumnya terutama setelah launching titik nol Islam Nusantara di Baros... more
Abstract: This article discusses how the Shi’i Fatimi Ismaili Tayyabi Dawoodi Bohras commemorate the first ten days of Muharram, also known as Al Asharah al-Mubarakah in remembrance of the Azeem and unparalleled sacrifice of Moula Abi... more
Uwe Vagelpohl and Ignacio Sánchez, "Why Do We Translate? Arabic Sources on Translation," in Dimitri Gutas (Ed.), Why Translate Science? Documents from Antiquity to the 16th Century in the Historical West (Bactria to the Atlantic) (Leiden... more
3 The Fundamentals of Piety: An Overview of the Structure and Contents of al-Ṭarīqa al-muḥammadiyya 116 vii Contents 4 The Slippery Slope of Piety: Birgivī on Sincerity, Sanctimony and How to Determine Right Intention 160 1 Introduction... more
Scholars have made contesting claims about the nature and scale of works on religions by Muslim scholars before modern times. The present paper explores various primary and secondary sources, especially the classical bibliographical... more
Konya’da Selçuklu ve Beylikler Dönemine aiit iki önemli tıp kurumunun Maristan-ı Atik ve Alaeddin Darüşşifası var olduğu bilinmektedir. Bu iki önemli kurum ne yazık ki günümüze ulaşamamıştır. Ancak bu yapılara ait vakıf kayıtları ve daha... more
During more than a thousand years, Islam and the Christian West stood against each other, and still the West, which is no longer entirely Christian, sees Islamic Civilization as a huge barrier, and there are many tensions between the two... more
The article engages closely with Marshall G. Hodgson's view of Islam in his theory of Islamicate civilization. Despite his methodological consciousness and various revisions he introduced in the study of Islamic civilization, he failed to... more
This paper studies various persuasions of Somali Islamists and their relations. In particular, Muslim Brotherhood, Saladin and Sufi orders.
Sejak dahulu Asia barat mempunyai arti strategis yang menjadi incaran negara-negara besar. Teori besar yang dibuat oleh Karl Haushoffer dan Mc Kinder menempatkan Asia barat sebagai “heart-land” (daerah jantung) menjadikan pusaran konflik... more
Hüseyin b. İbrahim el-Kazvlnl eseri metniyle birlikte Me'aricü'l-aJ:ıkam adıyla şerhetmiştir. 8. Esrarü'ş-şalCit (nşr. Muhsin Akli, Beyrut 1410/1990). 9. et-Tenbihatü'l-'aliyye. Namaz esnasında yapılması gereken kalbl arnelleri ele alan... more
In recent years, the conflicts in different parts of the world that have been caused by cultural, religious, ideological or ethnic differences are not merely unique problems to today’s societies. Looking from past to present, it is often... more
This paper seeks to analyse the role and importance of the Kharijites in the emergence of Islam, with a focus on the impact of Kharijite action on the course of Islamic history.
Love to Allah is the greatest love from ages to ages, sending His messengers to preach love to Him. Many destruction, disruptions and explosion have been occurred in this world. This paper tries to explore about the causes the great... more
Subsidia Mediaevalia Patavina 2020, pp. 232 ISSN 2612-3770 ISBN 978-88-9387-093-1 € 40,00 € 38,00 Lista desideri Marco Di Branco Ibn Haldun tra Alessandro e Cesare La Grecia e Roma nel Libro degli esempi Ibn Ḫaldūn (1332-1406), uno... more
Fazlur Rahman, the renowned Muslim thinker who lived in the second half of the twentieth century, impacted young scholars and students of Islam of his generation and those of the next, both from the Muslim world and the West. Many... more
(Summary: This study examines the concept of civilization as a Western construct, juxtaposing it with the worldview and values of Islam. The study determines the place, as well as role, of civilization in the religious consciousness and... more
Many researches concern with the dialectic between Islam and tradition of Java. One of them is Soebardi studying Serat Cabolek, a manuscript that illustrated the dialectic between Islam and Javanese tradition in 18/19 century. Through... more
Laws such as the one in 2017 in Argentina which declared the Feast of the Sacrifice or Testimony of Abraham, as a national holiday, for the Muslims who celebrate the event, recover for the republics of Iberian America that part of their... more
Em 1955 foi editado no Egipto um manuscrito árabe relativo ao al-Andalus. O manuscrito em causa continha uma cópia, datada do século XV, em estado fragmentário, de uma obra de cariz geográfico, da autoria de um letrado hispano-árabe então... more
A couple of weeks back, having arrived unforgivably late to a performance, I was greeted by a heartening sight. In the darkened hall, the bright young eyes of the audience were riveted on the shining white screen on which shadowy images... more
Hommes, femmes, parfums et puanteurs dans quelques textes littéraires arabes des iv e /x e et v e /xi e siècles Monica Balda‑Tillier Résumé : L'odorat jouit d'un statut privilégié dans la culture arabe médiévale. Dans certains textes... more
In this article, the origin of the symbols of crescent and "crescent moon with star" in Turkic and Islamic Cultures is investigated. What is the origin of the symbol of Crescent in Islamic and Turkic Civilisations, how... more
The paper reveals the very ground characteristics of the Muslims dynasties after the very era of Khulafai Rashedun. The purpose and aim of the ongoing paper is to threw light on the scenario of the Muslims dynasties. The researcher has... more
The Erroneous Maps of the University of California, Berkeley, Zionists' Pseudo-History, and the Satanic Aristocracy of Intellect ΑΝΑΔΗΜΟΣΙΕΥΣΗ ΑΠΟ ΤΟ ΣΗΜΕΡΑ ΑΝΕΝΕΡΓΟ ΜΠΛΟΓΚ “ΟΙ ΡΩΜΙΟΙ ΤΗΣ ΑΝΑΤΟΛΗΣ” Το κείμενο του κ. Νίκου Μπαϋρακτάρη... more
as published in the Journal of Faith and War, Spring 2012, Ignoring religion in international relationships is a dangerous error that inevitably leads to an endless stream of policy miscalculations. To give lip... more