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      Mamluk StudiesIslamic Thought & PhilosophyIslamic EsotericismIslamic Intellectual History
غالبًا ما تسمّى معتقدات الشّعوب البدائيّة عن الطّبيعة بـ (الخرافيّة أوالأسطوريّة)، وتوصف ممارساتهم السّحريّة بـ (الدّجل والشّعوذة)، خاصّة مع ارتباطها الواضح بالمعتقدات الدّينيّة، ولمّا كانت الأديان التّوحيديّة رافضة لهذه المعتقدات ومحاربة... more
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      History of ScienceIslamic StudiesMagic and the Occult (Anthropology Of Religion)Medieval Magic
Revised version of a 2008 paper on the Birhatiya conjuration oath of Islamic occultism.
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      MagicIslamic StudiesMagic and the Occult (Anthropology Of Religion)Occultism
University of Michigan. Without their curation efforts over the years-indeed, over the centurieshistorians such as myself would be all but useless. The present wave of digitization efforts that librarians have been pioneering will... more
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      Medieval HistoryManuscript StudiesMedieval IslamSufism
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      Ottoman HistoryPhysiognomyOttoman StudiesOttoman Empire