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      Information RetrievalMultilingualismClassification SchemesIndexing Languages
The theoretical model proposed in the research intends to present the Terminology of the knowledge’s field, to be represented by the Information System, like a referential for the production and compatibility of the Documentary Languages... more
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      Controlled VocabulariesThesaurusTerminologiaIndexing Languages
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    • Indexing Languages
Indexing languages have traditionally been an essential tool for organizing and retrieving documental information. The inclusion of indexing languages into the digital environment leads to new frontiers, but also new opportunities. This... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation ManagementInformation SocietyIndexing (Information Organisation)
Indexing languages have traditionally been an essential tool for organizing and retrieving documental information. The inclusion of indexing languages into the digital environment leads to new frontiers, but also new opportunities. This... more
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      Information ManagementIndexing (Information Organisation)Multimedia Indexing and SearchingIndexing Languages
The vocabulary between linguistics and information science. This paper explores the relationships between natural language lexicons in lexical semantics and thesauri in information retrieval research. These different areas of knowledge... more
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      Information ScienceVocabularyLinguisticsLexicon
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      Computer ScienceInformation ManagementInformation SocietyIndexing (Information Organisation)
Ontogenic analysis is the process of following a subject through an indexing language. There are many open questions about the power of this method, but more and more people find it useful.
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      Indexing (Library Science)OntogenyIndexingIndexing Languages
Abstract: Indexing languages have traditionally been an essential tool for organizing and retrieving documental information. The inclusion of indexing languages into the digital environment leads to new frontiers, but also new... more
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      Information ManagementIndexing (Information Organisation)Multimedia Indexing and SearchingIndexing Languages
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      Computer ScienceInformation ManagementInformation SocietyIndexing (Information Organisation)
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      Controlled VocabulariesThesaurusTerminologiaIndexing Languages
The management systems developed for the web, using metadata, enables efficient maintenance of large amounts of information. A controlled vocabulary as the one used by the Integrated Library System of the University of Sao Paulo... more
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      Knowledge organizationTerminologyLibrary and Information ScienceIndexing (Information Organisation)
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      Information ScienceSyntaxArtificial LanguageLinguistics