Industrial Safety
Most downloaded papers in Industrial Safety
Natural hazards, such as earthquakes, floods, storms, extreme temperatures, etc. can trigger fires, explosions and toxic or radioactive releases at hazardous installations and other infrastructures that process, store or transport... more
Seats are one of the most important components of vehicles and they are the place where professional driver spend most of their time. For example, according to Occupational Outlook Handbook by United State Department of Labor, the truck... more
Natural hazards, such as floods, landslides, or earthquakes, can trigger accidents in oil and gas pipeline transport or distribution systems which can cause damage or failure of system components and the subsequent release of toxic or... more
As standards of living generally improve across the globe, there is a corresponding change in people’s perception and acceptance of risk. The impact of natural hazards is an emerging threat to industrial facilities, pipelines, offshore... more
The fifth edition of the United Nations Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction (GAR) is being issued four years after the adoption of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030 (Sendai Framework). This... more
Bu çalışmada, endüstriyel kazalar ile ilgili bilgiler içeren uluslararası veri tabanlarında Türkiye'de meydana gelmiş endüstriyel kazalara ait bilgilerin hangi kapsamda yer aldığı araştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla, yaygın olarak kullanılan ve... more
Industrial operators have an important role to play in terms of reducing the probability of accidents by utilizing their awareness and understanding of the system and the situation during normal and abnormal operating conditions.... more
Natural disasters, such as earthquakes, floods, and landslides, can impact industrial installations that process or store hazardous materials, potentially causing major accidents with fires, explosions or toxic releases. Accidents of this... more
Natural-hazard triggered technological accidents (natechs) at industrial facilities have been recognized as an emerging risk. Adequate preparedness, proper emergency planning, and effective response are crucial for the prevention of... more
Seats are one of the most important components of vehicles and they are the place where professional driver spend most of their time. For example, according to Occupational Outlook Handbook by United State Department of Labor, the truck... more
Introduction.This article, based on statistical data analysis, detected that the ratio of registered accidents with fatal consequences to the total number of accidents in Ukraine is 100 times greater than the corresponding figure for the... more
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a young country that has great ambitious development plans for the future. One of those recent plans was to join the international commercial nuclear club. In addition to the nuclear industry, the... more
The article suggests the priority ways of improving the Occupational Safety and Health Management System (OSH MS) in the industrial complex of Ukraine based on the analysis of it’s functioning for the last five years. Analysis was carried... more
The article provided an interpretation of the integral components of the quantitative risk assessment criteria of danger, analyzed known methods for determining dangerous and harmful factors, and certification of workplaces on working... more
Industrial corporations around the world can be found who are proud of their safety records, safety achievements, and published their results on the Internet. Here are 34 companies who we found in 2015 searches that had important safety... more
The increase in size, automation and complexity of modern sociotechnical systems changed the dynamics of work environments and calls for new methodologies and metaphors towards safety of complex systems. Chemical, nuclear, and... more
Climate change is depended on generation of green house gas. Burning fossil fuel generates green house gas. Most of the energy needs of the world is met by burning fossil fuel. Renewable energy source is alternative energy source which do... more
The increase in size, automation and complexity of modern sociotechnical systems changed the dynamics of work environments and calls for new methodologies and metaphors towards safety of complex systems. Chemical, nuclear, and... more
Accidents are unexpected events resulting in unwanted or undesirable outcomes. Unwanted outcomes can include harm or loss to personnel, property, production or nearly anything that has some inherent value. These losses increase... more
Accidents are unexpected events resulting in unwanted or undesirable outcomes. All accidents need not cause loss. Depending up on the consequences, types of accidents are classified as near miss, first-aid injury, non-reportable injury,... more
E-waste is commonly termed as electronic waste. These wastes comprise of TVs, MP3 players, DVDs, mobile phones, laptops, etc. Hazardous materials are released due to this which harms the environment and affects human health. Currently,... more
The increase in size, automation and complexity of modern sociotechnical systems changed the dynamics of work environments and calls for new methodologies and metaphors towards safety of complex systems. Chemical, nuclear, and... more
The increase in size, automation and complexity of modern sociotechnical systems changed the dynamics of work environments and calls for new methodologies and metaphors towards safety of complex systems. Chemical, nuclear, and... more
The safety climate shows the attitude and general perception of the organization's management regarding safety. This study investigates the impact of safety training on the safety climate of operational employees working in the West Oil... more