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Un des grands enjeux pour les bibliothèques et archives numériques aujourd’hui est celui de permettre à tout usager une appropriation active de leurs fonds textuels et, plus particulièrement, audiovisuels. Appropriation active veut bien... more
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      Ontology (Computer Science)Indexing (Information Organisation)Multimedia Indexing and SearchingDigital Archives
This book tries to offer bases to facilitate to students of cataloguing and indexing the use of Spanish cataloging rules. It presents the rules and remarks their practical and methodological aspects.
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      Indexing (Information Organisation)CatalogingIndexing (Library Science)
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      Information SystemsComputer ScienceSoftware EngineeringRelational Database
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    • Indexing (Information Organisation)
Indexar é construir representações do conteúdo do documento de forma que sua inclusão possa ser recuperada em algum tipo de base de dados.
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      ArchivesLibrary and Information ScienceIndexing (Information Organisation)Indexing (Library Science)
Indexing languages have traditionally been an essential tool for organizing and retrieving documental information. The inclusion of indexing languages into the digital environment leads to new frontiers, but also new opportunities. This... more
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      Information ManagementIndexing (Information Organisation)Multimedia Indexing and Searching
Thanks to a grant of the Nordrhein-Westfälische Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Künste, the Bielefeld University has started a project of fifteen years length (2015–2030) which includes the critical edition of Niklas Luhmann’s extant... more
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural HistorySociologyCultural Studies
Resumo: A indexação é a representação do conteúdo dos documentos por meio da transcrição de uma linguagem natural em linguagem documentária. Para o desenvolvimento da atividade, deve-se elaborar procedimentos de indexação nos quais se... more
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      ArchivesLibrary and Information ScienceIndexing (Information Organisation)Indexing (Library Science)
Entity resolution, also known as data matching or record linkage, is the task of identifying and matching records from several databases that refer to the same entities. Traditionally, entity resolution has been applied in batch-mode and... more
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      Entity ResolutionIndexing (Information Organisation)Entity MatchingEntity and Identity Resolution
“发展中的世界索引事业”国际学术研讨会暨2018年中国索引学会年会,复旦大学 2018.10.19
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    • Indexing (Information Organisation)
Abstract: Presents the methodology of indexing with images based on Saussure’s semiology and Peirce’s semiotics theory. So, it is explained how the traditional indexing mechanisms are related to the words of the language,... more
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      SemioticsIndexing (Information Organisation)
Accreditation bodies call for curriculum development processes open to all stakeholders, reflecting viewpoints of students, industry, university faculty and society. However, communication difficulties between faculty and non-faculty... more
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      Computer ScienceGraph TheoryHigher EducationIndexing (Information Organisation)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal conhecer, de modo detalhado, o perfil profissional dos bibliotecários escolares do Brasil, Espanha e Portugal. Nesse sentido, foram definidos três objetivos específicos: a) conhecer o marco legal... more
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      Library and Information ScienceIndexing (Information Organisation)
Indexing languages have traditionally been an essential tool for organizing and retrieving documental information. The inclusion of indexing languages into the digital environment leads to new frontiers, but also new opportunities. This... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation ManagementInformation SocietyIndexing (Information Organisation)
Abstract: The continuous information explosion through the Internet and all information sources makes it necessary to perform all information processing activities automatically in quick and reliable manners. In this paper, we proposed... more
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      Indexing (Information Organisation)Automatic Text SummarizationInformation ProcessingArabic Language
This paper presents a comparison of two previous and separate efforts to develop an ontology in the engineering design domain, together with an ontology proposal from which ontologies for a specific application may be derived. The... more
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      Computer ScienceOntologyDesign TheoryIndexing (Information Organisation)
Indexing languages have traditionally been an essential tool for organizing and retrieving documental information. The inclusion of indexing languages into the digital environment leads to new frontiers, but also new opportunities. This... more
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      Information ManagementIndexing (Information Organisation)Multimedia Indexing and SearchingIndexing Languages
Games are increasingly recognized for their educational potential. However, when used as a learning resource, games can differ substantially from other educational media. They often combine high-fidelity audio and video content with... more
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      OntologySerious GamesMetadataClustering and Classification Methods
This study investigated use and user satisfaction of eresources among Baze University undergraduates, in which the total population of students is about 1000 distributed among four (4) fully functional Faculties which include Management... more
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      CataloguingIndexing (Information Organisation)Digital LibraryICT Applications in Libraries
Βασικές έννοιες - όροι και ορισμοί εννοιών - πρότυπα - εφαρμογή - παραδείγματα Basic concepts - terms and definitions of concepts - standards - application - examples Indexes and vocabularies. Lecture at Dept. of Archives, Library... more
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      Library ScienceVocabularyTerminologyIndexing (Information Organisation)
Asked to edit and critically review the exchange between philosopher Rafael Capurro and Linda Treude on the concept of information, the below linked document presents the final version of the exchange, including my contributions to copy... more
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      Critical TheoryInformation SystemsSemioticsCultural History
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      Cultural StudiesInformation RetrievalPrint CultureMedia and Cultural Studies
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      Computer ScienceInformation ManagementInformation SocietyIndexing (Information Organisation)
Accreditation bodies call for curriculum development processes open to all stakeholders, reflecting viewpoints of students, industry, university faculty and society. However, communication difficulties between faculty and non-faculty... more
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      Computer ScienceGraph TheoryHigher EducationIndexing (Information Organisation)
The Greek Reference Index for the Social Sciences and Humanities (GRISSH) is a service that collects, documents, stores and, where possible, provides access to peer-reviewed publications in the Social Sciences and the Humanities (SSH) by... more
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      ReferenceDigital HumanitiesDocumentationOpen Access
Games are increasingly recognized for their educational potential. However, when used as a learning resource, games can differ substantially from other educational media. They often combine high-fidelity audio and video content with... more
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      OntologySerious GamesMetadataClustering and Classification Methods
The continuous information explosion through the Internet and all information sources makes it necessary to perform all information processing activities automatically in quick and reliable manners. In this paper, we proposed and... more
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      Indexing (Information Organisation)Automatic Text SummarizationText CategorizationTexture Classification
Abstract: This paper presents an exploratory study of four children who were asked to use concept-mapping techniques to arrange 60 concepts in a hierarchical taxonomy. It represents a step towards better understanding children's... more
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      Participatory DesignIndexing (Information Organisation)Indexing (Library Science)
The paper describes an application of indexing—the technology currently widely used for processing and comparing textual information—to multi-dimensional entities of knowledge domains. We propose a model for building a frame-based... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceApplied OntologyKnowledge ManagementData Mining
Little attention has previously been paid to the use of controlled vocabularies and subject keywords for indexing archival finding aids in the UK. Qualitative and quantitative responses to a questionnaire of UK repositories concerning the... more
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      Information RetrievalInformation ManagementNext Generation Library CataloguesArchives
Indexing is the representation of documents' content through transcription of natural language to documentary language. Elaborating procedures of indexing in which criterias will be used by the indexers is necessary to the development... more
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      Computer ScienceArchivesLibrary and Information ScienceIndexing (Information Organisation)
Accreditation bodies call for curriculum development processes open to all stakeholders, reflecting viewpoints of students, industry, university faculty and society. However, communication difficulties between faculty and non-faculty... more
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      Computer ScienceGraph TheoryHigher EducationIndexing (Information Organisation)
Accreditation bodies call for curriculum development processes open to all stakeholders, reflecting viewpoints of students, industry, university faculty and society. However, communication difficulties between faculty and non-faculty... more
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      Computer ScienceGraph TheoryHigher EducationIndexing (Information Organisation)
Abstract: Indexing languages have traditionally been an essential tool for organizing and retrieving documental information. The inclusion of indexing languages into the digital environment leads to new frontiers, but also new... more
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      Information ManagementIndexing (Information Organisation)Multimedia Indexing and SearchingIndexing Languages
Modern database applications like geographic information systems, multimedia databases, and digital libraries dealing with huge volumes of high dimensional data, make use of multidimensional index structures. Among them,SR-tree has been... more
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    • Indexing (Information Organisation)
We consider the recently introduced monochromatic reverse top-k queries which ask for, given a new tuple q and a dataset D, all possible top-k queries on D union {q} for which q is in the result. Towards this problem, we focus on... more
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      Computational GeometryDatabase SystemsIndexing (Information Organisation)Top-K Queries
Most research into entity resolution (also known as record linkage or data matching) has concentrated on the quality of the matching results. In this paper, we focus on matching time and scalability, with the aim to achieve large-scale... more
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      Entity ResolutionIndexing (Information Organisation)Entity MatchingEntity and Identity Resolution
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      Computer ScienceInformation ManagementInformation SocietyIndexing (Information Organisation)
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      OntologySerious GamesMetadataClustering and Classification Methods
Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal conhecer, de modo detalhado, o perfil profissional dos bibliotecários escolares do Brasil, Espanha e Portugal. Nesse sentido, foram definidos três objetivos específicos: a) conhecer o marco legal... more
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      Library and Information ScienceIndexing (Information Organisation)
Most research into entity resolution (also known as record linkage or data matching) has concentrated on the quality of the matching results. In this paper, we focus on matching time and scalability, with the aim to achieve large-scale... more
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      Entity ResolutionIndexing (Information Organisation)Entity MatchingEntity and Identity Resolution
Games are increasingly recognized for their educational potential. However, when used as a learning resource, games can differ substantially from other educational media. They often combine high-fidelity audio and video content with... more
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      OntologySerious GamesMetadataClustering and Classification Methods
The "Study Skills Webinar Series " was funded, conceptualised, and produced by the Research Development Unit at Thammasat University's Faculty of Liberal Arts. Each short webinar can be viewed by following the YouTube link, and the PDF... more
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      PublishingElectronic publishingQualitative methodologyQualitative Methods
Résumé : Une forme particulière d’organisation de l’information s’est développée sur les intranets, en s’adaptant aux contraintes associées aux évolutions récentes de l’organisation du travail. À partir des données statistiques fournies... more
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      MetadataIndexing (Information Organisation)Web content managementIntranet
The management systems developed for the web, using metadata, enables efficient maintenance of large amounts of information. A controlled vocabulary as the one used by the Integrated Library System of the University of Sao Paulo... more
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      Knowledge organizationTerminologyLibrary and Information ScienceIndexing (Information Organisation)
The continuous information explosion through the Internet and all information sources makes it necessary to perform all information processing activities automatically in quick and reliable manners. In this paper, we proposed and... more
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      Indexing (Information Organisation)Text ClassificationText CategorizationText Summarization
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      DigitizationIndexing (Information Organisation)Digitisation Of Cultural HeritageMultimedia Indexing and Searching
The way that we interact with databases has changed. The ubiquitous textbook example of finding employees with salaries over 60K and ages under 30 no longer reflects a typical use case in modern applications; instead, users are interested... more
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      Indexing (Information Organisation)Top-K Queries