Esotericism (Religion)
Recent papers in Esotericism (Religion)
תיקון שבתי צבי / יונתן מאיר. ההרצאה מבקשת להציג תמונה מורכבת ביחס לשבתי צבי, מכתיבתו הקבלית של נתן העזתי על המשיח הנפוּל, דרך ניסיונות תיקון נשמתו בידי הבעש"ט, ועד לשילובו בנרטיב הלאומי בידי זלמן שז"ר וחוקרים שבאו אחריו. יהא זה ניסיון... more
Recent years have seen the flourishing of research on Lithuanian Kabbalists in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, to the point that some scholars speak of a defined and delineated stream of Kabbalah, a school unto itself dubbed... more
Jacob Needleman, distinguished religious scholar and philosopher, will be known to most perennialists because of his anthology published in the Penguin Metaphysical Library series (of which he was the general editor) titled "The Sword of... more
În 1978, în monografia sa dedicată lui Eliade, Ioan Petru Culianu atrăgea atenţia că René Guénon şi Julius Evola trebuie luaţi în considerare printre autorii care au contribuit la formarea teoriilor istorico-religioase ale acestuia. 1 A... more
This chapter falls somewhere between an opinion piece and academia proper. It lies in an uncomfortable space between critique and speculation, just as its purpose is to probe the supposed boundary between practitioner and academic. The... more
Published as "Guénon en Russie : le Traditionalisme d'Alexandre Douguine" (in French) in Politica Hermetica 34 (2020-21), pp.135-178
L’article a pour sujet la personnalité extraordinaire du kabbaliste le Rabbin Levi Isaac Krakovsky (1891–1966), un des étudiants oubliés du Rabbin Yehuda Leib Ashlag (1885–1955). Krakovsky diffusait l’enseignement de son maître en... more
In Islamic mysticism and theurgy, the Seven Seals represent in graphic form the Greatest Name of God; in Jewish Kabbalah, the Seals bear individual Divine Names which collectively form a “Great Name.” We review and compare the primary... more
In this essay I will attempt to introduce Surrealism’s relationship with the elements of Western European traditions of thought that have come to be defined as ‘esoteric’. The historical and social impact of this union draws into focus... more
L'article vise à donner un aperçu des définitions, critères et méthodes utilisées dans l'histoire des courants ésotériques occidentaux depuis quelques dizaines d'années. Après un historique des notions d'"ésotérique" et d'"ésotérisme",... more
Gershom Scholem in Deutschland Zwischen Seelenverwandtschaft und Sprachlosigkeit Hrsg. v. Gerold Necker, Elke Morlok u. Matthias Morgenstern Die Biographie des in Berlin geborenen und ab 1923 in Jerusalem lebenden Kabbala-Forschers... more
We all guard secrets. The process of filtering, deciding which words to share with others and which to temper or leave unsaid, is basic to all of social life. Secrecy is likewise fundamental to the enterprise of religion, a quest to... more
Since the nineteenth century, Central and Eastern Europe has experienced rapid social, political, and economic changes, which caused transformation and upheavals in local societies. Rising nationalism culminating in the Revolutionary year... more
The apotropaic images and texts of the amulet here published show that it belongs to a small group of amulets known from late Roman Sicily.
The first part of Hillel Zeitlin’s (1871-1942) mystical diary appeared in print in Warsaw 1919. Zeitlin continued to write the diary till the holocaust, and the manuscript is presumed lost. In this paper, I shell reconstruct the content... more
First published on the basis of Mr. Nikos Bayraktaris' personal notes: Θεματολογία Ψυχικών Επιστημών κατά τον κ. Μουχάμαντ Σαμσαντίν Μεγαλομμάτη (Subject matter on Spiritual Sciences as per Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis)... more
El esoterismo ha tenido una presencia constante en la cultura occidental desde la Antigüedad tardía hasta la actualidad, pero durante un largo tiempo esta influencia ha sido denostada y se ha visto rodeada de conceptos erróneos y... more
călătOriile adOlescentului miOp prin ţara brahmanilor şi fachirilor (i) scriitor la cincisprezece ani c unoaşterea manuscriselor de tinereţe ale lui mircea eliade mai are foarte mulţi paşi de făcut. se poate spune, de altfel, fără a... more
יונתן מאיר | שבתאות ומינות במאה השמונה עשרה
יונתן מאיר | שבתי צבי והתנועה השבתאית בימי חייו
William Blake and Jacob Boehme saw true imagination as rooted in living experience, as quite distinct from fantasy, and as such necessary for a fuller knowledge and understanding of reality. Both perceive the significant limitations of... more
A fairly deep, almost Buddhist theory of hermetic immortality.
INASWE (Israeli Network for the Academic Study of Western Esotericism) Annual Conference
Ben Gurion University, June 8, 2015
Ben Gurion University, June 8, 2015
Jonatan Meir (Ben Gurion University): "Haskalah and Western Esotericism" Monday 15th December The lecture will focus on the physician and poet Justinus Andreas Christian Kerner (18 September 1786 – 21 February 1862) as well as on... more
Swedish RE teachers are facing a number of difficulties today: decreasing teaching hours, long lists of required content from the national syllabi, as well as low student interest in the subject.This paper investigates a possible solution... more
This review article argues that Wouter Hanegraaff’s Esotericism and the Academy is deeply influenced by a methodological cluster usually referred to as ‘discourse theory.’ That the author is not willing to classify his own approach as... more
This paper, which was presented in Swedish, focused on G.R.S. Mead's views on occultism and magic and considered his rather polemical stance towards practical occultism and/or magic. While Mead was very clear on his stances towards... more
- - - The Cosmic Movement: Sources, Contexts, Impact, Research Workshop, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, March 20-22, 2017 - - -
As has been thoroughly studied by among others Bram Dijkstra, there existed a pervasive discourse during the 19th century in which women were portrayed as demonic and dangerous. In this context, older cultural artifacts where... more
Intellectuals of the esoteric tradition, welcomed at last into Academia, embody the role of transmitting that tradition to the current generation of students. The purpose, in our global society, of Intellectuals or Academics to transmit... more
The lecture will focus on the physician and poet Justinus Andreas Christian Kerner (18 September 1786 – 21 February 1862) as well as on some still underestimated phenomena within the broader context of the European Enlightenment. A fresh... more
Настоящее издание подготовлено в связи с 20-летним юбилеем конферен- ций «Россия и гнозис» в Библиотеке иностранной литературы и включает мате- риалы ежегодной Международной конференции «Россия и гнозис», прошедшей в ВГБИЛ 15–17 октября... more
A seldom discussed fact concerning Blavatsky’s influential magnum opus "The Secret Doctrine" is that it contains passages of explicit Satanism. The almost total neglect of the Luciferian ideas present in Theosophy by scholars is probably... more