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Traceroute is one of the most famous and widely adopted diagnostic tool for omputer networks. Although tra eroute is often used to infer links between Autonomous Systems (ASes), the presen e of the so- alled third-party (TP)... more
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      Distributed ComputingComputer NetworkComputer SoftwareActive Probing
Geleceğin interneti ve IPv6 ile ilgili bilgiler.
New Generation Internet Topologies and Protocols
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      Social NetworkingNetwork SecurityComputer NetworksWireless Sensor Networks
The study of network topology has attracted a great deal of attention in the last decade, but has been hampered by a lack of accurate data. Existing methods for measuring topology have flaws, and arguments about the importance of these... more
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      Distributed ComputingGraph TheoryNetwork DesignIP networks
The Internet's layered architecture and organizational structure give rise to a number of different topologies, with the lower layers defining more physical and the higher layers more virtual/logical types of connectivity structures.... more
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      NetworksOrganizational structureModel validationGravity Model
Studies of the Internet have typically focused either on the routing system, i.e. the paths chosen to reach a given destination, or on the evolution of traffic on a physical link. In this paper, we combine routing and traffic, and study... more
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      Key wordsComplexInternet TopologyInternet traffic
Characterizing the evolution of Internet topology is important to our understanding of the Internet architecture and its interplay with technical, economic and social forces. A major challenge in obtaining empirical data on topology... more
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      Distributed ComputingFuture InternetComputer SoftwareInternet Architecture
Abstract: Internet scale DoS attack is a new evolution of conventional flooding DoS attack with the inspiration of shutting down the Internet due to its vulnerable infrastructure. Past DoS attacks directly attacked the victim, usually a... more
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      Complex NetworksRouting protocolsInternet TopologyTcpip
One of the challenging problems related with network topology discovery in Internet is the process of IP address alias identification. Topology information is usually obtained from a set of traceroutes that provide IP addresses of routers... more
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      ManagementRouting protocolsSampling methodsNetwork Topology
Recent works on modeling the Internet topology (8, 9) have highlighted how the complexity of relationships be- tween Autonomous Systems (ASes) can not be oversimpli- fied without sacrificing accuracy in capturing route selec- tion. Such a... more
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      Internet Routing ProtocolData CollectionAutonomic SystemInternet Topology
We show that random graphs in the preferential connectivity model have constant conductance, and hence have worst-case routing congestion that scales logarithmically with the number of nodes. Another immediate implication is constant... more
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      Distributed ComputingGraph TheoryRandom Graph TheoryComputer System
In last years new procedures to generate Internet-like topologies have been proposed, stemming from the evidence of a power-law behavior of real networks. Realistic networks generators are necessary for simulation and performance... more
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      Performance EvaluationData CommunicationPower LawPacket Loss
The expansion of the Internet routing system results in a number of research challenges, in particular, the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) starts to show its limits a.o. in terms of the number of routing table entries it can dynamically... more
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      Computational ModelingComputer NetworksProcess ControlTopology
This paper proposes a novel non-parametric technique for clustering networks based on their structure. Many topological measures have been introduced in the literature to characterize topological properties of networks. These measures... more
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      EngineeringTechnologyComputer NetworksSpectral Graph Theory
In the past few years numerous peer to peer file sharing, or, more generally, content distribution, systems have been designed, implemented, and evaluated via simulations, real world measurements or even mathematical analysis. Yet, only a... more
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      Mathematical AnalysisFile SharingUser AcceptancePeer to Peer
The classical approach for Internet topology measurement consists in distributively collecting as much data as possible and merging it into one single piece of topology on which are conducted subsequent analysis. Although this approach... more
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      TopologyComputersInternet Topology
The Internet topology data collected through traceroute exploration has been extensively studied in the past. In particular, a remarkable property of the Internet, the power-law shape of node degree distribution, drew the attention of the... more
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      EngineeringComputer SciencePower LawData Collection
We consider the Internet at the level of its sub-networks (called Autonomous Systems, or ASes). Most previous studies have used the connection degree as the indicator variable to decompose the network into what one hopes will be nodes... more
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      Random Graph TheoryMultidisciplinaryComplex networkInternet Topology
A growing number of applications create overlays on top of the Internet. Several unsolved issues at the network layer can explain this trend to implement network services such as multicast, mobility and security at the application layer.... more
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      Network DynamicsNetwork ServicesInternet TopologyInternet
The study of the Internet topology allows us to discover properties that can be exploited in order to improve the performance of network protocols and applications. Thus, Internet mapping is very useful to simulation software focusing on... more
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      Distributed ComputingTopologyComputer CommunicationsData Collection
Internet measurement studies require availability of representative topology maps. Depending on the map resolution (e.g., autonomous system level or router level), the procedure of collecting and processing an Internet topology map... more
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      Internet MeasurementTopology DiscoveryAutonomic SystemInternet Topology
Formally, the Internet inter-domain routing system is a collection of networks, their policies, peering relationships and organizational affiliations, and the addresses they advertize. It also includes components like Internet exchange... more
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      Distributed ComputingModelingRoutingTopology
It has been observed that the degrees of the topologies of several communication networks follow heavy tailed statistics. What is the impact of such heavy tailed statistics on the performance of basic communication tasks that a network is... more
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      Data MiningGraph TheoryComputer NetworksRouting
We introduce and use k-shell decomposition to investigate the topology of the Internet at the AS level. Our analysis separates the Internet into three sub-components: (a) a nucleus which is a small (≈ 100 nodes) very well connected... more
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      Complex networkInternet Topology
It has been observed that the degrees of the topologies of several communication networks follow heavy tailed statistics. What is the impact of such heavy tailed statistics on the performance of basic communication tasks that a network is... more
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      Data MiningGraph TheoryComputer NetworksRouting
A significant challenge for researchers analysing the Internet AS-level topology graph is how to interpret the global organization of the graph as the coexistence of its structural blocks (communities) associated with more highly... more
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      Computer ScienceClustering AlgorithmsComplex NetworksTopology
Since the nineties, the Internet has seen an impressive growth, in terms of users, intermediate systems (such as routers), autonomous systems, or applications. In parallel to this growth, the research community has been looking for... more
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      IGMPMerlinInternet TopologyTraceroute
Traceroute is widely used, from the diagnosis of network problems to the assemblage of internet maps. Unfortunately, there are a number of problems with traceroute methodology, which lead to the inference of erroneous routes. This paper... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceTechnologyComputer Networks
One of the primary challenges facing scalable network emulation and simulation is the overhead of storing network-wide routing tables or computing appropriate routes on a per-packet basis. We present an approach to routing table... more
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      SimulationNetwork TopologyNetwork EmulationSpanning Tree
Internet worm spread is a phenomenon involving millions of hosts, who interact in complex and diverse environment. Scanning speed of each infected host depends on its resources and the defenses at work in its network. Aggressive worms... more
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      RoutingDistributed ProcessingBandwidth AllocationDistributed Simulation
Effective engineering of the Internet is predicated upon a detailed understanding of issues such as the large-scale structure of its underlying physical topology, the manner in which it evolves over time, and the way in which its... more
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      Computer ScienceVisualizationInteroperabilityRepresentativeness
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      Information SocietyInternet MeasurementSMCCritical Infrastructure
Despite the apparent randomness of the Internet, we discover some surprisingly simple power-laws of the Internet topology. These power-laws hold for three snapshots of the Internet, between November 1997 and December 1998, despite a 45%... more
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      Distributed ComputingPerformance AnalysisComputer SoftwarePower Law
In this paper, we perform the first comprehensive study of the multicast address allocation problem. We analyze this problem both within its context as a classic resource allocation problem and with respect to its practical use for... more
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      EngineeringTechnologyComputer NetworksTime Series
The paper presents the research results of multicast heuristic algorithms. The paper is an extension of previous publications presented in [14, 15] that discussed small network structures reflecting real Internet topology. It approaches... more
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      RoutingMulticastRouting AlgorithmsTree Graphs
Overlay networks among cooperating hosts have recently emerged as a viable solution to several challenging problems, including multicasting, routing, content distribution, and peer-topeer services. Application-level overlays, however,... more
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      Computer ScienceDistributed ComputingRoutingGroup communication
This paper investigates the assignment of audio mixing operations to a geographically distributed set of servers to provide an immersive audio communication environment for massively multiplayer online games. The immersive audio... more
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      Virtual WorldsIconCost effectivenessPeer to Peer
Several emerging large-scale Internet applications such as Content Distribution Networks, and Peer-to-Peer networks could potentially benefit from knowing the underlying Internet topology and the distances (i.e., round-trip-time) between... more
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      Distributed ComputingComputer CommunicationsLarge ScaleRound Trip Time
This paper proposes several clustering algorithms to explore the topology of the AS-graph. Using these algorithms, we are able to view the Internet topology, as encapsulated by the AS-graph, at three levels of abstraction: (1) a... more
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      Levels of AbstractionHigh ResolutionHigh Density ConcreteInternet Topology
In the past few years numerous peer to peer file sharing, or, more generally, content distribution, systems have been designed, implemented, and evaluated via simulations, real world measurements or even mathematical analysis. Yet, only a... more
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      Mathematical AnalysisFile SharingUser AcceptancePeer to Peer
Hermes is a system for exploring and visualizing Autonomous Systems and their interconnections. It relies on a three-tiers architecture, on a large repository of routing information coming from heterogeneous sources, and on sophisticated... more
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      Network TopologyInternet Topology
As the Internet evolves, and new bandwidth-consuming multimedia applications become more common, it becomes necessary to provide quality of service (QoS) in the Internet. QoS provides a basis for network providers to offer a variety of... more
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      Computer CommunicationsQuality of ServiceDiffServRouting Protocol
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      Performance EvaluationEigenvaluesAdjacency MatrixNetwork Topology
The expansion of the Internet routing system results in a number of research challenges, in particular, the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) starts to show its limits a.o. in terms of the number of routing table entries it can dynamically... more
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      Computational ModelingComputer NetworksProcess ControlTopology
We present a general model of interdomain route selection to study interdomain traffic engineering. In this model, the routing of multiple destinations can be coordinated. Thus the model can capture general traffic engineering behaviors... more
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      Load BalanceModel AnalysisInternet TopologyModeling and Analysis
Many contributions rely on the degree distribution of the Internet topology. However, current knowledge of this property is based on biased and erroneous measurements and is subject to much debate. Recently, in [7], a new approach,... more
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      Distributed ComputingBiasTopologyComputer Communications
Overlay networks among cooperating hosts have recently emerged as a viable solution to several challenging problems, including multicasting, routing, content distribution, and peer-to-peer services. Application-level overlays, however,... more
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      Power LawPeer to PeerMPEG enabled Multicast RoutingNetwork Topology
Existing empirical studies of Internet structure and path properties indicate that the Internet is tree-like. This work quantifies the degree to which at least two important Internet measures-latency and bandwidth-approximate tree... more
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      Internet MeasurementEmpirical StudyInternet Topology
We show that random graphs in the preferential connectivity model have constant conductance, and hence have worst-case routing congestion that scales logarithmically with the number of nodes. Another immediate implication is constant... more
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      Distributed ComputingGraph TheoryRandom Graph TheoryComputer System
This paper investigates the assignment of audio mixing operations to a geographically distributed set of servers to provide an immersive voice communication environment for massively multi-player online games. The immersive voice... more
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      Distributed ComputingVirtual WorldsMassively Multiplayer Online GamesComputer Communications
Despite recent excitement generated by the peer-to-peer (P2P) paradigm and the surprisingly rapid deployment of some P2P applications, there are few quantitative evaluations of P2P systems behavior. The open architecture, achieved scale,... more
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      Power LawPeer to PeerSelf OrganizationVirtual Networks