Islamic Medicine
Recent papers in Islamic Medicine
İslam felsefesi geleneğinin unutulmuş isimlerinden biri olan Ebû Sehl Îsâ b. Yahyâ el-Mesîhî (ö. 416/1025’ten sonra), ilişki içinde olduğu isimler kadar henüz araştırmacıların ilgisine pek mazhar olmamış olsa da eserleri açısından dikkate... more
Unani Medicine in the Making examines the institutions and practices of Unani medicine, the Graeco-Islamic healing practice based on the humoral theory attributed to Hippocrates and officially recognized as a system of medicine in India.... more
The mechanism of Cupping therapy action is not clear. Cupping may increase local blood circulation, and has an immune-modulation effect. Researches reported some local and systemic effects of cupping therapy. Genetic expression is a... more
"Healing with the Medicine of the Prophet (Al-Tibb al-Nabawi)” was compiled by Imam Ibn Qayyim al-Jauziyah some 650 years ago. Darussalam has brought this marvelous script with English translation. It’s an ideal compilation for those... more
This paper analyses evidence for the practice of surgery, as opposed to its theory, in the Islamic Middle East at the end of the first millennium. The inclusion in formal Arabic medical treatises of complex or invasive surgical procedures... more
فبعض هذه الأمور إنما يجب عليه من جهة ما هُوَ طبيب أن يتصوره بالماهية فقط تصوراً علمياً، ويصدّق بهليته تصديقاً عَلَی أنه وضع له مقبول من صاحب الْعِلْم الطَّبِيعِيّ ، وبعضها يلزمه أن يبرهن عليه فى صناعته، فما كان من هذه كالمبادئ فيلزمه أن... more
3 Fellowships are available for 2019-20
Deadline: 3 June 2019
Starting date: 1 October 2019
Grant value: 1.350 Euro/month
Deadline: 3 June 2019
Starting date: 1 October 2019
Grant value: 1.350 Euro/month
Buku ajar ini merupakan pegangan bagi mahasiswa jenjang sarjana UII yang mengambil mata kuliah Islam Rahmatan lil ‘Alamin. Manuskrip ini sebagian besar berisi tentang Islam dalam dispilin ilmu. Sesuai dengan Peraturan Rektor UII Nomor 11... more In Health and Ritual in Morocco, Josep Lluis Mateo Dieste analyzes... more
This is a revised version of my description of the *Antidotarium magnum*, a collection of over 1000 medical recipes produced at Monte Cassino by (or under the direction of) the Tunisian immigrant monk, Constantine the African (d. before... more
Inhoudsopgave: Voorwoord 3 Wat is hijama 4 tm 6 Misverstand nr. 1: Hijama is een Islamitische geneeswijze. 7 tm 8 Misverstand nr. 2: Vrouwen die nog niet in de overgang zijn mogen zich 9 niet behandelen met hijama! Misverstand nr. 3: Je... more
رجوع به احاديث در فهم آموزههای دين مبين اسلام، عملکردی همواره آشنا در فضای انديشه دينی است؛ از همان صدر اسلام، نه تنها عالمان مسلمان برای فهم ژرفای دين به سراغ احاديث میرفتهاند، بلکه حتی برای تنظيم زندگی و آداب آن برای عامه مردم، در... more
As a Muslim-majority region, Bengal is conspicuous by its absence from histories of the institutionalisation of Islamic medicine in South Asia. Bengal's invisibility in these histories is partly a result of exclusive scholarly... more
SAINS DALAM HADIS BAB 4: HADIS-HADIS TENTANG MAKANAN 1. Keistimewaan Kurma Rasulullah SAW bersabda: "Tidak akan lapar keluarga yang memiliki kurma" (H.R. Muslim, Hadis No. 3046) Kurma telah menjadi makanan pokok di Timur Tengah selama... more
Byzantine medicine remains a little known and misrepresented field not only in the context of debates on medieval medicine, but also among Byzantinists themselves. It is often viewed as 'stagnant' and mainly preserving ancient ideas, and... more
This article considers the transfer of medical knowledge from Europe to the Ottoman empire and argues that what was significant in such transfer was medical practice rather than textual transfer, that the Ottomans were open to adopting... more
Razi is considered to be one of the greatest clinical physicians of medieval world. His authority in medicine is second only to Shaikh ul Rais Ibn Sena ( Avicenna ) but in regards to observational powers Al-Razi was far superior to Ibne... more
Öz Bu makalede Osmanlı'da tıp ilmi, tıp eserleri, hekimler, tıp kurumları, tıp eğitimi, hastalıklar ve halk sağlığı üzerine Cumhuriyet döneminde yazılmış makale, telif ve edisyonların kısa ve toplu bir değerlendirmesi yapılmıştır.... more
This study examines the pre-modern debate surrounding a strange Islamic prophetic tradition (hadith) that commands to fully immerse a fly that has fallen into a drink, " for in one of its wings there is poison and in the other a cure ".... more
This article sheds new light on the sixth/twelfth-century anti-Avicennan current, which took its cue primarily from al-Ghazālī’s Incoherence of the Philosophers (Tahāfut al-falāsifa). A key representative of this current, Ibn Ghaylān... more
In 2000, I first laid plans for a comprehensive database on Latin medicine in the "long 12th century," the period ca. 1075 to ca. 1225 when medicine in western Europe was transformed by, among other things, the infusion of new medical... more
in Khalil b. Ahmad's (d. 175/791) Kitabii'l-ayn Apparently, our knowledge about the development of the Early Islamic Medicine is not sufficient considering the current knowledge. Since researches on that period are inadequate and writing... more
A Sequel to the Islamic medicine posted few days ago....
Sequel to the first 2 parts ....
In Demons and Illness from Antiquity to the Early Modern Period, eds Siam Bhayro and Catherine Rider
This is biography of renowned Muslim physician of Iran during the middle ages. His magnum opus Kitab al-Hawi was used as a text book in European Universities for centuries. He was the first one to compose a treatise on diseases of the... more
13 May 2022, Keynote Talk, Fourth Colloquia Ceranea International Conference, Łódź, Poland
9-11 May 2022, University of Edinburgh (Classical Antiquity in Byzantium and Middle Period China: Revivals and Reinventions in Visual and Intellectual Culture)
Muslim achievements in surgery are all the more remarkable in view of the general religious disapproval of the dissection of the human body. The most important surgical texts were Written by a 10 th to 11 th century Andulasian, Abul Qasim... more
From 1347 onwards, new literature emerged in the Islamic and Western worlds: the Ṭā'ūn [Plague] Treatises. The literature in Islamdom was underpinned by three things: (i) Because the first epidemic was a phenomenon that had been... more
مقامة مفقودة لبديع الزمان الهمذانيّ؟ بلال الأرفه لي (الجامعة الأميركيّة في بيروت) موريس بوميرانتز (جامعة نيويورك-أبو ظبي) مستخلص يقدِّم هذا المقال مقامةً غير معروفة منسوبة لبديع الزمان الهمذانيّ (ت ٣٩٨/١٠٠٨). ويبدأ بعرض الدراسات... more