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Protecting the cultural heritage of industrialisation, a major stage of human history observed over the past two centuries, should be a high priority for modern societies in order to comprehend their own formation. However, in Hungary,... more
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      Industrial HistoryIndustrial HeritageIndustrial ArchitecturePost-industrial landscapes
This paper analyses the conservation of the industrial heritage in the current society and the place that the memory of working class occupies in these kina of interventions. Museums of Industry are the best examples of conservation of... more
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      Industrial HeritageCultural Heritage ConservationIndustrial and Technique MuseumsPonferrada
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      Industrial HistoryIndustrial and Technique Museums
In the framework of Industrial and Technical Heritage, the case of Electro-Cerâmica, Candal, V.N. of Gaia, is presented. With origins in 1912, in a small workshop, it was established as LLC in 1919. It had a laboratory, canteen, medical... more
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      Cultural HeritagePreservationCultural IdentityArchitectural Preservation & Restoration
En el contexto de la educación integral y permanente los museos son considerados como una institución educativa y por ello se esfuerzan en ofrecer programas y actividades con una intención didáctica. Aunque es habitual referirse a estas... more
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      Museum EducationMuseums and Exhibition DesignPatrimonio IndustrialEducacion patrimonial
This paper presents the newly founded (2013) Industrial Gas Museum and a discussion concerning the relation between industrial heritage and the history of contemporary Athens.
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      Urban GeographyMuseum StudiesMuseumUrban History
The examples of Portuguese-speaking museums of industrial heritage can be considered in great diversity since the field itself has an interdisciplinary perspective. However, existing initiatives in Brazil and Portugal have characteristics... more
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      Museum StudiesIndustrial HeritageMuseumsArcheological Heritage
ERIH è l’acronimo di European Route of Industrial Heritage che sta per Itinerario Europeo del Patrimonio Industriale, una rete dei più importanti siti di archeologia industriale in Europa: dagli impianti di produzione dismessi ai parchi... more
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      Museum StudiesCultural HeritageMuseiIndustrial and Technique Museums
En el contexto de la educacion integral y permanente los museos son considerados como una institucion educativa y por ello se esfuerzan en ofrecer programas y actividades con una intencion educativa. Aunque es habitual referirse a estas... more
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      ArtMuseum EducationMuseums and Exhibition DesignPatrimonio Industrial
Dentro de los cambios que en estos últimos años se están produciendo en el sector turístico, destacan las ofertas de turismo cultural, siendo el turismo industrial una de sus manifestaciones. Se trata de un tipo de turismo que combina los... more
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      CataloniaEconomic SustainabilityIndustrial TourismIndustrial and Technique Museums
RESUMO Este texto apresenta reflexões sobre a musealização do patrimônio industrial enquanto uma possibilidade de preservação da história, memória industrial e seus vestígios materiais móveis. O artigo analisa o caso do Museu da Cidade do... more
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      Industrial HeritageMuseusPatrimonio IndustrialIndustrial and Technique Museums
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      Museum StudiesIndustrial HeritageMuseumsBiography of Objects
Traçam-se possíveis resultados de balanço crítico sobre os processos de patrimonialização e de salvaguarda de património industrial incidentes em territórios objecto de desindustrialização (Seixal e Tomar), ensaiando linhas de comparação... more
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      Heritage StudiesIndustrial HeritageHeritagisationIndustrial and Technique Museums
Dacosta, Arsenio. "De multis grandis acervus erit. Apuntes para una historia del coleccionismo corporativo en Vizcaya", in Rialia, museo de la industria [Catálogo]. Bilbao: Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales / Ayuntamiento... more
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      Industrial HeritageCollecting (Art)Patronage and collectingIndustrial and Technique Museums
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      Industrial DesignBeni CulturaliIndustrial MuseumStudi Di Conservazione Beni Culturali
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      Museum StudiesIndustrial HeritageIndustrial ArchaeologyMuseología
This paper analyses how the evolution of the railway sector and the changes brought by the railways are perceived and represented in the People’s Republic of China. In doing so, we focus on four railway collections (three of them... more
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      Museum StudiesChinese StudiesSemanticsIndustrial Heritage
Hoy comparto con vosotros este interesante artículo que me ha enviado Juan Manuel Cano, doctor en arqueología y especializado en arqueología industrial.
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      Industrial HistoryIndustrial HeritagePatrimonio IndustrialIronbridge Gorge