Intertextuality and Allusion
Recent papers in Intertextuality and Allusion
Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz thrive during a dark time in Israel’s history—the days when the judges governed. The final two segments in Judges (chaps. 17–21) summarily demonstrate that when autonomy prevails, people and society deteriorate into... more
A chiastic reading of Psalm 106 reveals its import for Israel and the present day. In addition, the psalms allusions to the period of the judges help the reader consider the psalm s current relevance. The interrelations between Psalms 106... more
This is an annotated bibliography on important intertextual works. After this bibliography is given, an extensive general bibliography is also included. For interpreters, especially biblical interpreters intending to work on the subject... more
In this paper, I argue that the traditional narrative of Iphigenia's sacrifice lies allusively behind the opening scenes of the Iliad (1.8-487). Scholars have long suspected that this episode is evoked in Agamemnon's scathing rebuke of... more
R. Joel Kennedy’s, “The Recapitulation of Israel: Use of Israel’s History in Matthew 1:1–4:11” explains the New Testament’s use of the Old Testament in Matthew 1:1–4:11 in terms of recapitulation. Israel’s history is restated in the life... more
This paper offers an introduction to 'multiforms' as associated systems of verbal elements that develop in the memory of an individual and are used in text production. It examines these in the highly conservative kalevalaic mythological... more
This article draws upon a reader-response and canonical-hermeneutical perspective in order to analyze the manner in which 2 Sam 22 and Ps 18 are embedded in their respective literary contexts. Psalm 18’s superscription functions both to... more
The article surveys recent scholarship on the use of creation imagery in the Gospel of John, with the aim of presenting rather exhaustive register of possible references. Both the obvious and the less clear-cut allusions to Gen 1–3 are... more
En este trabajo se estudian las características particulares del proyecto editorial y literario que, desde 1985, viene desarrollando Ediciones Vigía. La reflexión se centra en el análisis la obra Los graduados de Kafka (2008), del autor... more
An allusion in the source text poses a serious problem for a translator. A relevance-theoretic approach would define an "allusion" as the re-use of language from a prior text such that, by calling the prior text to mind, an implied reader... more
Christian appropriation of OT legal material is a perennial crux interpretum. Evident, is a spectrum of approaches, from Marcion-like dismissal on the one hand through to theonomist appeals for re-enactment on the other. Within Western... more
I propose a new instance of ‘stichometric allusion’ (when poets allude to a source using corresponding line-numbers) in the Culex. This example (an allusion to Catullus 64) is notable because it spans two lines, and because it contains a... more
The purpose of this paper is to present an analysis of certain episodes and motifs of Dante’s Purgatory which were partly inspired by the idea of the Otherworld and the category of space in the Book VI of Virgil’s Aeneid. In particular we... more
In 'Weapons of Words: Intertextual Competition in Babylonian Poetry' Selena Wisnom offers an in-depth literary study of three poems central to Babylonian culture: Anzû, Enūma eliš, and Erra and Išum. Fundamentally interconnected, each... more
Janvier 2004 : "P.D. James, The Skull Beneath The Skin: Jeux de miroirs et palimpsestes" Colloque Illusion SAIT
Inspired by Said's methodology of contrapuntal reading, this article examines Edward Said's reference to Shakespeare's Hamlet (1604) in his memoir, Out of Place (1999) to shed light on his experiences of exile and displacement. We contend... more
ה'פרשנות הפנים מקראית': בספרות המדרש ובמחקר החדש ועיון מחודש ברובדי השפעתה הפרשנית
Apuleius certainly quotes some epigrammatic texts and fragments in his Apology on secondary points of the argumentation, but these quotations remain misleading, because they hide the real presence of the epigrammatic genre in this speech:... more
A reading of gendered violence, body horror, "hyperreality," and postmodern cinematic nostalgia in Quentin Tarantino's 'Death Proof' through Jean Baudrillard's 'Simulacra and Simulation' and 'America' as well as Gilles Deleuze's "Coldness... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
Creation motifs stand out as an important link between the Pentateuch and texts that are commonly attributed to Wisdom literature. At the same time, in the Book of Job, references and allusions to divine acts of creation turn up... more
The palimpsest effect presupposes the existence of an obvious intention on the author’s part to superpose, within the same structure, multiple cultural layers, multiple “stories”, wagering everything upon a play of mirrors, that produces... more
The cultural myth of Cleopatra was central to the aesthetic sensibility of the Russian Silver Age. Few attempts, however, have been made to unfold the intricate workings of the image of Cleopatra as a fatal lover—an image that proved... more
Luc. DMar. 14: Perseus and Andromeda between iconography and theater (with an Appendix on DMar. 2) This paper analyses Lucian’s DMar. 14, on Perseus and Andromeda, under a double perspective: intertextual and intervisual. On the one... more
The imagery and detail of John 18.1-21.25 imbue it with a number of important theological implications. These include the concepts of substitutionary atonement, a new kingdom, a new power structure on the earth, and more besides. In the... more
Framing the mission of Aeneas in the underworld, Palinurus’ disappereance in the waters of the Sirens at the end of Aeneid 5 and Circe’s indirect appearance at the beginning of Aeneid 7 mark the last stages of the Trojan hero’s journey.... more
topoi romanzeschi, reminiscenze epiche e saffiche memorie È un dato critico ormai acquisito che l'ambientazione bucolica e l'eliminazione del viaggio costituiscano le peculiarità più evidenti che contraddistinguono i Pastoralia... more
Монография Л. Г. Пановой «Мнимое сиротство: Хлебников и Хармс в контексте русского и европейского модернизма» – попытка подвергнуть художественные произведения, манифесты и жизнетворческие практики первого авангарда непредвзятому... more
本文對「浪子比喻」進行了深入分析後發現,它所使用的典故(約瑟故事) 、 關鍵字詞( 「兒子」「饑荒/餓」 「遠」「誡命/命令」)和概念( 「潔淨」「回家/ 、 回耶路撒冷」「先知以及其神國筵席信息遭拒」 、 )應該會使受眾將它連繫於耶穌 的「第一講章」 (路四 16~30)有關外邦人得救和神子民的重新定義的主題,以 致我們有十分充分的理由去以外邦人得救的架構去詮釋這比喻,理解大兒子為猶 太人(或猶太基督徒) ,小兒子為外邦人(或外邦基督徒) ,而不落入初期教父的... more
The introduction of the concept of intertextuality into the critical discourse in the late 1960s transformed the discussion of all kinds of literature, including biblical literature. 'Intertextuality' is currently a hot topic among... more
In his novel Neverwhere Gaiman depicts the modern city of London - London Above, and his inverted fantastic counterpart - London Below. London Below is the reflection of London Above in a heterotopic mirror: a fantastic version of the... more
The poster was presented at the 5th RaAM specialised seminar "Metaphors in/and/of translation", Leiden University, The Netherlands, 2015. Proper name allusions were analysed in a study about proper names and titles in African and... more
This doctoral dissertation on Book 4 of the Constantinopolis by Ubertino Posculo represents the first completed English translation of a book in an epic poem that has hitherto been only available in Latin, French, or Italian. The... more
Italo Calvino, il famoso scrittore sanremese, cresciuto nel nord d'Italia lontano dai volcani del sud, è spesso avvicinato simbolicamente più al frigorifero che non alla caldaia. I suoi racconti e romanzi sono definiti come asessuali,... more
The Middle Ages greatly valued originality and creativity, although these qualities were not only linked in the long chain of imagination (as we usually do today), but they were also framed in the field of memory. Therefore, the usual... more
In 1968, the repressive maneuvers of the Czech and Polish regimes precipitated the rupture between the literary intelligentsia and the communist executives. By the same time, the censorial institution had modernized its operations to make... more
This doctoral dissertation on Book 4 of the Constantinopolis by Ubertino Posculo represents the first completed English translation of a book in an epic poem that has hitherto been only available in Latin, French, or Italian. The... more