Indian classical Dance (BhârataNatyam
Recent papers in Indian classical Dance (BhârataNatyam
Dance is a movement art, transmitted as an oral, or rather aural-visual, tradition. What then is the relationship of shastric texts on dance to the actual performance practice, with particular reference to Odissi dance? Shastric texts... more
In her book, "Indian Classical dance", Kapila Vatsyayan describes dance as the highest order of spiritual discipline, the enactment of which is symbolic of a ritual sacrifice of one's being to a transcendental order. The Natya-Shashtra, a... more
tesi inglese: n.d. Relatore: Alberto Pelissero Coautore: n.d. Correlatore: n.d. Data presunta laurea: n.d. Eventuali note: n.d. Data consegna on line della tesi: 26/10/2015
The intention of this article on the discord that exists in the form of parochial North-South divide which dancers feel separates them on one hand, and on the other hand the negligence towards the seminal content of abhinaya. The... more
In RETROSPECT - forty years' immersion in South India as a student, scholar, dancer, teacher and designer. Reinventing oneself again and again by crossing borders, academic paradigms and formal disciplines. Reflexive Essay commissioned by... more
The article focuses on the ancient multivalent connections between dance and sculpture, in India
Abstract The following paper was presented at the International Conference on Language , Literature and Culture held in Pune in 2014 Dec The art of dance in the context of Bharatanatyam (earlier sadir or dasiattam) was traditionally a... more
Seminararbeit 2003 Downloaden und kommentieren unter Der gemeinnützige Verein textfeld setzt sich für die Online-Publikation akademischer Texte ein. Mehrmals monatlich läßt textfeld von den... more
They were the women public performers who were repositories of Indian Performing Arts only to be marginalized as prostitutes in the making of Classical Dance and Music. Their identity and the world today an exotic commodity as the subject... more
This is one chapter of a volume I edited including chapters by prominent dancer/scholars of other classical Indian dance genres ISBN 9788182903647 Classical Indian aesthetics use human love (Shringar Rasa) as the closest metaphor to... more
In my earlier article on Tanjore Gnyana (In Search of Gnyana, the Prettiest Dancer in Tanjore) I was concerned with making the case that certain pictorial and textual links had worked to associate a number of photographs, found at several... more
Abstract The ancient text Naṭyaśāstra remains to be the most referred text to understand the ancient concepts of Indian dance. Regarded as the most ancient text on dramaturgy (1st century B.C.E), the total theatre experience as mentioned... more
“Now, for objective adjustment in the physical world, Shiva propounded song, dance and instrumental music in such a manner so that it would directly vibrate the ectoplasm, so that the ectoplasmic movement converges into one point touching... more
This paper seeks to problematize the current state of Indian classical dance and its relation to religion in the Canada-based Indian diaspora, with a special focus on Toronto and Montreal. Using data from the early stages of my PhD... more
Gemeinschaftliche und individuelle Erfahrungen in den Bereichen der Kunst und der Religion werden oft als »unaussprechlich« erlebt und beschrieben, als unmittelbar und gleichzeitig, als schwankend und flüchtig. Sie überschreiten die... more
The use of the classical dance form of bharatanatyam by Catholic Christians has inspired vigorous resistance from Hindus and Christians alike. The most salient of these objections relate to the use of power. Some see this form of ministry... more
The present article (in English, summarised in Italian) begins with an overview of the ancient art of dance in India in its manifold aspects, moving onto its transformation – through the agency of international contacts – into new dance... more
In this essay I explore the connections between the temple-originated dance traditions of Andhra Pradesh, the hermeneutics of rasa articulated in both Tantric and alamkara contexts, and the reflections on the danced-body by contemporary... more
This article documents the discovery of photographs of Gnyana, the Tanjore dancer who performed for the Prince of Wales in the Royapuram Station hall in 1875.
Abstract The premise of my doctoral research is to ask how sacred Hindu iconography in traditional Indian classical dance might translate to secular, feminist performance. Similar to a choreographic design, the practical creative work and... more
«A Vedic Glance at La Bayadère». [English abstract at the end of the article] The paper analyses a philological reconstruction of the ballet (La Scala Theatre, Milan, 2006) and through a theorical and technical knowledge of Indian... more
I templi dell'India meridionale presentano complessi programmi iconografici in cui molto spazio è dato alla danza. Nei rilievi così come nei dipinti o nelle figure isolate, troviamo la rappresentazione delle posizioni della danza, fino a... more
Exploring recent developments in Indian Classical Dance the article explores all kinds of issues including those related to the phenomenon of virtual transmission capsules and modules of workshop culture. Another version of this elaborate... more
Photography began to be popularized in India in the 1850s, and from that time photographic studies for various purposes, professional, commercial and official, began to be commissioned by a variety of instances. They were used for... more
As classical dancers and popular singers who occupy the public domain, the female protagonists in Narayan's The Guide (1958), Anita Desai's Journey to Ithaca (1995), and Salman Rushdie's The Ground beneath Her Feet (1999) appear to be... more
I am discussing recent burning issues related to the treatment of margam in terms of the content and form which will bring forth varying perspectives and my analysis of these perspectives . The following paper was presented in a seminar... more
The following is my dissertation for M.A. dance submitted in the year 2000. It tries to understand concepts related to Angika ( body lanuage/vocabulary) explained in the Natyasastra and post Natyasastra texts and its ultimate evolution... more
Nello specifico l’Abhinayadarpaṇa è un compendio del Bharatārṇava, un’altra opera dedicata all’arte della danza e attribuita allo stesso autore, Nandikeśvara. In alcune edizioni del nostro testo questa tradizione è esemplificata da un... more
My text entitled Devotional Hindu Dance: A Return to the Sacred is now published with Palgrave MacMillan. I felt called to pen this text to explain how the history of Hindu dance and colonization caused Hindu dance to move from sacred to... more
A short presentation and partition of Bharatanatyam in French, for Third Cycle diploma in Benesh movement notation at CNSMDP, 2010. Notation of a Pushpanjali choreographed by Bindu Jayabalan.
In her article "Towards a Framework of a Semiotics of Dance" Nicoleta Popa Blanariu constructs a framework of based on de Saussure's, Peirce's, and Barthes's thought. She applies Ferdinand de Saussure's concept of semiosis defined as a... more
This article examines the pictorial data associated with exhibitions of Indian dance in the Jardin d'Acclimatation in Paris in the first decade of the 20th century. It also analyses some important aspects of the presentation of these... more
This article addresses the problematic field of scattered photographic images of hereditary dancers and works to demonstrate the anonymity to which they were subjected in pictorial depictions, especially in the late 19th century.
The renowned Kathak dancer Damayanti Joshi's life was one of intricate balances on a tightrope. She shared a deep friendship with Shanno Khurana. This article records some of her reminisces.
This Essay is my first international publication (Journal of Tamil Studies, 19, 1981) based on an MA Paper in partial completion of the MA Indian Languages and Cultures at Utrecht University, The Netherlands, 1979. 'VIRALI' analyses and... more
The paper was presented in the "Ageing, Ageism, Cultures" conference held at Jadavpur University, Centre of Advanced Studies, under the UGC-CAS (phase III) programme, between 21st and 22nd of September, 2017. It proposes to discuss the... more
The article explores the pictorial 'silence' in which the musician-dancers captured in the photographs seem trapped in retrospective analysis.
The dancer represented in the three photographs with which I deal in this brief article remains unnamed, nor can we be sure as to the exact year in which she was photographed, probably in a photographic studio in Madras. Her case is... more
In both the factual & the fictitious worlds of the Indian community, a Gender imbalance has been noted in the creation, and transmittance of Bharathanatyam. Identifying Bharathanatyam as one of the eight Classical dance forms of India,... more