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      Qur'anic StudiesIslamic StudiesProphetsQur'an
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      RhetoricMedieval LiteratureArabic LiteratureArabic Poetry
De la sourate des « Poètes » (al-šu‘arā’) qui trace les frontières du dicible et de l’ineffable en poésie à l’épisode de la zandaqa en passant par la relation entre le Prophète, les laudateurs et les invectiveurs, l’intrication du... more
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      RhetoricMedieval LiteratureArabic LiteratureArabic Poetry
One of the most significant groups in the endowed institutions of learning such as madrasa and khanqāh are students (fuqahā) and darwishes (fuqarā). The biographical dictionaries (tabaqāt) compiled during the Mamluk period contain... more
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      Mamluk StudiesSufismMadrasaIntellctual and social history of the Mamluk Period
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      Islamic StudiesOttoman LiteratureOld Turkish LiteratureTurkish Language and Literature
Drama Buang karya Roziah Adama memaparkan pelbagai isu sosial masyarakat terpinggir di Malaysia. Drama ini telah memenangi Hadiah Sastera Perdana pada tahun 2015 bagi kategori Drama Eceran anjuran Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. Drama ini... more
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Kertas kerja ini merakamkan dapatan kajian bahawa terdapat banyak aspek kritikan sosial yang diselitkan dalam filem Werewolf Dari Bangladesh (2015) dari sudut isu sosial, ekonomi dan juga politik. Pengarah mengangkat watak warga... more
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      HumanitiesPolitical Science
يتناول رؤية علمية عن مقاعد السمع و الشهب و رصد الجن و استراق السمع تتناول الكيفية وفق النصوص الاسلامية الثابتة الصحيحة و وفق النظريات العلمية الحديثة بما لا يتنافى مع الكتاب و السنة و هي رد على الشهات التي اثيرت حول القران الكريم في هذا... more
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      علوم القرآندراسات إسلامية
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      Arabic LiteratureArabic PoetryMedieval StudiesArabic
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Prompt engineering for ChatGPT
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      Artificial IntelligenceChatGPT
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      Qur'anic StudiesIslamic StudiesProphetsIslam
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Abū al-Mūnā Dawūd ibn Abī Naṡr al-Kūhīn al-ʿAṫṫār, Minhāj al-dukkān (How to Run a Pharmacy). See ed. al-ʿĀṡī (1997). 6 See ed. Marín and Waines (1993) and trans. Nasrallah (2018). All English versions of recipes from Kanz al-fawāʾid fī... more
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      History of MedicineThe History of Ancient and Medieval Pharmacy/materia MedicaHistory of pharmacy
Adam , according to Muslim tradition, was the fi rst man and fi rst prophet of humankind. His name is mentioned in several passages in the Qur ān and also in the expression "the sons of Adam" (banū Ādam , Q 7:26, passim), a phrase that... more
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      Qur'anic StudiesIslamic StudiesProphetsIslam
The article is devoted to the analysis of Polish translations of the first sura of the Qur'ān, Al-Fātiḥa ("The Opening sura"). The analysis covers 14 translations from the years 1830-2018, both direct translations from Arabic, as... more
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The second part of the third book in the series presents for the first time a never-before-published Russian translation and a never-before-published Persian original of the Fustat al-‘adala fi qawa‘id al-saltana (“A Tent of Justice in... more
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      Persian LiteraturePlagiarism DetectionStylometricsIslamic History
There is no doubt that this fifth collection of poems is - Prof Oddo states- "all pure poetry. Its high tone is polished and unbroken; nothing is trite, discursive or superfluous.... The poet goes even a step further in the true poetic... more
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      Spanish LiteratureContemporary PoetryLetteratura italiana moderna e contemporanea
Fees are subject to change. This book is printed on acid-free paper and produced in a sustainable manner.
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      Qur'anic StudiesIslamic StudiesProphetsIslam
Cet ouvrage, dirigé par Anne-Laure Zwilling, présente les résultats d'un projet de recherche mené en 2018-2023 qui avait pour objectif de cartographier l'offre et la diffusion du livre islamique en France. Plus de 700 ouvrages ont été... more
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      SociologieSociologie Des ReligionsIslamic Literature
Studies Armand Abel, Changements politiques et littérature eschatologique dans le monde musulman, SI 2 (1954), 23-43; Kathryn Babayan, The cosmological order of things in early modern Safavid Iran, in Massumeh Farhad and Serpil Baci... more
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      Qur'anic StudiesIslamic StudiesProphetsIslam
My paper is on page 148 entitled 'Reconciliation and Islamisation - A Roadmap for an Islamic Intellectual Revival. I presented this paper at ISTAC Kuala Lumpur on 23 April 2024. Abstract The Muslim world produced one of the greatest... more
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      Philosophy and Thought in Islamic ScienceIslamic ScienceIslamization of Knowledge
Awan adalah ciptaan Allah yang menghiasi alam semesta ini. Penciptaan awan dinyatakan dalam al-Qur’an melalui beberapa perkataan. Menurut al-Qur’an, awan disebut dalam variasi perkataan seperti al-sahab, al-ghamam, al-‘arid, al-muzn dan... more
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    • Arabic Lexicography
Al-Qur’an merupakan kitab suci agung yang mengandungi kisah para nabi dan umat terdahulu. Setiap nabi yang diutuskan kepada umatnya mempunyai tujuan yang sama iaitu mengajak manusia beriman kepada Allah. Kisah Nabi Ibrahim antara kisah... more
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Al-ma’ atau air merupakan penciptaan terawal sebelum kewujudan langit dan bumi. Kewujudannya di atas muka bumi membuktikan kewujudan pencipta yang maha kuasa sebagaimana telah dibuktikan menerusi al-Qur’an. Menerusi kajian yang telah... more
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    • Arabic Rhetoric
The current educational transformation emphasizes the optimal use of technology in teaching and learning in line with the Industrial Revolution (IR) 4.0. Among the rapidly evolving technologies in language learning is Artificial... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceInstructional TechnologyTeaching Arabic as a Foreign Language (TAFL)
The activity of interpreting Sufi texts, concepts and compositions does not occur in a single form. The activity in question is a form of action/speech that is sometimes carried out by chanting poem, sometimes by writing it in a prose,... more
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      Islamic MysticismDini Tasavvufi Halk EdebiyatıIslamic LiteratureTürk İSlam Edebiyatı
Izučavanje arapskog jezika i njegovih različitih oblika književnosti podrazumijeva višestruke pristupe pojavama poput arapskoga jezika, Arabljana i Arapina, arapskog svijeta i svih fenomena koji se zajednički mogu kategorisati kao arapska... more
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      Arabic PoetryHuman RightsSufismOrientalism
CHAPTER 40 * My thanks are due to Todd Lawson for reading a fijirst draft of this paper and for his suggestions. 1 Though miʿrāj means only ascension/ladder, I use the term throughout the article to indicate both the night journey (isrāʾ)... more
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      Islamic StudiesIslamEschatologyMuhammad
There are several critical issues surrounding the transmission of texts in Islamic civilization that merit attention and further study by scholars and students of Islamic literature. This article discusses the main questions connected to... more
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      Textual CriticismQur'anic StudiesIslamic StudiesQur'an
The importance of this study is to highlight the historical and documentary significance of the book "Al-Musannaf" by Al-Kindi. The focus is on examining some issues related to the economic life of Omani society, particularly agricultural... more
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صفحات من كتاب مذكراتي أو ترجمة مازن المطبقاني إعداد أسماء مازن المطبقاني
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مجلة كراسات تربوية Revue Brochures Éducatives مجلة علمية فصلية محكمة، تصدر ثلاثة أعداد في السنة، تعنى بقضايا التربية والتكوين والبحث العلمي. تنشر المقالات والأبحاث العلمية الرصينة التي لم يسبق نشرها من قبل، باللغة العربية، واللغة الفرنسية... more
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      الصديق الصادقي العماريمجلة كراسات تربوية
This study focused on students' perceptions on Malay folklore. The objective of the study is to identify and discuss the students' perceptions on Malay folklore. The sample consisted of 20 subjects were male and female students at... more
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Akal budi' reflects the actions, thoughts and attitudes of a human being who support wisdom, finesse and beauty. The actions, thoughts and attitudes of one person are translated into various forms, but the most common is in the form of... more
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      Music and identityBeautyMalay
This study focused on students' perceptions on Malay folklore. The objective of the study is to identify and discuss the students' perceptions on Malay folklore. The sample consisted of 20 subjects were male and female students at... more
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      Arabic LiteratureArabic Language and LinguisticsArabicTeaching Arabic as a Foreign Language (TAFL)
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      Arabic LiteratureArabicTeaching Arabic as a Foreign Language (TAFL)Arabic-English translation
Puisi bukan sekadar bait-bait yang dipersembahkan bagi tujuan hiburan, bahkan mempunyai peranan yang penting dalam dunia dakwah. Ungkapan yang terdapat dalam sesebuah puisi melambangkan pemikiran dan peribadi penciptanya. Kajian ini... more
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      HumanitiesUniversiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
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      HistoryHumanitiesCultural and Ethnic Studies
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      Qur'anic StudiesIslamic StudiesProphetsIslam
In Arabic grammar, the term for the noun representing the doer of an action, also known as the subject, is “اسم الفاعل” or the active participle. It is constructed by adding an alif (ا) to the first radical of the verb (فعل), providing... more
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In this cultural approach, we try to highlight the singularity of Walada Bint Al-Mustakfi's personality, as a human being and a poet, on the one hand, and on the other, by dwelling on the objective and subjective factors and motives that... more
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      Qur'anic StudiesIslamic StudiesProphetsProphets of the Hebrew Bible/"Old Testament"
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    • Psychology
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, translated, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written... more
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      Qur'anic StudiesIslamic StudiesProphetsQur'an
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, translated, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written... more
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      Qur'anic StudiesIslamic StudiesQur'anIslamic Literature
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, translated, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written... more
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      Arabic LiteratureIslamic StudiesProphets of the Hebrew Bible/"Old Testament"Islamic Literature