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We study random walks on large random graphs that are biased towards a randomly chosen but fixed target node. We show that a critical bias strength bc exists such that most walks find the target within a finite time when b > bc. For b <... more
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      Quantum TheoryRandom Graph TheoryComputer SimulationPower Law
We show the number of triangles of G n,1/2 is almost uniformly distributed among residue classes modulo q, where q is a prime number bounded by (log n). This implies a consequence of a conjecture of Bollobás, Pebody and Riordan (that... more
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      Applied MathematicsRandom Graph TheoryPure MathematicsDiscrete Mathematics
We use Schnyder woods of 3-connected planar graphs to produce convex straight line drawings on a grid of size (n − 2 − ∆) × (n − 2 − ∆). The parameter ∆ ≥ 0 depends on the Schnyder wood used for the drawing. This parameter is in the range... more
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      Computational GeometryGraph TheoryRandom Graph TheoryMultidisciplinary
We review recent progress in the study of the vertex-cover problem (VC). VC belongs to the class of NP-complete graph theoretical problems, which plays a central role in theoretical computer science. On ensembles of random graphs, VC... more
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      Statistical MechanicsRandom Graph TheoryMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
Probabilistic flooding (parameterized by a forwarding probability) has frequently been considered in the past, as a means of limiting the large message overhead associated with traditional (full) flooding approaches that are used to... more
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      Information RetrievalInformaticsGraph TheoryTelecommunications
Brain graphs provide a relatively simple and increasingly popular way of modeling the human brain connectome, using graph theory to abstractly define a nervous system as a set of nodes (denoting anatomical regions or recording electrodes)... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyGraph TheoryMagnetic Resonance Imaging
We introduce Chinese Whispers, a randomized graph-clustering algorithm, which is time-linear in the number of edges. After a detailed definition of the algorithm and a discussion of its strengths and weaknesses, the performance of Chinese... more
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      Natural Language ProcessingWord Sense DisambiguationRandom Graph TheoryGraph Clustering
The new higher order specifications for exponential random graph models introduced by Snijders et al. [Snijders, T.A.B., Pattison, P.E., Robins G.L., Handcock, M., 2006. New specifications for exponential random graph models. Sociological... more
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      SociologyAnthropologySocial NetworksRandom Graph Theory
A simple random walk on a graph is a sequence of movements from one vertex to another where at each step an edge is chosen uniformly at random from the set of edges incident on the current vertex, and then transitioned to next vertex.... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceCombinatoricsRandom Graph Theory
In this paper, we investigate the diameter in preferential attachment (PA-) models, thus quantifying the statement that these models are small worlds. The models studied here are such that edges are attached to older vertices proportional... more
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      Random Graph TheoryStatistical PhysicsMathematical SciencesScale-Free Networks
Let $\R$ be the set of all finite graphs $G$ with the Ramsey property that every coloring of the edges of $G$ by two colors yields a monochromatic triangle. In this paper we establish a sharp threshold for random graphs with this... more
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      Random Graph TheoryPure MathematicsEdge Coloring
Actual network size depends on the application and the protocols developed for the routing for this kind of networks should be scalable and efficient. Each routing protocol should support small as well as large scale networks very... more
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      Clusters & NetworksGraphs TheoryGraph TheoryClustering and Classification Methods
Wireless networks are fundamentally limited by the intensity of the received signals and by their interference. Since both of these quantities depend on the spatial location of the nodes, mathematical techniques have been developed in the... more
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      Distributed ComputingWireless SystemsRandom Graph TheoryWireless Network
In this paper we study the small-world network model of Watts and Strogatz, which mimics some aspects of the structure of networks of social interactions. We argue that there is one nontrivial length-scale in the model, analogous to the... more
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      Graph TheorySocial InteractionRandom Graph TheoryDisease Outbreaks
10 408 8900 Fax: +31(0)10 408 9031 Please send questions and/or remarks of nonscientific nature to [email protected].
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      Civil EngineeringGeographyUrban GeographyApplied Mathematics
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      Graph TheoryRandom Graph TheoryDiscrete MathematicsFourier Analysis
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      Interpersonal CommunicationRandom Graph TheoryExponential Random Graph ModelCommunication and media Studies
We analyze the energy terms corresponding to the spin-spin exchange
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      Lattice TheoryRandom Graph TheoryNumerical SimulationStandard Deviation
The stochastic block model (SBM) is a probabilistic model designed to describe heterogeneous directed and undirected graphs. In this paper, we address the asymptotic inference on SBM by use of maximumlikelihood and variational approaches.... more
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      StatisticsRandom Graph TheoryMaximum LikelihoodProbabilistic Model Checking
Bachelor's thesis January 2015 Technical University of Munich, Department for Mathematical Statistics The paper starts with the mathematical fundamentals for random graphs and models for random graphs. Over the course of the paper,... more
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      FinanceFinancial EconomicsFinancial Risk ManagementSocial Network Analysis (SNA)
We investigate analytically and numerically an Ising spin model with ferromagnetic coupling defined on random graphs corresponding to Feynman diagrams of a $\phi^q$ field theory, which exhibits a mean field phase transition. We explicitly... more
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      Field TheoryStatistical MechanicsMonte Carlo SimulationRandom Graph Theory
We discuss the use of a ferromagnetic spin model on a random graph to model granular compaction. A multi-spin interaction is used to capture the competition between local and global satisfaction of constraints characteristic for geometric... more
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      Granular (Soft Condensed Matter Physics)Granular PhysicsRandom Graph TheoryStatistical Physics
Let G = (V, E) a graph and L (vi) a set of colors associated to every node vi�V. A list coloring of G is an assignment of a color c (vi) � L (vi) to every node of V so that no two adjacent nodes are assigned the same color. Significant... more
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      Random Graph TheoryAlgorithmHeuristicNp Complete
The effects of various population topologies on the particle swarm algorithm were systematically investigated. Random graphs were generated to specifications, and their performance on several criteria was compared. What makes a good... more
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      StatisticsGraph TheoryEvolutionary ComputationRandom Graph Theory
Recent work on the structure of social networks and the internet has focused attention on graphs with distributions of vertex degree that are significantly different from the Poisson degree distributions that have been widely studied in... more
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      EngineeringRandom Graph TheorySocial StructureMathematical Sciences
Due to its fast, dynamic, and distributed growth process, it is hard to obtain an accurate map of the Internet. In many cases such a map-representing the structure of the Internet as a graph with nodes and links-is a prerequisite when... more
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      Distributed ComputingRandom Graph TheoryComplex networkCompetitive Analysis
We show that random graphs in the preferential connectivity model have constant conductance, and hence have worst-case routing congestion that scales logarithmically with the number of nodes. Another immediate implication is constant... more
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      Distributed ComputingGraph TheoryRandom Graph TheoryComputer System
In this paper we develop the interpolating cavity field technique for the mean field ferromagnetic p-spin. The model we introduce is a natural extension of the diluted Curie-Weiss model to p>2 spin interactions. Several properties of the... more
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      Statistical MechanicsRandom Graph TheoryNumerical SimulationMathematical Sciences
The problem of counting the number of s-t paths in a graph is #P-complete. We provide an algorithm to estimate the solution stochastically, using sequential im- portance sampling. We show that the method works eectiv ely for both graphs... more
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      Applied MathematicsMonte CarloRandom Graph TheoryAlgorithms - Graph theory & applications
We have studied an evolutionary prisoner's dilemma game with players located on two types of random regular graphs with a degree of 4. The analysis is focused on the effects of payoffs and noise (temperature) on the maintenance of... more
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      EngineeringGame TheoryLattice TheoryRandom Graph Theory
Let G = (V, E) a graph and L (vi) a set of colors associated to every node vi V. A list coloring of G is an assignment of a color c (vi )  L (vi ) to every node of V so that no two adjacent nodes are assigned the same color. Significant... more
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      Random Graph TheoryHeuristic algorithm
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      Time SeriesRandom Graph TheoryMultidisciplinaryComplex System
The one-dimensional contact model for the spread of disease may be viewed as a directed percolation model on ℤ×ℝ in which the continuum axis is oriented in the direction of increasing time. Techniques from percolation have enabled a... more
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      Random Graph TheoryIsing ModelSpace TimePath Integral Dynamics
We analyze the properties of Small-World networks, where links are much more likely to connect "neighbor nodes" than distant nodes. In particular, our analysis provides new results for Kleinberg's Small-World model and its extensions.... more
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      RoutingRandom Graph TheoryRandom GraphsLong Range
Missing data, such as non-response, is often problematic in social network analysis since what is missing may potentially alter the conclusions about what we have observed. This in the sense that individual tie-variables typically need to... more
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      StatisticsRandom Graph TheoryCollaborative NetworksMissing Data
This chapter treats statistical methods for network evolution. It is argued that it is most fruitful to consider models where network evolution is represented as the result of many (usually non-observed) small changes occurring between... more
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      Stochastic ProcessMethod of MomentsEvolutionStatistical Modeling
The domatic number of a graph G is the maximum number of dominating sets into which the vertex set of G can be partitioned. We show that the domatic number of a random r-regular graph is almost surely at most r, and that for 3-regular... more
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      Random Graph TheoryPure MathematicsLower BoundArs Combinatoria
We introduce a general stochastic model for the spread of rumours, and derive mean-field equations that describe the dynamics of the model on complex social networks (in particular, those mediated by the Internet). We use analytical and... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsRandom Graph TheoryCritical phenomena
This paper focuses on the Internet IP-level routing topology and proposes relevant explanations to its apparent dynamics. We first represent this topology as a power-law random graph. Then, we incorporate to the graph two well known... more
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      Graph TheoryRoutingResource AllocationRandom Graph Theory
We present a decentralized cooperative exploration strategy for mobile robots. A roadmap of the explored area, with the associate safe region, is built in the form of a compact data structure, called Sensor-based Random Graph. This is... more
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      Random Graph TheoryData StructureMobile RobotCoordination Mechanisms
We study first passage percolation on the random graph G p (N ) with exponentially distributed weights on the links. For the special case of the complete graph, we show that this problem can be described in terms of a continuous time... more
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      EngineeringRandom Graph TheoryMathematical SciencesLimit Distribution
We study the distribution of optimal path lengths in random graphs with random weights associated with each link ͑"disorder"͒. With each link i we associate a weight i = exp͑ar i ͒, where r i is a random number taken from a uniform... more
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      EngineeringRandom Graph TheoryNeural NetworkNumerical Simulation
A critical role of social networks in labor markets has both intuitive appeal and attracted attention by the literature ; Yannis M. Ioannides and Linda D.
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      EconomicsRandom Graph TheoryLatin American Economic HistoryJob Search
Abstract. We define a cellular assignment graph to model the channel assignment problem in a cellular network where overlapping cell segments are included in the model. Our main result is the Capacity-Demand Theorem which shows a channel... more
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      Distributed ComputingRandom Graph TheoryWireless networksCellular Network
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsSocial NetworksMachine Learning
We consider the Internet at the level of its sub-networks (called Autonomous Systems, or ASes). Most previous studies have used the connection degree as the indicator variable to decompose the network into what one hopes will be nodes... more
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      Random Graph TheoryMultidisciplinaryComplex networkInternet Topology
We describe some new exactly solvable models of the structure of social networks, based on random graphs with arbitrary degree distributions. We give models both for simple unipartite networks, such as acquaintance networks, and bipartite... more
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      Social SupportRandom Graph TheoryMultidisciplinarySocial Structure
Biological and social networks have recently attracted enormous attention between physicists. Among several, two main aspects may be stressed: A non trivial topology of the graph describing the mutual interactions between agents exists... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsStatistical MechanicsThermodynamicsRandom Graph Theory
This paper focuses on how to extend the exponential random graph models to take into account the geographical embeddedness of individuals in modelling social networks. We develop a hierarchical set of nested models for spatially embedded... more
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      SociologyAnthropologySocial NetworksRandom Graph Theory
Let G = (V, E) a graph and L (vi) a set of colors associated to every node vi V. A list coloring of G is an assignment of a color c (vi )  L (vi ) to every node of V so that no two adjacent nodes are assigned the same color. Significant... more
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      Random Graph TheoryHeuristic algorithm