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The paper studies the active formation of transboundary regional linkages created by cross-border regions along the European-Russian border. International regionalism is a phenomenon that did not exist during the Soviet era, since “its... more
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      International LawInternaional Relations
Review of The History of US-Japan Relations: From Perry to the Present (2017). Makoto Iokibe (Ed.). Tosh Minohara (Trans.). Journal of International and Global Studies, 10.1, Dec. 2018. pp. 217-218.
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      American HistoryJapanese HistoryHistory of US-Japan RelationsUS occupations of Japan and Okinawa
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      EgyptInternational Economic RelationsIndiaInternaional Relations
As states seek to strengthen their national security and exercise political influence, cyber capabilities are rapidly becoming an instrument of state power. States have started integrating computer network operations in their military... more
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      Strategic StudiesAsia Pacific RegionComputer SecurityCyber Security
Development Challenges, South-South Solutions is the monthly e-newsletter of the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation in UNDP ( It has been published every month since 2006. Its sister publication,... more
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      GlobalizationSustainable DevelopmentInternational Political EconomyUnited Nations
Günümüzde devletler, kendi güvenlik altyapılarını, ekonomilerini ve diğer bütün varlıklarını savunmak amacıyla askeri ve siber alanda caydırıcılığı etkili bir araç olarak kullanmaktadırlar. Siber saldırılar, her ne kadar nükleer alanda... more
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      Cyber SecurityInternaional RelationsSiber GüvenlikCyber Deterrence
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    • Internaional Relations
ÖZ Orta gelir tuzağı en basit haliyle ülkelerin orta gelir seviyesine gelmeleri ile birlikte ekonomik büyüme eğilimlerinde yaşanan tıkanma durumudur. Ülkeler orta gelir düzeyinden yüksek gelir sınıfına geçebilmek için milli ekonomilerinde... more
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      Higher EducationInternational Political EconomyInternaional RelationsMiddle-income Trap
An examination of the logic of foreign intervention into the Syrian opposition, through the categories of class and social networks.
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      Social NetworksPolitical IslamClass AnalysisInternaional Relations
תכנית המרחב האסיאני מציעה הזדמנות יחודית לסטודנטים מצטיינים להצטרף ללימודים מתקדמים רב-תחומיים ובין-אוניברסיטאיים ברמת המאסטר (במסלול מחקרי בלבד) והדוקטורט המתמקדים ביבשת אסיה. תכנית המרחב האסיאני משותפת לאוניברסיטת חיפה ולאוניברסיטה... more
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      HistoryAsian StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsMiddle East Studies
An investigation into the international theory of historical materialism and its application to case studies abroad.
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      International Relations TheoryDialectical MaterialismHistorical MaterialismKarl Marx
El propósito de esta investigación, tiene como objetivo conocer las experiencias de la socialización del Modelo Educativo por Competencias en la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Administración Pública. Durante el año de 2010 se realizaron... more
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      EducationEducation PolicyHigher Education ManagementTICs aplicadas a la Educacion
The 1923 Draft Rules on Aerial Warfare proposed regulations on aerial bombing. These Rules were also the first text intended to become an international treaty that mentioned civilians as a specific category of non-combatants. The civilian... more
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      International RelationsInternational LawLegal HistoryWar Studies
Falhas de mercado: a cooperação sul-sul entre Brasil e Moçambique Market failures: the South-South cooperation between Brazil and Mozambique Resumo O presente artigo tem por objetivo, primeiramen-te, fazer uma apresentação teórica dos... more
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    • Internaional Relations
1 | Page In this short research paper, we are trying to find out the answer to the question whether culture in the local country, Cambodia, really has greater impact on the economic growth. The concerning topic remains debatable for so... more
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      International Economics and Development EconomicsInternaional Relations
An outline of the process is provided. The purpose of this writing is to encourage and harness the positive potential of the human mind.
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      PsychologyApplied PsychologyPositive PsychologyMathematics
An interview with Thomas Nail and Alison Mountz on the history of the current migration crisis, by Ryan McCarrel at the Accidental Geographer.
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      Critical TheoryHistoryEuropean HistoryCultural History
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      Border StudiesInternaional Relations
States attempt to achieve their national interests in peaceful manner through the diplomatic negotiation. Diplomatic negotiation is a process which was based on domestic and global politics. Effectiveness of the diplomatic negotiation... more
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      Conflict ResolutionDiplomatic RelationsInternaional RelationsDiplomatic Negotiations
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      Discourse AnalysisEuropean Union PoliticsInternaional RelationsBrexit
This report argues that the UK should urge Turkey to ensure that its state of emergency declared under Article 15 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR; the Convention) remains temporary; that the emergency measures taken by... more
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      Human Rights LawInternational Human Rights LawTurkeyEuropean Convention of Human Rights
Wannsee Konferansı sözde "nihai çözüm" amaçlı yapılan bir konferanstı.
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      International RelationsGenocide StudiesInternaional RelationsSoykırım
'Presidential power' is a controversial concept of American politics. It has been evident how over time, presidents have obtained different amounts of power. This review will assess exactly how much power a president has in office and the... more
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      American StudiesAmerican PoliticsInternaional RelationsPresidential Powers
Terörist ve terör örgütü olarak bilinen kişi ve gruplar son yıllarda kahraman gibi gösterilmeye ve bu yönde haberler, çağrılar ve anmalar yapılmaya başlanmıştır. Uluslararası akademik camiada ün sahibi üniversiteler, dergiler, haber... more
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      Russian StudiesOttoman HistoryTerrorismArmenian Studies