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      EthicsMedieval PhilosophyMedieval HistoryArabic Language and Linguistics
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      History of ReligionZoroastrianismHistory of IranPre-Socratic (Pre-Platonic) Philosophy
La Europa que consideró que su destino, el destino de sus hombres, era hacer de su humanismo el arquetipo a alcanzar por todo ente que se le pudiese asemejar; esta Europa, lo mismo la cristiana que la moderna, al trascender los linderos... more
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      Critical TheoryPhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyEpistemology
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      MetaphysicsOntologyEpistemologyIslamic Philosophy
"The Necklace of the Pleiades is a volume on Persian literature, culture and religion by Persian scholars from around the world. This book reflects the state of the field of Persian literary studies and will be of substantial interest not... more
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      Baha'i studiesLiterary CriticismLiterary StylisticsPersian Language
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      Persian LiteratureIranian StudiesPersian LanguageIranian History
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      Iranian Modern HistoryAncient and Middle Iranian PhilologyAhmad FardidIranian Philosophy
Историко-лингвистические и этнокультурные сведения о предках крымских татар Этническая характеристика Ирана в свете новых данных Зоонимы-композиты в диалектах фарса (на примере лари) Стилистические особенности поэзии Нима Юшаджа... more
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      Iranian StudiesIranian Art HistoryIranian LiteratureIranian Languages
Martin Heidegger criticizes the loss of the truth for the being in the Western world as a result of technological development. He defines a discourse of authenticity, which seeks for vitality in tradition. Heidegger announces the end of... more
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      AuthenticityMartin HeideggerNihilismAli Shariati
This paper sets out to identify sciences prevalent among the Iranian Nizārīs through the fall of Alamūt in 1256 CE/654 AH. This is done through critical examination of two categories of documents: 1) the unpublished manuscript of Dustūr... more
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      Persian LiteratureIslamic Astronomy and AstrologyGraeco-Arabic translation movementKalila wa Dimna
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      Iranian StudiesAfghanistanCentral Asian StudiesCentral Asia (History)
This publication unveils the ideas of two philosophers, who contribute greatly to the intellectual debates for modernity in Iran in the 80s and 90s of the XX century. Reza Davari relies on the idea of the Absolute, through which he... more
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      Post-Revolutionary IranIranian PhilosophyAbdolkarim Soroush
The Shi’ah Institute in London arranged the publication of an English translation of one of the most popular Iranian textbooks of the Avicennan tradition of metaphysics in Islam. First printed in Persian in 1956, Mahdī Ḥaʾirī Yazdī’s... more
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      Islamic PhilosophyIbn SinaArabic PhilosophyIslamic Thought & Philosophy
ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ ВВЕДЕНИЕ ГЛАВА I. ИРАНСКАЯ МИФО-РЕЛИГИОЗНАЯ ТРАДИЦИЯ § 1. Некоторые направления иранской мифо-религиозной традиции § 2. Реконструкция иранских доисламских онтологических представлений ГЛАВА II. ИРАНСКИЕ ПАРАЛЛЕЛИ В... more
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      History of ReligionZoroastrianismPre-Socratic (Pre-Platonic) PhilosophyAncient Philosophy
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      PhilosophyIslamic PhilosophyIranian Philosophy
Fransızcadan çeviren: Ali Hasar, Kasım 2016. (Interview)
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      Cultural StudiesSocial and Cultural AnthropologyPolitical ScienceIranian Studies
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      Islamic PhilosophyMulla SadraShiismIranian Philosophy
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      PhilosophyPhilosophical AnthropologyRomance philologyContinental Philosophy
By the end of the third century Islam which is the tenth century A.D., the whole Greek heritage was fully translated into Arabic almost through Syriac language mediation. After the Greek knowledge had been made available in Arabic, Arab... more
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      Medieval PhilosophyVirtue EthicsIslamic EthicsGreek into Arabic
This is a revised text of any interview with Professor Ali Mirsepassi conducted in 2015 for a documentary about Ahmad Fardid (released in 2016). This revised interview, in a collection of interviews with people who mostly knew Fardid in... more
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      Iranian StudiesModern PhilosophyAnti-ModernismUniversity of Tehran
The intellectual debates for modernity in Iran in the 60s and 70s are marked by the search for authenticity. Jalal Al-e Ahmad uses the term of “occidentosis” (loss of subjectivity vis-a-vis the West), in order to promote an Iranian who is... more
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      Iranian StudiesIslam and ModernityAli ShariatiOrganic Intellectual
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      Intellectual HistoryPhilosophyComparative PhilosophyMarxism
This paper deals with contemporary Iranian philosophical and religious thought. It focuses on the reflections of a few of the most famous and highly regarded contemporary Persian intellectuals and philosophers, as well as on theologians... more
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      Persian LiteratureIranian StudiesIslamic StudiesIranian Modern History
زینب دیرک استاد فلسفه کنونی دانشگاه کوچ استانبول و استاد پیشین دانشگاه گالاتاسارای این شهر است. او متخصص فلسفه اروپای قاره ای قرن نوزدهم و بیستم، پدیدارشناسی، نظریه فمینیستی، فلسفه سیاسی و تاریخ فلسفه در ترکیه است و به عنوان نمونه کتاب... more
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      Iranian StudiesTurkish-Islamic philosophyContinental (vs.) Analytical PhilosophyTurco-Iranian World
The Persian intellectual tradition (religion, philosophy - theosophy/Hikmah and Irfan) refers to two distinct ‘spiritual worlds’ - Zoroastrian and Islamic - with ‘the same Divine Origin’ and ‘certain profound morphological resemblances’... more
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      Iranian StudiesIranian PhilosophyIranian Culture of Education
This paper compares the thought of John Stuart Mill and Mutahari, particularly their views of education, higher sentiments, and common values. It furthermore argues that Mill and Mutahari provide a strong basis for a critique of... more
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      Iranian StudiesIslamic Thought & PhilosophyJohn Stuart MillHistory and Philosophy of Islamic education
For a long time, Iranian Philosophy has been interpreted as a religious philosophy concerned exclusively by the matters of theological and existential nature. In the paper, I argue that Iranian tradition of theoretical reflection offers... more
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      Comparative ReligionPhilosophy Of ReligionPhenomenologyIranian Studies
مطالعات فلسفی در حوزۀ میان فرهنگی و تطبیقی برای شرایط علمی کنونی ما از اهمیت بسیار بالایی برخوردار است؛ این نوع از تبادلات علمی خردورزانه م یتواند با شکست فضای انحصاری مبتنی بر شناخت فلسفۀ غربی و عبور از این نوع نگرش به بروز و ظهور اندیش... more
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      Chinese PhilosophyComparative PhilosophyIranian StudiesSufism
ईशावास्योपनिषद् (Īśāvāsyopaniṣad) तथा इब्ने-यमीने-फ़र्युमदी (ابن یمین فریومدی) - तेरहवी सदी (1286 – 1368 ईस्वी) के ईरान के फ़ारसी कवि के काव्य की तुलना _ Chandragupta Bhartiya _ चन्द्रगुप्तभारतीयः

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      Indian PhilosophySanskrit language and literatureSanskritVedic Sanskrit
Some phenomenologists have tried to interpret the cultural differences of identity in a variety of climatic and natural fields in the light of the Genius Loci theory. The theory has been verified in many studies by the traditional-Islamic... more
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      PhenomenologyChristian Norberg-SchulzPhilosophy of Space and PlaceIranian Philosophy
История таджикской философии (с древнейших времен до XV в.). В трех томах. Том I. Ответственный редактор: К. Олимов. — Душанбе: «Дониш», 2014. – 504 с. Настоящий том «История таджикской философии», пред-ставленный на суд читателей,... more
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      ZoroastrianismIranian StudiesIranian HistorySasanian History
An Analysis of History, Causality and Evolution in Islamic, Iranian and Polish Philosophy < Previous Article Next Article > International Journal of Philosophy Volume 8, Issue 4, December 2020, Pages: 104-111 Received: Oct. 28, 2020;... more
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      Philosophical AnthropologyRomance philologyContinental PhilosophyMessianism
Статья посвящена рассмотрению взглядов иранского философа Сайида Хуcсейна Насра на ислам и его роль в современном мире. Автор обращается к философским идеям философа, легализирующим привилегированное положение ислама среди прочих... more
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      Iranian StudiesVedantaH. S. NasrPhilosophia Perennis
The key-point of this article is the theory of 'qabz va baste teurik-e shari'at' (The theory of expansion and contraction of religion) developed by Abdolkarim Soroush, one of the most famous and highly regarded contemporary Iranian... more
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      Persian LiteraturePersian LanguageSufismContemporary Sufism
Dānešnāmeh-ye ʿAlāyī, Ilāhiyyāt, A Milestone in Post-Avicenna Philosophy in the Islamicate World, A New Critical Edition of the Text with English Translation, Notes, Commentary, and Introduction.
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      Iranian StudiesPeripateticsIslamic Thought & PhilosophyAvicenna
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      Cultural StudiesPhilosophyEpistemologyPhilosophy of Science
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      PhilosophyComparative PhilosophyIslamic Contemporary StudiesIranian Studies
Iran’s encounter with the European colonialist powers not only had a number of political consequences, it also had a significant impact on modern Iranian intellectual history. The reception of various strands of European philosophical... more
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      Intellectual HistoryPhilosophyComparative PhilosophyMiddle East Studies