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The essay begins with a reconstruction of the different cultural approaches to the constitutional notion of citizenship which lie behind the notions of ius sanguinis and ius soli; legislative developments on these matters are analysed... more
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      Comparative LawConstitutional LawImmigration StudiesImmigration Law
PERIODICA PERIODICA VALERIO MAROTTA IIus sanguinis, ius soli. Una breve nota sulle radici storiche di un dibattito contemporaneo ESTRATTO © Gregorian Biblical Press 2014 -Tutti i diritti riservati © Gregorian Biblical Press 2014 -Tutti i... more
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      Ius SoliIus SanguinisCittadinanza romana
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      Makalah Pendidikan KewarganegaraanIus SoliIus Sanguinis
Scopo del libro è di fornire alcuni strumenti analitici per comprendere il fenomeno delle minoranze etniche. L'analisi è, dunque, primariamente focalizzata sul “concetto di minoranza” e sulle “caratteristiche di una minoranza”. Vi sono... more
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      MulticulturalismRomanian HistoryEuropean UnionSoviet Union (History)
Riflessione antropologica che mette in discussione il senso di appartenenza delle seconde generazioni nate in Italia in riferimento allo "ius soli" e delle nuove politiche sociali.
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      Comparative PoliticsPolitical ScienceAntropología PolíticaAntropología cultural
This paper discusses the modes of acquisition of nationality under Spanish law with the primary aim of enriching the discussion on the Italian bill proposal. Before examining the legal rules in the Spanish Código Civil, the text seeks to... more
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      Law and cultureCitizenshipNationalityCiudadanía
If one wants to argue that becoming a social member of society after a number of residence years is enough in order to qualify a person for citizenship, then it is important to know how states in the past applied in their legal codes the... more
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      ImmigrationCitizenshipResidenceSocial Membership
The argument of this paper is that the two main principles of nationality law used by nation states are not designed to handle the possible scenario of states sinking due to climate change. With the consequence of its habitants having to... more
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      LawClimate ChangeHuman RightsPolitical Science
Diritti dell'uomo o del cittadino? L'apolidia è la precondizione per lo sterminio (la " soluzione finale " nazista del problema dell'identità), ma quali sono i passi attraverso i quali è stata realizzata? Testo tratto da Apolidia. Potere... more
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      StatelessnessNationalsocialismShoahHolocaust Shoah
Until the beginning of the 19th century, jus soli was the default common standard to acquire citizenship in Europe. Its roots -which were ultimately developed by the Middle Ages’ glossators and commentators- were interconnected with the... more
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      Race and EthnicityNationalismIus SoliIus Sanguinis
In The Birthright Lottery, Ayelet Shachar subjects the institution of birthright citizenship to close scrutiny by applying to citizenship the historical and philosophical critique of hereditary ownership built up over four centuries of... more
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      JusticeCitizenshipBirthright CitizenshipEntailment
El 28 de diciembre de 2007 entró en vigor la Ley de la Memoria Histórica, que reconoce y amplía los derechos y establece medidas a favor de quienes padecieron persecución o violencia durante la Guerra Civil y la dictadura. Los debates... more
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      ArgentinaCubaMemoria HistóricaEspaña
Dopo aver esaminato nei capitoli precedenti quali sono le minacce alla sicurezza rappresentate dai vari tipi di criminalità (cap. 2) e quali sono le risposte istituzionali a tali minacce in termini soprattutto di forze di polizia (cap.... more
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      SociologyCriminologyCriminal LawCriminal Procedure